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Need christmas ideas for my mom....

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive October 2005: Need christmas ideas for my mom....
By Mom2three1968 on Sunday, September 25, 2005 - 04:48 pm:

I could use some ideas for my mom. Let me give you some background, mom just lost dad last year, actually one year ago today from a massive stroke. She lives alone, unable to drive, is a diabetic and is legally blind. She can see enough to get around and function in her everyday life but cannot get out anymore like she used to unless someone takes her. I live out of state and she lives in Pa, luckily she has my sister and her family that live just steps away, and another family that live across the street that help her. We are going home for christmas this year and I am at a loss what to get her, I want to put some real thought into it and get her something she'll love and could really use too. Any gift websites or ideas you have pass them along, I'd really appreciate it.

By Annie2 on Sunday, September 25, 2005 - 05:08 pm:

Books on tape, once a month dessert/fruit delivery, once/twice a month Merry Maids, small bird to give her something to care for, picture frame with recorded message, one on one time with you when you are there.

I'm sure you'll get some great ideas! I hope this helps a bit. :)

By Yjja123 on Sunday, September 25, 2005 - 05:45 pm:

Some of the best (most successful) gifts we have given my parents have involved spending time together. A few things we have given them:
A cruise (we all went together--we surprised them when they visited)
A local theatre membership
Dinner gift certificates
They are coming here in a month. All year long I have given them gift certificates to things we can do while they are here...dinner out on a dinner cruise, a day at Flamingo Gardens, a day out at Billy Swamp Safari, etc. This covers the cost of everything we will be doing (they are on a limited budget) and we get to spend quality time together. You mentioned you will be with her over the holidays, how about taking her to her favorite restaurant? What did she like doing before she had limited mobility? Maybe a fun day out will be the best gift--and it will certainly be something she thinks back on once you have to return home.
Good luck!

By Marg on Saturday, October 1, 2005 - 09:51 am:

Love all the ideas, but if you are able to, I would make a bunch of home movies of you and your family and send them to her. That way she would be able to see and hear your voice and she could actually see and hear you at the same time when you say "I love you MOM!

By Mom2three1968 on Saturday, October 1, 2005 - 10:01 am:

All, great ideas,,, thank you so much!!

By Wandilu on Monday, October 3, 2005 - 07:17 pm:

This is different,but I also am diabetic,and I have found an awesome natural products that I take ,and it's made a world of difference for me.I can tell a big difference with my eyes.If you want more info,you can email me at

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