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Do you decorate for Halloween?

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive October 2005: Do you decorate for Halloween?
By Jackie on Friday, October 7, 2005 - 03:59 pm:

Do you decorate for Halloween? I love Halloween, I always have. I loved it as a child and love it now. I dont really know why. I mean its not like I cant go out and by my kids candy LOL...
I love to decorate for Halloween. So far I have Window Clings on the windows in the living room and the front screen door. I have 3 hanging decorations outside, and some little knick knack type of stuff out. I still have a big box of decorations in the attic to get down. We havent gotten any real pumpkins yet. I like to wait on those, as not to have them rot if it gets hot outside.

By Dawnk777 on Friday, October 7, 2005 - 04:03 pm:

I always have red geraniums in the planter in front of my house. So, come fall, I buy little pumpkins to set out in front of the geraniums. It looks cool! That's about as much as I decorate. If you drive around my city, though, there are many people who decorate for Halloween, like it's Christmas, only with orange lights and Halloween-themed stuff.

By Kernkate on Friday, October 7, 2005 - 04:04 pm:

I love to decorate for all the holidays including Halloween. I just bought a ghost today for outside, it one of the inflatable ones 8ft tall. It was only $20 at Rite-Aid. I couldn't pass it up.

By Vicki on Friday, October 7, 2005 - 04:28 pm:

I LOVE decorating for fall! I have lots of things both inside and out! Just last weekend I set up a little thing with a couple bails of hay and pumpkins and mums! My porch has mums and a little scarecrow and a little wrought iron pumpkin with a light in it! LOVE it!!

By Kate on Friday, October 7, 2005 - 04:38 pm:

The big problem with decorating for Halloween is the color scheme. Orange, brown, and black....not my idea of pretty colors, nor do they match ANYthing in my house, OR outside my house.

That being said I do have a scarecrow and tipped over bushel baskets of gourds spilling out on the front porch, along with two small white friendly ghosts my family has purchased for my girls. Inside are a few fabric RUST colored pumpkins that better match my wine/hunter green family room. NOTHING in my pink/blue/sage living room except three small errant ghosts.

By Imamommyx4 on Friday, October 7, 2005 - 05:32 pm:

I decorate for fall. One because it is good thru Thanksgiving. And you can use reds, yellows, browns, etc in addition to the orange, brown and black, Much prettier.
And two I don't like all the ghost, witch and monster stuff.

By Yjja123 on Friday, October 7, 2005 - 05:38 pm:

Our front porch is decorated with 6 pumpkins in a row (fake ones--real ones rot quickly here). we have a 6' monster that is standing on the porch. In front, on the bushes, is spider web wrapped around a grave with tomb stones my kids made with funny sayings---here lies Mr Jones now he is just a bag of bones". We only decorate outside for Halloween.
The week after Halloween the Christmas tree will go up. We decorate it with apples, cinnamon dipped pinecones (makes house smell incredible), cranberry & popcorn strands. The day after Thanksgiving we add our Christmas ornaments. We celebrate "Thanksmas" on Thanksgiving with hubby's family (a combined Thanksgiving & Christmas celebration) so that is why we start earlier than most.

By Pamt on Friday, October 7, 2005 - 05:51 pm:

I typically put out a fall flag and do a little arrangement of gourds, indian corn, etc. in the house. That's it. I've never been a huge Halloween fan, even as a kid and I don't like fall colors either. In Missouri we had a big front porch and actually had a real fall, so I did a big display with hay bales, corn shocks, mums, a scarecrow, and pumpkins outside. Since we don't have fall in LA I just can't really get inspired. :(

By Coopaveryben on Friday, October 7, 2005 - 07:20 pm:

I love fall colors! I have fall flower arrangements I put out. I have some Dept. 56 Halloween figureens that I put out. I have a Dept 56 light up pumpkin I put out. I put a Halloween flag up outside. I put pumpkins, hay, scarecrow, mums out. I put plug in pumpkins in the boys rooms. I allow myself to buy something new that is nice every holiday so I can add it to the collection. I don't know if the kids notice it or not but I hope they do.

By Breann on Friday, October 7, 2005 - 08:57 pm:

I don't really care for halloween. Yeah, the kids dress up, we go trick or treating. We have a few decorations that we put out.

I love fall!! Just not halloween.

By Bea on Friday, October 7, 2005 - 10:40 pm:


By Enchens on Saturday, October 8, 2005 - 04:00 am:

I don't like the creepy stuff, I still get nightmares. I know, I'm a big baby. It even scares me to go to the stores and see their masks or displays so either I don't go, or I avoid those aisles. My husband has wondered about taking the kids out for Halloween, and he's asked about decorating, but I don't know...
I do, however, like decorating for fall. I wouldn't mind a scarecrow-if it had a smiley face.

By Enchens on Saturday, October 8, 2005 - 04:00 am:

I don't like the creepy stuff, I still get nightmares. I know, I'm a big baby. It even scares me to go to the stores and see their masks or displays so either I don't go, or I avoid those aisles. My husband has wondered about taking the kids out for Halloween, and he's asked about decorating, but I don't know...
I do, however, like decorating for fall. I wouldn't mind a scarecrow-if it had a smiley face.

By Luvn29 on Saturday, October 8, 2005 - 09:09 am:

Echens, I understand. But I wouldn't let that stop your husband from taking the kids trick-or-treating. I LOVE watching my kids go to different houses so excited to be getting candy that they could get anytime. And then go home and dump it all out and sort it to see what they got.

I will be so disappointed when they get a little older and aren't as excited.

To be honest with you, around here, you don't see a whole lot of creepy costumes and stuff when you go out. Most of the kids are wearing super hero costumes, or cartoon characters, or disney princesses, or witch costumes that are more cute than scary. You might see a few, but really, around here, it isn't a very scary night. Sometimes, if we are lucky, we will get to go to a couple of houses that are all decked out with scary Halloween stuff, the fog, scary music, a couple of adults in costumes, but not often.

By Tink on Saturday, October 8, 2005 - 11:40 am:

I love fall and would love to decorate more than I do. We love to decorate pumpkins and put out some decor, like gourds, hay and some autumn-ish flowers, but I don't do much specifically for Halloween.

By Kernkate on Saturday, October 8, 2005 - 12:22 pm:

Very nice Bea:)

By Debbie on Saturday, October 8, 2005 - 03:20 pm:

Yes, we love Halloween. It is my ds's favorite holiday besides Christmas. We put up all kinds of decorations in our yard and we also have lots of stuff in our entry way. I do miss living in Texas. But, it is nice to have fall. I just wish we could skip over winter and go right into spring!

By Sue3 on Saturday, October 8, 2005 - 08:16 pm:

I always *think* about decorating and the kids want to decorate I just have to get around to doing it.I have to get the winter clothes out yet and all that fun stuff and the end of the season garden vegetables have to be canned ect.ect.See something else always gets in the way .Hopefully this year I`ll get to it !!

By Missmudd on Saturday, October 8, 2005 - 10:18 pm:

I decked out the house last year, fog machine, lots of scary stuff, the whole bit. Kids were afraid to come to the door. I was going to dress up but the house was scary enough, I actually had to meet a few at the sidewalk cause they were that scared. Gonna do it again this year too :)

By Karen~moderator on Sunday, October 9, 2005 - 09:49 am:

I used to go all out for Halloween, it's always been one of my favorite times of the year. When we moved into this neighborhood, it was brand new, and within 2 years as it was built, it was 95% kids. When the kids were all younger, the entire neighborhood was *enchanting*, people really got into their decorations. Not so much anymore though.

I used to carve several pumpkins uing those Pumpkin Masters patterns. I LOVED THOSE!!!! I can't carve them anymore though. I miss having a cool pumpkin!

We used to put black and orange lights throughout the garden, and we also used to have a dummy on the porch, which was pretty realistic looking in the dark. We did different things each year, from things hanging out of the trees, to the bags that light the walkway, to spider webs all over the yard and porch, hanging spiders, screaming doormats, fog machines, etc. I had TONS of interior decorations as well.

I haven't decorated in a few years now. And this year, I guess due to the hurricanes, I have only seen one or two houses that HAVE decorated.

Halloween just isn't as much fun for me now that my own kids are grown, and that the neighborhood doesn't have a lot of young kids.

In my area, block parties are really popular for Halloween. Some smaller subdivisions block off the streets so the kids are safe. One year several of us had a party for the neighborhood kids including games, in my neighbor's garage. We had it decorated SO COOL! Then we took the kids trick or treating, and we all went back to the party. Around here, very often, many families will team up to do something really *big* for Halloween, in the way of decorations, displays, and scary things they do when trick or treaters arrive.

I miss all that.

By Nicki on Sunday, October 9, 2005 - 01:46 pm:

Lol, Missmudd! Hope you take pictures:-)

By Bellajoe on Sunday, October 9, 2005 - 03:22 pm:

When i was little we had probably the scariest house on the street. We didn't decorate the house for Halloween but my brothers put a strobe light on in the upstairs bedroom and we put on this Halloween scary sounds record and put the speakers on in the window, we only did this on Halloween night of course. The record had the creaking doors and screams and stuff. It was pretty intimidating looking! I was almost scared to trick or treat at my house! LOL One year my sister dressed as some spooky....thing. She had a cape on and white make up on so her face was super pale, then she put dark lipstick on and a cape with a hood. My brother put some stuff on his body to look really dirty and put raggedy clothes on. He was some sort of mad man. I think my sister had him on a chain! LOL
They hid in front of the car in the drive way and scared the kids when they came to the door......of course they didn't show themselves to the little little ones. I was so embarassed at the time, but now i think it is hilarious.

NOW however, i really just decorate for the fall. I have a scare crow in the front and a little sign that says "trick or treat". We will get our pumpkins in a few weeks. I have a few fake pumpkins inside but that is about it.

By Kateg on Tuesday, October 11, 2005 - 05:20 pm:

I decorate for fall & Halloween...inside & out. I've still got to get our stuffed guy out on the front porch.

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