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Vasectomy recoverees :)

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive September 2005: Vasectomy recoverees :)
By My3cuties on Thursday, September 15, 2005 - 04:14 pm:

DH is going to get a vasectomy this Fall/Winter when trucking slows down so he can take a week off. How do they get the results to see if the procedure really worked?? DH is afraid of what the answer may be..LOL

And how much did it cost you (I know our insurance does not cover it)??

By Jackie on Thursday, September 15, 2005 - 04:17 pm:

Unfortuntately the only way to see if procedure worked is to give a sample LOL...I know alot of men dont do this, because they are embarassed. Other than that, thats the only way to find out.
My husband had it done last Oct, and was really on sore for a couple of days, no real pain. Our insurance paid for it, and he only paid a copayment of 20$

By My3cuties on Thursday, September 15, 2005 - 04:29 pm:

wow, that is what he was afraid of, he said he will be in there for an hour trying to stop laughing. You would just have to know DH, he is just not one to "do the work himself" since we got married. LOL Thanks

Maybe DH is wrong about the insurance.. I will talk to him.

By Kaye on Thursday, September 15, 2005 - 04:36 pm:

Our insurance covered it also. But I don't think the cost was too high, probably in the 300-400 range.

As for how do the check. Well after a certain number of ejaculations (20 i think). I remember laughing at the paper work, it said something like 20, which should be about a month. I had 3 tiny children, that was more like a YEAR..LOL. Anyway, at that point he will take a sample in, he doesn't have to do it in the office, you can do it for him at home, and collect the sample in the cup. Then take it in. They want you to do this two times, once after the alloted ejaculations and then again at 6 months.

By Pamt on Thursday, September 15, 2005 - 10:32 pm:

Ditto Kaye. We *collected the sample* together at home and DH had to take it in 3 times before he had no more swimmers. Definitely make sure he gets checked!!!! After 3 months DH still had a very high sperm count. The doctor had thought he was going to have to "re-do" the procedure initially, but his numbers finally went down. Like Kaye, I laughed at their timeline for the prescribed number of ejaculations as well. The paperwork must have been written by an man with wishful thinking. :) Our insurance covered it as an in-office visit, so it was just a $20 copay.

By Bobbie~moderatr on Thursday, September 15, 2005 - 11:57 pm:

Yes that is how the samples are collected.. Make sure he goes back and gets rechecked until they are sure he is free of sperm.. DH's V wasn't done right, we have 8 year old twins to prove it... Doesn't happen often, but it does happen. Being young and dumb we trusted the doctor (he swore it was normal and wanted Dh to come back in another month, which DH didn't do), heck he had done hundreds before and hundreds after DH's.. But there is a reason why they have you sign the paper that states you won't hold them responsible and that you are aware that no surgery is 100% effective... I am actually not the only one on the list with a V baby... So just be sure or you might get a suprise... Oh and we used a throw away cup to catch the sample, pill bottles to "store" the sample in and you just walk it in and handed it to the medical assistant at the office we used.

DH had issues for a couple of days.. Keep them iced and keep him off his feet... Dh normally a boxers guy, wore tighty whities, keep them pulled up tighter to his body. Some men wear jock straps during recovery. Men are all different and it depends on their pain tolerance, which lets face it (ha) that isn't very high for most men...

By Bobbie~moderatr on Friday, September 16, 2005 - 12:11 am:

Our insurance paid all but $15, that was our copay back then... If you are for sure your insurance won't cover it (which I honestly don't see why they don't) then I would call my primary care doctor and ask them who they suggest you use. Then I would call whom ever that is and ask them how much they charge for a self pay.. But I would make 100% sure the insurance won't pay first. Lets see, cost of another baby, price of an in office treatment.. Hmmm!! I am shocked that they wouldn't cover it.

By Karen~moderator on Friday, September 16, 2005 - 09:36 am:

Ditto everyone else - my X had it done, keep *things* iced the first couple days.

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