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Local Red Cross

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive September 2005: Local Red Cross
By Beth on Friday, September 2, 2005 - 12:38 pm:

I called mylocal Red Cross today to see if they were sending any packages, needed help with phone calls ect... They said they were not. But all the way in Illinois we have some families evacuate and they are beginning to take some food items, school supplies ect... for the families. They said some may go back or one family member will be going back and leaving the rest here. So they are going to try and help them out. I am going to see what I can get together and take it over there on Tues. Just a thought but you may try your local chapters and they may have something for you to do. It makes me feel a little less helpless.

By Bobbie~moderatr on Friday, September 2, 2005 - 01:20 pm:

Beth I so agree. And you know, every town has a homeless shelter with homeless people in it.. Every town has poor families. IF you want to feel proactive if you want to feel like your efforts mean something. Step up.. Use this as a life lesson and start making a difference in your own neck of the woods. People don't need to suffer and maybe this is just the wake up call we as a nation needed. 9/11 came and we all swore we would step up and change but we became complacent... And choose to blame others. Nothing changed and our nation still bleeds. Someone needs to do something. The move Pay it Forward comes to mind. If you step out of yourself and help just three people and those three people are asked to help three more it will trickle down to a million people being helped. It is so easy to sit back and say it isn't my problem it isn't my issue but it is.... Help.. that will empower you.. That will empower many!!!

By Bea on Friday, September 2, 2005 - 01:43 pm:

AMEN Bobbie!!

Too many people are glued to their TV sets and wringing their hands as the homeless in their own cities face another night on the street with empty bellies. If these people used simply the same amount of energy it takes to shift their butts and wring their hands to actually do something for others, this country would be so much better off.

By Wandilu on Friday, September 2, 2005 - 07:12 pm:

I wonder if at some point if Red Cross,or others,will start taking clothes to help out? I have quiet a bit of clothing of mine and dh's that I have been planning to donate to Goodwill.But I would much rather send them to New orleans,and the other places.

By Ginny~moderator on Friday, September 2, 2005 - 08:13 pm:

Wandi, if the Red Cross receives clothes, they have to sort them and transport them - and store them until such time as they can sort and transport them. While I applaud your concern, right now the Red Cross, Salvation Army and other agencies need money so that they have the funds to buy what the people on the spot see is needed most - and buy in bulk,which is more cost-effective. I suggest you give the clothes to Goodwill or an agency working with the homeless in your area, and give what money you can afford to the emergency agency of your choice.

My guess is that in a week or two agencies will be collecting things like disposble diapers, clothing, children's toys and school supplies, etc., so you can start collecting now if you want to and wait for an announcement. But if you take stuff - no matter how good the "stuff" is to an agency now, they will have the problem of storage from the well-meant gifts from you and thousands of others, and I suggest that can detract and distract from paying attention to the most immediate on-the-spot needs.

By Emily7 on Friday, September 2, 2005 - 08:35 pm:

Wandi something you may think about doing is taking the clothing to a second hand store & the money you get from selling them you could donate. In fact if you have enough stuff you could have a garage sale & donate the money earned. I do believe that is Christylee is doing. Christylee, I hope you don't mind me telling everyone that you are doing that.
Something else to remember is that in the months to come when it is no longer front page news, there is still going to be a need for donations . These people are going to need months if not years to come.

By Bea on Friday, September 2, 2005 - 09:51 pm:

Disaster relief volunteers must be trained. The Red Cross holds training sessions several times a year. It's probably too late to help in this tragedy, but you could be ready to help the next time with a little fore-thought. Blood drives need volunteers to help. The Salvation Army has workers in the field down there. Call them to see if you can assist. A bake sale in front of your church this Sunday could raise funds. The kids start school next week. Push your PTA to do a fund raiser for the relief effort.

By Bobbie~moderatr on Friday, September 2, 2005 - 11:58 pm:

Take those clothes to the Good Will/ Salvation Army. Those clothes are then sold at discount cost to families in need and the money is turned around and used to causes like this and the other bad things that happen around the world. You are giving to the aid..... Yes it isn't money but it is still helping.

By Bobbie~moderatr on Saturday, September 3, 2005 - 12:02 am:

They also give clothing to poor children that wouldn't get clothes other wise. They give clothes to house fire victims. And they also give clothes to the battered women and their children. Not all the clothes that go through the doors are sold MANY are given away free of charge to people in need........

By Karen~moderator on Saturday, September 3, 2005 - 04:40 am:

Very true.......

By Wandilu on Saturday, September 3, 2005 - 11:25 pm:

Thanks ladies.I think I will give them to Goodwill.I never realized that they did so much to help people.

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