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Do you have a TV in your room?

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive October 2005: Do you have a TV in your room?
By Reds9298 on Friday, October 7, 2005 - 10:57 am:

I was talking with some friends about this the other day and realized NONE of them have TV's in the master bedroom. We've always had a TV in our room and I guess I thought everyone did! LOL Ours is like a 27" in a large armoire. Dh and I have always watched a favorite show together before we go to bed. It's just something we do I guess. We also have a stereo in there, satellite,dvd, and vcr. Are we weirdos? LOL

Do you have a TV in your bedroom?

By Melanie on Friday, October 7, 2005 - 10:59 am:

Yes, we do have a tv in our room. No stereo, dvd or vcr though. :)

By Kate on Friday, October 7, 2005 - 11:03 am:

Nothing electronic in our room except a clock radio.

By Andi on Friday, October 7, 2005 - 11:09 am:

Yes we do and I LOVE it, we also have a VCR for DS to watch movies in our bed abd a radio/alarm clock! :)

By Pamt on Friday, October 7, 2005 - 11:10 am:

Nope. We decided before we got married that our bedroom would only be used for 2 of them is sleep. :)

We watch TV in the den. Our kids will never have a TV in their rooms either, but that's for totally different reasons.

Don't have a TV in our room and never will. We do want to get a stereo in there though.

By Boxzgrl on Friday, October 7, 2005 - 11:12 am:

Nope! We used to but I didn't want one anymore. Kaitlyn won't ever be allowed to have one in her room. I have her trained right now to where she only watches about 2-3 hours of tv a week. I've always heard that tv's not in a room gave it more of a relaxing feel. I was just sick of one in our room because we never watched it. We have one tv in the house and I hope it stays like that, lol!

By Lorebunde on Friday, October 7, 2005 - 11:20 am:

Yes, we do. I have a friend who didn't and a friends sister who wouldn't "allow" one and could never understand why?

By Kernkate on Friday, October 7, 2005 - 11:27 am:

Yes we do with a DVD player. I love it that me and DH can watch TV and snuggle.:)
My kids also have one in their rooms. Brett has his playstation hooked up. And Alissa never watches hers because she watches it in the Family room.
Guess once again its a personal decision.

By Tink on Friday, October 7, 2005 - 11:32 am:

We don't. I don't ever want one and we won't allow our kids to have one in their rooms either. I want to be able to monitor what they watch and not give them a reason to veg out without any interaction with the family and I don't think I'd see much of my dh if we were watching tv in different rooms each night. TV just isn't important enough to us to need several of them in our home.

By Christylee on Friday, October 7, 2005 - 11:53 am:

Nope, never have never will... Neither will my son. My dad used to be in their bedroom all the time watching tv while we were doing other things around the house. I decided as a teenager that I wouldn't allow it in my bedroom or my childrens'.

By Hlgmom on Friday, October 7, 2005 - 11:53 am:

We do have one in the bedroom- but only because Dh insists! Kids will definetely NEVER have one in their rooms! We both agree on that! :)

By Dawnk777 on Friday, October 7, 2005 - 11:54 am:

When DH and I got married, we both had a tv, so one went in the living room and one went in the bedroom. We have had one in the bedroom, ever since. We miss it, if the tv is in for service, too. I like to watch a little tv, before I go to bed. DH works until 1am, or later, so I'm usually going to bed by myself. No vcr, or dvd player, though. Sometimes, we wish we had them in their, too, for when there are two shows one would like to tape.

No tvs in the kids rooms. 2 is probably enough. We only have cheap cable, since we spend more time on the internet, than watching tv.

By Luvn29 on Friday, October 7, 2005 - 12:04 pm:

We have a television in our living room, our bedroom, and in a bedroom downstairs.

It has never been an issue with us. My kids would much rather play outside or play with each other or their toys than watch television. Most of the time, the one in their bedroom isn't even on. They would rather be playing in the upstairs bedroom that doesn't have a television. It is good for when there is a movie they would like to watch that dh and I don't want to watch.

The one in our bedroom has never been an issue either. My husband and I have never watched seperate shows in seperate rooms.... We use it to watch television at night when we want to lie down and relax together and watch something. Actually, I think we get more "together time" watching television in there than in the living room. At least in there, we are lying together, usually with physical contact. In the living room, most of the time, we are sitting in different chairs.

Just because we have three televisions doesn't mean all we do is veg out in front of them. I think my kids would want to watch more of it if I limited it and made it something off limits. This way, it seems like nothing special.

By Jtsmom on Friday, October 7, 2005 - 12:33 pm:

We have one in our bedroom. We love to watch our favorite shows together. My son also has one in his room, but probably only watches about 1 hour a day. He love to play outside. I dread winter coming. We have never made T.V. a big deal either and I think that that's why it isn't.

By Jackie on Friday, October 7, 2005 - 01:10 pm:

YES, I LOVE my tv in my bedroom. Its the only time I truley get to relax and watch tv after all 3 kids are in bed. We have a big screen tv downstairs in the living room, and I hate it. I dont think the picture quality is good, so I hardly watch tv down here at all. My favorite time of day is when the last child goes to bed(Which is Faith)and I get to crawl in bed and watch tv. Sometimes I only last 5 minutes before Im out. We have TIVO in the bedroom , and all my favorites are taped. There is always something for me to watch.
Me and dh never go to bed at the same time, I always go to bed first. I watch my shows in the bedroom at night, and he watches his shows down here. I do not like his shows, so this works well for us.
Both my kids have tv's in their room. The rule in this house is no tv's on before school, and no tv's on after 7pm. So far they have never broken the rules with their tvs.

By Enchens on Friday, October 7, 2005 - 01:18 pm:

No, we don't...yet. My husband keeps trying to convince me that we need a large flat screen for the living room, and the large tv set we already have would go into the office, and it would be a waste to have the small flat screen one that is already in the office go to waste so...why not in our bedroom! He's still not convinced me.
I'm also not comfortable with television sets in the childrens' bedrooms. Neither my husband nor I had them growing up. But interestingly, both of our parents had and still have one in their bedrooms.

By Reds9298 on Friday, October 7, 2005 - 01:46 pm:

Dd will never have a TV in her room either, but we're not kids! Seems like this has turned into a discussion about kids and TV's in their bedrooms. Not my intention! :) Just wondered if other ADULTS had one in *their* rooms.

Kernkate - That's what we do...snuggle, talk, and watch! :)

By Cybermommyx4 on Friday, October 7, 2005 - 01:48 pm:

We have one in our bedroom, but we don't usually watch it unless we are very tired and trying to finish watching a movie, lol! I mostly use it (with VCR) to record my soaps to watch on the weekends or when DH works late nights. Doesn't interfere AT ALL with *our time*....Our kids have one in their play area (which is used mostly for video games)....the teens have TVs in their rooms - DS (17) uses his for game systems and digital music channels. DD (14) rarely uses hers unless she has a friend over and they watch a DVD or something. They are both too busy with school, work, and sports. As one of the other moms said, TV is nothing special around here - just something to use when/if you want it. All of us would rather spend time together as a family *when* we are all here together, and we do :)

By My3cuties on Friday, October 7, 2005 - 02:51 pm:

No never ever! That is not what the bedroom is for. We have one T.V. and that is in the livingroom, & if we had a den it would be in there and the baby grande would be in the livingroom. That's how it will be when we get our house.

By Colette on Friday, October 7, 2005 - 02:53 pm:

No tv, but we do occasionally watch dvd's on the laptop in bed.

By Kaye on Friday, October 7, 2005 - 04:17 pm:

Yes! And couldn't live with out it. We actually have more electronics in our room than any other room in the house! The DVR is in there, the only one in the house. We have an open floor plan and I like to watch what I like, but the aren't shows for kids (csi, deperate housewives, etc) so if we watch in the family room the kids can see or watch it all from the loft/game room. We have several tv's, one upstairs for the kids, one set up for karoke only upstairs, one in the kitchen, one in the family room, one in the study, and one in the bathroom :) Nothing makes me relax better than a nice long tubby with a favorite show on :) As much as I love my shows, the tv is on suprising little at my house, it is 3 o clock and it hasn't been on yet today and probably won't until after 9 tonight. dh and I have several shows we watch together (survivor) and when he travels on business I will call him and we will "watch" together. I think the important thing is that you have time with your spouse in a way that pleases both of you. We live in our bedroom, it is used for much more than 2 things *S*. It is my favorite room of the house.

By Mom2three1968 on Friday, October 7, 2005 - 04:36 pm:

Yes, we have a tv in our room too, dh likes to watch his programs louder than I do, personally I think he needs his hearing checked but he doesn't think so. We both watch different type programs, action movies, star trek, military history, I like my lifetime, hgtv, a&e, etc..... Sometimes the children and I watch an old movie in our room.

By Amecmom on Friday, October 7, 2005 - 07:18 pm:

Yes, we do. We watch it for about 5 minutes before turning out the light, or occasionally on a Sunday morning, I'll flip through channels and laugh at infomercials. We have a vcr and dvd player, too, but never use them.

By Coopaveryben on Friday, October 7, 2005 - 07:23 pm:

No, we don't even have cable anymore. We used to have one in there and we would fall asleep watching it. I would love to shove all the tv's out the door.

By Annie2 on Friday, October 7, 2005 - 07:30 pm:

Yes, we have one in our master bedroom. I have my Tivo, dvd and vcr, too. I love watching my shows after the kids go to bed. I often fall asleep watching and I hate falling asleep on the couch.

I also watch movies in my room because they are usually not appropriate for the kids to see or hear. I also like to watch GMA while getting dressed.

By Dawnk777 on Friday, October 7, 2005 - 08:44 pm:

Well, the cable connecting thingie on our bedroom tv has been dying. DH bought a new coaxial cable to hook up to it today and we still had the same problem, with the picture deteriorating, so we went and bought a new tv, today! It has a built-in dvd player, which my daughter is looking forward to using, when DH and I are watching a movie downstairs.

Toshiba TV with DVD

The only bad thing? We don't have a minivan, or something like that, so we are having them deliver it and they can't deliver it until Tuesday! Argh! Can you see my kids and I all sprawled on the bed Tuesday evening watching TV, with the dog? LOL! Good thing we have a queen-sized bed!

By Breann on Friday, October 7, 2005 - 08:51 pm:

We do, and we love it! I always said I never would. Just wanted to use the bedroom for "other things". Then reality set in.

It's so nice that when about 10pm rolls around, we turn everything off and go to our room. We usually watch the 10 o clock news and then go to bed. It's in an armoire, which closes, so it's only visable when we are watching it.

I love having it in there when someone is sick. Very convenient.

No one watches it during the day, unless of course there is a sickie in the house!

And, one last thing, it was great when we had babies. Up every few hours, trying to stay awake long enough to feed and diaper. The tv made it much more interesting and easier to stay awake.

My kids don't have a TV in their room. Our plan is to not allow them to ever have one.

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