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No sew blankets for kids in the hurricane states???

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive September 2005: No sew blankets for kids in the hurricane states???
By Beth on Monday, September 5, 2005 - 11:56 am:

I was thinking about trying to make some of these for the kids that were hurricane victims. Its to bad I get a good idea on a holiday and I can't really go anywhere with it. I was going to call my church and see if we could find some people that know how to do it. Because I don't. It looks fairly easy. I just need someone to show me a few things. I was going to see where I got with my church and then see if other area churches would like to join us. But I had a few questions? How do you think that you could go about getting Walmart or Joann's or somewhere to donate some fabric? I would be willing to learn to do it just need the fabric. I figure all I can do is ask. If I can get my church involved it will be much easier. I am not just one person asking for donations that they have no idea is legit. I may be able to get enough from local churches who knows. Also when we have them done. Do you think the post office is going to be sending packages for free? I don't know what they did after 9-11. I am thinking they might be kind of heavy and bulky and could cost a lot to ship. Again I could possibly get donations for this. Just thinking out loud I guess but any suggestions would be appreciated. Anyone else want to join me in this endeavor in your community? I guess I got to thinking this morning. My dk's don't like stuffed animals. In fact we are donating quite a few and they could have cared less. But they have several blankets that are special to them and I think other kids would like that to.

By Kaye on Monday, September 5, 2005 - 12:35 pm:

First directions on how to do this. You get two like squares (retangles of fabric). You cut both sheets together around the edges. 3 inches deep anywhere from 1/2 in to an inch wide, just be consistent. Then you square knot those together. It is very easy.

However that being said, those blankets are very warm. It is only 94 degree here in the south with about 80-90 percent humidity. I don't know how cool they are keeping the dorm, but it is sooo hot, my children don't use blankets in the summer.

I love the idea though, but wonder if blankets could be made out of less heavy fabric.

By Marcia on Monday, September 5, 2005 - 12:54 pm:

Our church has an outreach committee, and they have funds to spend on this sort of thing. You might want to check that out.

By Beth on Monday, September 5, 2005 - 02:19 pm:

That is a good thought Kate. Maybe we could send them to some of these kids that are being evacuated to colder states, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin ect... I wish I knew how to sew I could just do light weight quilts. Nothing fancy. I have a brand new sewing machine. I just need someone to teach me. I know its awful I am just wasting it. Any other ideas???

By Luvn29 on Monday, September 5, 2005 - 03:18 pm:

We actually did these no sew blankets in Bible School this year with quilting material. It was cheaper, but a little more difficult, using a piece of the bunting in between. We took two different pieces of quilting fabric, that went well together, put one very thin piece of bunting in between. We found that it was much easier if you trimmed a couple of inches all around the bunting so that you would not be tying it in the knots, but then you would have to tack it a couple of stitches in the corners so the bunting would stay in place.

These made such cute quilts! And fairly easy to do.

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