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How Long Did It Take You ...

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive September 2005: How Long Did It Take You ...
By Heaventree on Monday, September 19, 2005 - 01:33 pm:

to get back into your regular clothes after having a baby?

I know it's been less than 3 weeks, but I hate wearing maternity clothes! I can't even get into my FAT jeans, it's a bit discouraging as I'm trying to work in a workout but I'm not sure when I can do this.

I would love to go for a run at 6 am but I'm usually nursing, I guess I could make a bottle and DH could do this one.

Both little ones sleep from 11 am to about 1 or 2 but this is my time to have a shower and make dinner by the time the evening comes I'm way too tired. I couldn't go out for a run anyway, I would have to do weights. I wish I had a double jogger, but I already have 3 strollers and DH would flip if I bought another one. My neighbour bought one at a garage sale yesterday for $25, I'm so jealous. It's not a stroller but one of the doubles that you put behind a bike and can be used as a stroller as well. Not good for the baby though.

Those with little ones, when do you get your work out in and how long did it take to lose the weight?

By Trina~moderator on Monday, September 19, 2005 - 02:43 pm:

Work out?? What work out?! smileyashamed I have no excuse now because both my kids are in school but when they were really little, FORGET it! Just trying to keep up with the two kids, housework and sleep was overwhelming enough. Going for a walk around the block and pushing the double stroller up my hill was enough, thank you very much. LOL! I was fortunate enough to lose all my baby weight right away but still wasn't able to get back into normal clothes for several months.

By Cat on Monday, September 19, 2005 - 02:58 pm:

Honey, I DIDN'T get back into my pre-pregnancy clothes! lol My "Baby" just turned 10 and I'm still fighting to lose that last 10lbs. I look better now because it's distributed well, but those scales just won't budge. Can you get a sling or a front pack? Then you could push one in one of the strollers you already have while carrying the other. Good luck. Most of us have been there (except for those skinny women that go home from the hospital in the pre-preggo clothes!!! They make me SICK!!! jk :) )

By Debbie on Monday, September 19, 2005 - 03:13 pm:

I gained a lot of weight when I was pregnant with ds #1. I had never exercised on a regular basis before then. I did start walking daily when ds was 6 months old because I discovered that was the only way I could loose weight. I lost over 40 lbs in about 8 months and I was actually 15 lbs less then when I got pregnant. With my 2nd ds, I started exercising again when he was around 3 months. I took me just a few months to loose the weight, but I didn't gain as much with him. Now, I will say, that after each pregnancy my weight seemed to "shift" My old clothes just never fit me the same. Oh well, an excuse to buy new ones.

By Reds9298 on Monday, September 19, 2005 - 04:16 pm:

I was back into pre-prego clothes in about 3mths. I lost all but a few lbs. pretty quickly, but found that my hipbones were wider and so some of my old jeans fit a little more snugly through that area. I could wear them, but I noticed a difference. Maybe 6mths after is when I started to notice that I didn't have that problem anymore. I've been very fortunate...haven't had to buy a new wardrobe, but instead can wear all of my pre-prego stuff. I gained 28lbs. during pregnancy though and REALLY watched my weight the entire time. I was all baby!
I think you're body just changes so much, even if you lose the weight, that it takes time for everything to get back into place.
Workouts are still a struggle for me and I only have one child! It's a constant battle of timing and very frustrating for me. Good luck!

By Amecmom on Monday, September 19, 2005 - 04:19 pm:

Like Debbie, I gained a lot of weight with my first and the weight didn't come off. I was just starting to lose when I became pg again. with my secong pregnancy, I really watched what I ate and gained only 19 pounds, but I still ended up with a lot to tone.
It's not just fat that you have to lose to get into your clothes, you need to tone up your muscles. The only thing that will do that is exercise.
Get it in whenever you can! Do calf raises, squats and plies while you cook. Hold the baby and do lunges. Do vacumes (sucking your belly in like you want it to touch your spine) while you nurse.
Be as active as you can while doing your daily routine.
Once your kids establish a schedule, then set up a daily time to work out.
My son goes to school in the morning and my daughter naps so that's my workout time. Nothing else gets done then, even if I have a sink full of dishes and a dozen calls to make. You need to jealously guard your work out time.
Even if you get in ten minutes at a time three or four times a day, you'll see results.
I have a DVD from Crunch Fitness which has 4 10 minute Pilates workouts. It's great! And you can get in a small workout in a short time.

So ... after all the rambling, be patient with yourself, eat right, get in exercise in small snippets throughout the day and you'll be fine!
Good luck!

By Feona on Monday, September 19, 2005 - 06:22 pm:

Breastfeeding can be like liposuction for some people. I was 125 in no time. (15 pounds liter than my normal weight.)

How about selling one or two strollers on craig list or something and buying a used double stroller.

By Mrsheidi on Monday, September 19, 2005 - 07:25 pm:

Sweetie, it has taken me a year...I wish I were more patient.
I did do the Atkins diet after I stopped nursing and that helped a lot. It's easier to do during the winter. Then, I started the Body for Life program...I think I've mentioned it on here a thousand times, so I won't go into detail. But, just be patient, sweetie. It will happen and I know how frustrating it is to have to wear "fat clothes" when you don't *feel* fat.
Get sleep right now...your fat will come off me. :)

By Karen~moderator on Monday, September 19, 2005 - 07:45 pm:

With baby #1, I was back into my jeans in 6-7 weeks. Baby #2 - it was a couple of years. I had 10 - 15 lbs. that refused to leave. Of course, exercise and diet will play a huge part. I wasn't exercising or watching my diet, so I guess that's why it stayed on.

By Paulas on Monday, September 19, 2005 - 07:58 pm:

My kids are 9 and 5 and I'm still not back in my pre-preggo clothes and doubt I ever will be :(

By Heaventree on Monday, September 19, 2005 - 08:56 pm:

My stroller collection, 1 single jogger, 1 mall stroller and 1 Graco Double stroller. I'm so regretting buying the last one. It was $200 and I hate shopping! I bought it becasue the baby car seat fits into it and the joggers are not good in the stores.

I should have gone with my gut and bought a double jogger. I can't justify selling the brand new stroller, I'll never get the money back, and I certianly can't justify another double even if it is a jogger. Our winters are usually so mild here I could have run all winter with the munchkins. Oh well.

I guess I'm being a little unrealistic expecting to be back in my clothes after 2 weeks. I think last time it took me at 6 or 8 months.

I spoke with DH, he's being supportive says he'll take care of my little buddies in the morning for 1/2 hour so I can get my run in and I'll do my weights in the afternoon.

This is my last baby and I'm going to be 40 in 2 years, I feel like if I don't get back into shape soon I never will.

By Feona on Tuesday, September 20, 2005 - 07:05 am:

Hubby is a dear for watching in the morning.

You know it is your mental health and physical health. Horrible being stuck in the house. You need a double stroller. Get the stroller you want. Call it a early christmas birthday gift. Cheap for the exercise. A health club is a fortune.

Also health clubs watch kids while you exercise too some of them. Like Ballys or NY Sports club or some of the YMCA. But that might cost babysitting fees.

By Mrsheidi on Tuesday, September 20, 2005 - 09:21 am:

Oh, Heavens, you don't look even close to 40 in your photos!! WOW! Let's concentrate on that and throw you a party, babe!!!
Get some sleep, get some exercise while hubby watches the kids (even just walking), and take some time for yourself! It will take some time, ok?? :)

By Eve on Tuesday, September 20, 2005 - 10:25 am:

Gosh, tough to remember. At 8 weeks, I was wearing some size 10's, but felt more comfortable in a 12. I was in a wedding and had no choice! I'm usually an 6/8. I don't remember exactly when it happened, but it did. I think it may have taken me until Summer, but I didn't exercise. I fractured my tailbone, so just sitting was terrible. At 2 weeks, I think I was still wearing my drawstring pants. I also sent my DH out to buy me some BIG jeans. I was dying to wear normal clothes. Hang in there. I'll be there in not too many weeks now and I hope you tell me the same thing!! LOL! ((HUG))

By Eve on Tuesday, September 20, 2005 - 10:26 am:

BTW-I did lose all the weight, but I agree, it took me some more time for everything to go back in place! One of those weird things--you lose it, but it doesn't quite feel like it!:)

By Conni on Tuesday, September 20, 2005 - 10:57 am:

hmmm, well, fatty here still hasnt lost it and kept it off. I got on Prozac after baby #3 and for some reason dropped down to a size 4/6 when he was about 1 yo. Then a few mos later doc took me off the prozac and I went to a 6 then an 8 and honestly I could wear some 10's now and feel more comfy then my 8's. But I havent been exercising like I should and I am sure those Krispy Kreme donuts I just ate are really going to help!! MAybe I will get back on the Prozac? ROFL

Take your time and dont be so hard on yourself. :)

By My3cuties on Tuesday, September 20, 2005 - 11:19 am:

It does take time, I lost all my pregnancy weight with Lauren when she was 2 weeks old, but it didn't feel like it. Plus, I really never gave myself time to loose my weight with the other girls. I gained 25# with each pregnancy. I am now 50# heavier than when DH and I got married. :( But I said I am not going to concentrate on that until I finish breastfeeding, then I will loose.

I also heard that you can do Weight watcher while nursing, they just give you more points a day. I might try that, I really do want to loose, I just don't want to jepordize my milk production, since we got off to a rough start breastfeeding anyway. Good Luck and I am sure you can do it. I feel my hips are much higher now than they used to be, so your bones do shift. I walk (stoll) almost everyday, but it is not enough to help me loose. I also do sit-ups to help with the baby belly. Hopefully I will see some change soon, Lauren is 4 months already.

By Wandilu on Tuesday, September 20, 2005 - 07:11 pm:

My *BABY* is 27 yrs old,and I STILL haven't gotten back into smaller sizes!!

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