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I need your help for funraiser idea`s at the kids schools for the hurricane evacuee`s

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive September 2005: I need your help for funraiser idea`s at the kids schools for the hurricane evacuee`s
By Sue3 on Wednesday, September 7, 2005 - 03:09 pm:

Our schools have had penny war`s between each class room`s in the past to raise $$ , but thought some of you might have better or different idea`s that you could share.
TIA ! Sue

By Tayjar on Wednesday, September 7, 2005 - 03:21 pm:

We do something similar but with a twist.

For United Way, we have each unit put up a jar. The object is to get as much change as you can. Each change piece counts as it's face value - a penny 1 point, a quarter 25 points, etc.

However, if someone drops a paper dollar bill in there, it has a negative value. So a dollar would be 100 points and that would be deducted from the total points. What happens is one unit will drop a $10 bill in another unit's jar and will wipe out that unit's points lead.

The bottom line is the charity is still the winner. I can explain it a little better if necessary.

One hot thing that is going around our school are those litte rubber bracelets - like Lance Armstrong wears.

Hope your fund raiser does well.

By Melanie on Wednesday, September 7, 2005 - 04:06 pm:

I like that one, Dora!

Last year our kids sold lollipops for the tsunami victims. They ended up raising over $1000. This was in a school with only 150 kids! :)

By Dawnk777 on Wednesday, September 7, 2005 - 11:17 pm:

At the clinic where I work, they have a little coffee-shop. For a few months after the tsunami, he donated tips to charity. He ended up donating $450! I only threw in .50 a few times, too! It all adds up.

By Vicki on Thursday, September 8, 2005 - 08:07 am:

My dd's school is doing something with the way they dress this week. Tuesday they were allowed to wear hats (usually not allowed) but they had to pay a dollar to do so. Yesterday was mix match day, wear clothes that don't match, again, you had to pay a dollar to do so, today is twin day... dress like a friend and pay a dollar and tomorrow is wear your favorite sports team a dollar to do so. Now, dd is the one that told me it is a dollar to do it, but I can't believe they are making them take a dollar, I am sure they will take what ever you can give. Thought it was a cute idea!! It is hard to find things for middle schoolers to do that they don't think it babyish!!

By Sue3 on Thursday, September 8, 2005 - 09:07 am:

Thanks for the idea`s.Vickie our school does that also for fundraiser`s ,it is a great idea and the kid`s can have fun too !
Dora , we do that also with the coin war.It put`s a little twist on it like you said and is great fun for the kid`s.
I`ll have to check on the rubber bracelet`s one of the mom`s that is putting this together
said she checked on them the end of the school year in June and thought they were a bit pricey.
$3.00 a bracelet then what ever you charge extra goes to the fundraiser.
She was hoping that they would be a little cheaper.
Melanie ,the lollipop is a great idea too !
I`ll have to get busy now researching fundraiser items on the internet.
Thanks for all your idea`s Ladies !!

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