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Airport security... it's harder than I thought!

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive August 2005: Airport security... it's harder than I thought!
By Janet on Thursday, August 25, 2005 - 10:19 am:

I survived my first flight in 9 years (obviously pre-9/11), but I have to tell you about my security story. Thank goodness I was at a small, regional airport, but even so... I was in line, waiting for the security people to arrive, and when they did, things went fast! Everyone started grabbing plastic tubs, taking off shoes, belts, unloading objects, etc...we were moving FAST! I panicked, since there was no sign that said, "Please remove your shoes" or "please place (whatever) in the trays." An elderly couple behind me was in the same boat. "What do we do?" "I guess we take off our shoes." It was almost my turn and I had no I asked the guy in front of me, "what do I put in the tray?" He looked at me with a "sheesh, you're pathetic" look and said, "anything metal...y'know...that will set off the alarm." Well, I had no idea what would or wouldn't set off the alarm (thinking of my underwire bra at this point), so I just started unloading my backpack. Wallet (coins), sunglasses (little metal hinges), keys... then I held my breath and went through the gate (no bells and whistles, so maybe I wouldn't have to take my bra off, after all). But then... "I'm sorry, ma'am, but we have to search your bag." Great. I stood at the side, trying to act nonchalant while a guy with rubber gloves pawed through my personals (thank you to whomever suggested putting underwear in plastic bags! Great idea!). Finally, they decided my travel hair drier was not a lethal weapon, and let me go on. Sheesh!!! I remember when you used to arrive at the airport and just walk onto the plane! LOL But I survived (even a cancelled flight at O'Hare, but that's another story) and I'm back in one piece. A little wiser, too! :)

By Karen~moderator on Thursday, August 25, 2005 - 10:50 am:

That was *me* Janet, who suggested that - and you are welcome! LOL I just can't stand the thought of complete strangers touching my most intimate apparel. Maybe *I* have a problem, but who cares!

LOL Going through airport security is such a drag. It DOES go quickly once you are in the line - until someone sets off the metal detector, etc. It's such a pain being in line with everyone scrambling to take off shoes, belts, empty pockets, take laptops out of cases, etc. Then when all the stuff goes through the Xray machine it all piles up as it comes out and there's the scramble to grab what's yours - THEN the fun begins with everyone trying to get their shoes back on, grab the stuff that came out of their pockets, etc.

It's necessary though, and we all have to live with it. It's worse in some airports than others, most of them are *OK*....

What happened at O'Hare??

By Janet on Thursday, August 25, 2005 - 11:21 am:

My flight to KC kept getting bumped...mechanical problems, they said. 1:10 to 2:00, then to 2:30, then to 3:00, finally, about 3:30, the big FLIGHT CANCELLED sign came up and I freaked out (having never had that happen before). The other plane to KC was getting ready to board (this was the flight supposed to be 2 hours behind mine), and so some forward-thinking people had already gone over there to get the stray seats. The rest of us stampeded (literally) down to the customer service desk to be re-booked. I was about 12th in a line of about 35! They told me there was a flight to KC that would get in at 11:50, but I still had a three-hour drive to Wichita after that, even if I did stay the night in KC, so I asked if I could just fly straight to Wichita. "We'll have to change carriers," she told me...yes, and that's the downside?? LOL I asked about the thunderstorms coming in. Will this flight be cancelled, too? He didn't know. So I got a ticket on a flight to Wichita, leaving at 8 (it was 4). I mosied down to the other terminal, on the other side of the airport (no hurry, now) and then noticed a flight to Wichita, leaving at 4:45. Hmmm... I asked if I could be put on standby, so they did. I didn't look at my standby ticket (mistake). I'm hanging around, waiting for it to board... waiting to see if there are seats..waiting for them to call my name... four people trot up to the counter and tell the rep they are on standby. Oh, she said, you're in luck there are four seats left! They happily board, and she shuts the door. Wait! I run up there and say, I'm on standby, too! She opens the door, yells "Wait! There's one more!" She checks for my name. Not there. I show her my ticket. It's got me on standby to Cincinnati! No! I never wanted to go to Cincinnati! I want to go to Wichita!!! (Trying not to stomp and throw a tantrum). She quickly puts info in the computer, scribbles a seat number on a piece of paper, and I run down the tunnel to the plane. One seat left on a packed plane, and everyone is glaring at THE passenger who's holding them up...stuff my bag into the above compartment, and sink into the seat (after asking another passenger if this plane is really going to Wichita). It wasn't until I looked out the window and saw the campus of Wichita State University that I relaxed. The return flight was totally glitches, even in Chicago. Quite the trip. Oh, and I left my hair drier at my parents' so I didn't have that security issue again!

By Beth on Thursday, August 25, 2005 - 11:22 am:

I flew out of Midway in Jun and will be doing it again but this time with dk's. I had not flown in 5 years. Midway was way more crazy then the Kansas City airport. I hope Orlando airport is not to bad! Glad you made it back in one piece!

By Karen~moderator on Thursday, August 25, 2005 - 11:29 am:

UGH! I hate it when there are flight delays/changes!!!! Soooo frustrating!

By Janet on Thursday, August 25, 2005 - 12:09 pm:

KC was a DREAM! Next time, I'm going anywhere but O'Hare, and with anyone but United! Blech!

By Cat on Thursday, August 25, 2005 - 12:31 pm:

Yep, we did that in June. Robin about had a fit when I told him he had to take his shoes off. He said, "But then I have to tie them again!!!" NOT something to tell a kid that's borderline OCD! lol I just asked the person ahead of me in line. He looked like he knew what he was doing. :) Glad you're back in one piece, Janet. :)

By Debbie on Thursday, August 25, 2005 - 03:12 pm:

{{{Janet}}} United is TERRIBLE!!! and Ohare is a nightmare!! We live closer to Ohare, but we drive the extra 30 minutes to fly out of Midway. My parents flew United when they came at Christmas last year. They lost my Dad's bag and never found it!! To top it off, they have terrible customer service and were just horrible to him. It took him several months and a lot of hassle to get compensated.

By Bellajoe on Thursday, August 25, 2005 - 03:32 pm:

I"m sorry Janet, but that cracked me up that you thought you would have to take off your bra LOL! Imagine all the underwire bras that would be piled up in the little bins on the other side of the detector.


I'm glad you made it back and forth in one piece.

I'm glad i only fly once in a blue moon! That security while very important, is a pain.

By Janet on Thursday, August 25, 2005 - 03:42 pm:

I believe it. Thank goodness I only had carry-on, because they'd gone ahead and plunked everyone's bags on the OTHER plane to the luggage (presumably) got there before everyone else. I would never have gotten mine, since I transferred to a Wichita flight on another airline... Small mercies!
The only good thing about the whole experience was on the way back. I flew through United, but it was on a sweet little (new!) plane operated by Chataqua Airlines, out of Indianapolis. The plane was wonderful, the crew was wonderful, the sky was wonderful...!

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