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Weight Watchers, or Jenny Craig?.....

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive September 2005: Weight Watchers, or Jenny Craig?.....
By Mom2three1968 on Tuesday, September 13, 2005 - 07:35 am:

I am getting miserable unhappy with my appearance, and was wondering if any of you have first hand experience or know someone that does on these two places. Since my husband retired from the military and we've moved, in that two year period I've gained close to 40 pounds, I am pretty unhappy about it, I think with adjusting to civilian life, building our home, becoming a grandma at 37, among other things helped contribute to my gaining the weight, it seems to be all in front and of course my hind end and thighs, I am 5ft 4 and 170 pounds, okay for my original question, any experience with either of these? How expensive are they? I really feel that I need to go to a place like this because I don't feel I can do it on my own. Without some sort of guidiance. I am afraid if I don't do something soon it's going to get really bad. Any suggestions would be great!!!

By Brandy on Tuesday, September 13, 2005 - 07:49 am:

well my suggestion is weight watchers out of the two because you can pretty much have what you want if you are on the points plan = ) now if you go with Jenny Craig they will send you the food you are supposed to eat well some of it you still have to come up with the other stuff yourself still like fruits/veggies and milk and stuff like the weight watcher meetings you will get support too well some people do i didn't feel i got the best support out of mine maybe i would have if i would of spoken up or something i'm kind of shy not as much as i used to be.anyways = ) i say go with weight watchers = )

By Brandy on Tuesday, September 13, 2005 - 07:51 am:

also i was doing really good on my own too i was eating about 1700-1900 cals a day and drinking basically only water and exercising and i lost pretty good i stopped doing all of these things and i gained 42.5 pounds in less than a year = ( you think you are depressed after 2 years lol = ) ..good luck and join us on the get fit board = )

By Ilovetom on Tuesday, September 13, 2005 - 07:55 am:

I did weight watchers and loved it. Now- I wasn't a lot overweight- 10 pounds. It took me 4 months- slow I know- but that was 2 years ago and the weight is still off.

The ladies that I did it with always had recipes and stuff to offer- so I still have it all and I am a lifetime member so I can go back whenever I want or need.

I will be sure to put the lifetime thing in my obituary when I die. Some people may not know that about me. LOL.

By Ilovetom on Tuesday, September 13, 2005 - 08:04 am:

Forgot to say- Applebee's has weight watcher meals too now.

Also, WW online has a message board with recipes.

By Jackie on Tuesday, September 13, 2005 - 08:17 am:

Ive only had experience with Weight Watchers, and with any plan, if you stick to it, you will lose weight. What I know about Jenny Craig, you have to pay for most of the food you eat through them.If you have a family, you are buying food for yourself, and then still shopping for food for the family, so I would see that Jenny Craig would cost you more all the way around. With Weight Watchers, you get to go to meetings. I really enjoyed the meetings, they were very motivational, and you get to sit in a room with people just like yourself.
Jenny Craig has been around for a long time,so Im sure they do something right.

By Reds9298 on Tuesday, September 13, 2005 - 09:07 am:

I've been doing weight watchers for 3 years and it really works! I really like it because it's easy, I don't feel deprived, and it has been an easy lifestyle change altogether.
My mom started it about 4 years ago and lost around 50lbs. I was about 10lbs heavier than I wanted to be at that time, so I had her buy me the points books and counter, I read the info, and started doing it myself. I've never been to a meeting or paid for anything like that. I lost 14 lbs and have maintained my weight for 2 years.
I highly recommend WW, but I've never used JC. I just think WW is easy in terms of what you can eat.Pretty much what you want as long as you stay in the points range for your current weight. I also buy the frozen meals and ea them for lunch, which is really helpful to me.
Good luck!

By Angellew on Tuesday, September 13, 2005 - 11:07 am:

Definitely Weight Watchers! Why pay for Jenny Craig food?

I've joined about 7-8 weeks ago and I've lost 17 lbs (got a little carried away over the Labor Day weekend and have to make up for it now! :) )

If you do the point system, you can have just about anything you want, as long as it fits into your daily points. So, there is no reason to deprive yourself of anything! I think it's great!

By Amecmom on Tuesday, September 13, 2005 - 12:47 pm:

I loved WW when I was pregnant. It helped me realize that just because I was pg, that didn't give me license to eat! I had a lot of trouble sticking with it afterward, though. I just couldn't stand journaling any more!
But, it did teach me how to eat.

By Mom2three1968 on Tuesday, September 13, 2005 - 04:38 pm:

Wow, definately I will go with weight watchers,I am getting hopeful that I may be able to pull this weight think off. I've heard about the point system, thanks alot ladies. I'll let you know when I sign up!!!

By Insaneusmcwife on Tuesday, September 13, 2005 - 07:35 pm:

I'd would have to say the Weight Watchers is probably the better of the 2 as it is easier to follow and the support is great. I'm doing it online. Good luck.

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