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38 Weeks and Holding

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive August 2005: 38 Weeks and Holding
By Heaventree on Thursday, August 25, 2005 - 10:28 am:

Well I'm still pregnant and I see that Clarabel is posting so I guess she is as well.

My doctor is away in England so I saw another doctor yesterday, he said "Looks like you have a good sized baby in there". I said "By that you mean small?" He chuckled, shook his head and said "Well ..."

I have hired my doula which is a huge relief to me. We have met twice and she has been very supportive. As my first birth experience was terrible she suggested I journal it and we would cleanse that experience. It worked and now I can start thinking about how I would hope/like my next delivery to go.

Matt and I have been watching Baby Story (US) and Birth Stories (Canada) everyday. Most of the birth experiences the moms have c-sections or epidurals. Recently they have shown more natural child birth experiences. Matthew is fascinated, he looks at the bellies on t.v. and then looks at mine. Not sure if he is really making the connection or not.

I'm starting to get a little afraid, I'm already in some discomfort these days. I can be walking along feeling fine then BAM! The pain in my lower pelvis hits me and I have to stop. I know labour is going to be much worse. At least with a doula this time the nasty nurses will leave me alone and I'll get a chance to use the hydra baths at the hospital this time.

I am nesting big time, scrubbing walls is probably the most ridiculous thing I have done so far. I also washed all the covers for the bouncy seats and the swing, the bassinette is in my room ready to go. I put the swing and bouncy seat out into the living room so Matthew can get used to having these things around.

I do wish people would stop calling and asking when I'm going to have this baby. My mom called last night and said flights are $900 but I can get a cheap one if I book tomorrow. I asked her if she really wanted to come and stay for the next 5 weeks, she said no. I can't time this baby. I told her not to worry about it, we will fly her out on points and if it's during Labour Day, then she can come a week later no big deal. DH's mom has finally stopped bugging us. My sister is supposed to be back-up to take care of Matthew so DH can be at the delivery, however, when I asked if she was going away for the long weekend she said "Oh, I guess I could stay home". I told her that I didn't want to tell her what to do that I would leave that up to her. I can't say I'm not a little disappointed, but we will make due without her if we have to. She still hasn't told me whether or not she will be here, I hate to have to ask - UGH!

Well Matthew is down for his first nap of the day (he's back to 2) so I think I'll go tear all the curtains down and throw them in the wash :).

Clarabel - how are you doing girl?

By Karen~moderator on Thursday, August 25, 2005 - 10:45 am:

Well, you are in the home stretch now. Go easy on yourself with the cleaning! Try to relax, everything will work out.

By Ilovetom on Thursday, August 25, 2005 - 10:58 am:

Wow! Your time has flown by - for me. LOL.

Good luck.

By Hlgmom on Thursday, August 25, 2005 - 12:16 pm:

Try doing visualization and journaling about the upcoming labor as well- focusing on your strenght as a woman and your innate ability to do it! It helped to alleviate some of my pre labor jitters! Best of luck! Have a beautiful experience!

By Amecmom on Thursday, August 25, 2005 - 12:38 pm:

Keep nesting and working at home as long as possible. The day before Helen was born, I was lifting boxes and cleaning out my storage room

The morning of the day I delivered, I kept having to stop for contractions, only I didn't really know that's what they were. Anyway, I stayed at home, walking, cleaning, straightening. When I had contractions that were so bad I couldn't distract myself, then I knew something was up.
Once I got to the hospital, she was delivered within 45 minutes. Those 45n minutes were more painful and scary than anything at home.
I also had a horrible experience with my first. 12 hour induced labor and the most painful hour and a half of pushing.
The second time around I was too late for an epiural and boy was I scared! However, it was nothing like the first. Three pushes and she was out!
Your first is not necessarily an indication of your second. Also, try and wait it out before a chemical induction. My midwife swiped my cervix which got the ball rolling naturally.
It was the best experience! I did have a shot of stadol in my IV which was perfect, because it relaxed me and took the edge off the pain.
Trust in yourself!

By Clarabel on Thursday, August 25, 2005 - 05:19 pm:

Congratulations on your doula, it sounds like a good relationship.
Well I am sooo ready to have this baby!
I have had so many contractions off and on and last Saturday I really kept having them for hours and hours and they were getting stronger and closer together so I got my parents over here to watch Freedom and went down to the birthing center only to find out I am only 3cm and not really in labor.I think I might have stalled out because my family was stressing me out and I didn't feel comfortable having them babysit.Now the in-laws are back in town so I am ready to go!
MIL is a school teacher so next week she goes back to work and won't be as available.
I am trying to work on patience and acceptance.I guess I need more faith that everything will work out and I don't have to find the "perfect time".
I have taken evening primrose oil, gone for walks, eaten spicy foods.....I know it's almost two weeks until the due date and then it could even be two or three more weeks but this baby is heavy and I just feel like an elephant,you know?
Thanks for asking.I've been wondering about you too.
I certainly don't appreciate my mother, and my midwife saying,"Oh, I doubt you'll go past your due date". My dh was born three weeks "late".
Glad your little boy is feeling better.

By Eve on Thursday, August 25, 2005 - 07:40 pm:

((HUG)) A friend told me to think positive and to picture the birth going smoothly and painless. It was the best advice. I know it's not easy though. I'll be thinking about you!

By Clarabel on Friday, August 26, 2005 - 09:51 am:

Heaventree, how are you today?
I am so sleepy, I am letting Freedom watch double Wiggles, feel so guilty.Just can't seem to wake it up.
Hope you are all well today.

By Heaventree on Friday, August 26, 2005 - 06:29 pm:

Well I was a bit tired this morning as well. However, once the doula arrived and we starting working on some birthing ball techinques I started waking up.

The baby has dropped, my breasts used to rest on my belly, but no longer. I now have to pee at least three times during the night. So my doula thinks that we are about a week away. I must admit I can breath a little easier.

Each time the doula comes and we talk it helps allievate some of my fears.

My sister is a complete jerk and bailed on me today. She is the only family we have in the city and I have no one to cover me over the long weekend. I called her today and I asked whether or not she was going to be around for the long weekend. She said she wasnt' sure, that we would just play it by ear. I told her that I needed an answer now as I have to find an alternative, she talked around the situation and said "Well I could leave your three different telephone numbers, but like I couldn't be there in 20 mins."

She is going up north for a weekend of partying, even if she didn't drink she would probably never make it in time. Granted she is only 23 but in my opinion that is no excuse for being an idiot. I was not so irresponsible at 23 or even 18. It really hurts me that I can't rely on my family and I am terribly dissappointed, however, after our conversation today, I don't feel comfortable leaving Matthew with her anyway.

We will have to call my mother-in-law and get her here as soon as possible. Something I was trying to avoid. I wanted my baby moon, I'm so sad that I can't have things the way I planned. She just about drove me nuts the last time and here we go again, but I have no choice. My mom works and can't get here in time or stay as long as we might need her. My mom would quietly stay in the background and give us time to be a family together for a few days. Dear MIL doesn't seem to get this and I would be the evil daughter-in-law for suggesting it. It also lets DH off the hook way too much as he seems to revert to someone who can't cook or do dishes when his mother is here.

O.K. I think I'm done feeling sorry for myself and venting a bit, at least for today :(.

By Rayanne on Friday, August 26, 2005 - 11:32 pm:

I hope that everything goes smoothly for the both of you:) Good luck!!!!!

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