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"Give me a call"

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive October 2005: "Give me a call"
By Jackie on Wednesday, October 12, 2005 - 09:52 am:

Why do people always say this? Do you come across this with people/friends?
Ill run into friends in public, or chat with them on YahooIM or Msn IM..These are local friends. They will say "Hey give me a call sometime"...Why do people say that. Why do "I" have to call them. If they want to talk to me, why cant they pick up the phone and call me? Why is it that people always say "give me a call?"
Granted Im home alot, not like my schedule is all that busy. So its not like I cant call somebody. I call friends when I want too, if I have something to talk about, or just trying to catch up. So is "Give me a call" like somebody saying "How are you".. and not really caring what the answer is.

By Karen~moderator on Wednesday, October 12, 2005 - 10:17 am:

Yea, in my experience, I think it is. I've lost touch with old friends because they never call me and it's always up to me to call them to keep the friendship alive. At some point my feelings became hurt over it when I realized I never heard from them, for any reason, yet I made the effort to try to stay in touch and be there for them. Then I became angry, and my thoughts are, if I am that unimportant to them, and our friendship means that little, then it's not worth pursuing anymore. Now, when I run into that, I just let it roll off, and I know deep inside that I won't see or hear from that person again unless I just *happen* to run into them somewhere.

Life is short. The older you get, the harder it is to make new friendships. With busy schedules and jobs, the old ones are hard enough to maintain sometimes. If someone isn't willing to meet you halfway, or at least assume some of the responsibility of maintaining a friendship, perhaps you're better off leaving it alone.

I *do* have a few friends who I speak with very infrequently, though I'd like it to be more, but the infrequent calls seem to catch us up on each others' lives. However, at this point in my life, I want friendships that are close and meaningful, I want to know I can count on those friendships for support if I need it, just as I try to be there for them as well.

By Bobbie~moderatr on Wednesday, October 12, 2005 - 11:06 am:

Agreed!!! And I think it is just like a, "we should do something some time." If they were pressed about doing something they would set up a time to do it then and there, not a "some time"..

I have had friends that through time we have lost touch and then ran into each other and picked things back up. So I don't think that not seeing someone and then seeing them should mean not making contact but in the same sense, it should run both ways. No one person has all the free time to chase the other around. It takes two...

I think it is one of those courtesy things. Just like saying "oh hello, how have you been?" Often we don't really care but we are raised to say it out of habit.

By Missmudd on Wednesday, October 12, 2005 - 12:59 pm:

I sometimes say "call me sometimes" It is not that I cant call them, it is that I dont know what they are doing when, add to it that I dont know if they are sleeping in or whatever and I dont want to interupt an already hectic life. And my life is "AAAAGGRRRGGG!!!!" most of the time. So count me as a "guilty" but it isnt cause I dont care, or I feel like I have to be the center of the universe which I think sometimes of people who do say "call me" :)

By Debbie on Wednesday, October 12, 2005 - 03:51 pm:

You know, I have one friend that I say this to. It is really hard to reach her at home, she works and has a very busy schedule. So, since I am easier to reach, I tell her to call me. We actually ran into each other at church on Sunday and I told her to give me a call when she had a chance.

By Juli4 on Wednesday, October 12, 2005 - 05:34 pm:

I think that people say that because they want to keep up the relationship, but once the moment passes it is hard to do so. I think most people say it with good intentions and wanting to spend time together, but people have a hrad enough time spending time with their family let alone anyone else.
It is frustrating though when it seems that you are the only one keeping the relationship going.

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