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So in a perfect world, how would you spend your birthday?

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive August 2005: So in a perfect world, how would you spend your birthday?
By Jackie on Tuesday, August 23, 2005 - 09:48 pm:

So if this was a perfect world, how would you spend your birthday? How would your day be from start to finsih? Would you rather spend it alone? Would you want to be with your family/kids all day?
I guess Im thinking about this because tomorrow is my birthday. Really, my birthdays are the same as any other day. Normally we go out to dinner with the kids and thats it. I dont have a birthday cake or anything like that. Ive never had a birthday day to spend as I like, so Im not sure what Id like to do.
How about all of you? Have you ever had a birthday "day" to do what you please?

By Hlgmom on Tuesday, August 23, 2005 - 10:13 pm:

Breakfast in bed with kids and hubby. Followed by leaving the house alone for a massage, facial and pedicure. Meeting girlfriends for lunch on the water with a good bottle of wine. Home to rest and then off to a romantic dinner with my hubby!

What a dream world I am living in!! LOL

By Kaye on Tuesday, August 23, 2005 - 10:21 pm:

okay in my perfect almost realistic world. I would wake up and food would be ready and yummy. Picked up would be fine, not really an out to eat place unless the service was spectacular. Then a day on the water, without having to deal with any crying, fussing, anyone elses needs (so maybe no kids..LOL) I would love to kayak some gentle stream, or go float a river. Just hang out lay around and enjoy nature. A nice little picnic lunch somewhere along the way. Again, yummy food that I didn't have to prepare or CHOOSE. Then somewhere for a nice long hot shower, some alone time with hubby if he has been extra nice to me! Then out to a dressy dinner place, with reservations made, excellent food, a fine red wine and a chocolate cake dessert to die for.

In reality this year, I was awakened at 2 am by my youngest throwing up, we were visiting at my DAD's (new wife) so I am a little stressed. We have the kayaks rented though. morning consists of poptarts and gatorade. My dad and one kid and I go kayak, come home a little later, hubby is grouchy. The kid was much better, we go pick up mexican food from a shack on the side of the road, really it was okay, just not great atmosphere, the little guy hangs out with us, but doesn't eat, does drink some sprite. We walk up to the front door of the house and he pukes more. While he naps with dad watching I make hubby go out on the kayak, he didn't love it, he was in a bad mood, grumpy, didn't enjoy nature or time alone. WE get back, I go out again with my other son and dad, we come home with butter burgers (oh so good and bad for you) and eat. By 8 pm hubby is puking everything up, so his mood wasn't just a mood...LOL. Ah happy birthday to me! No cake or nothing chocolate. On the upside my new step mom got me a very beautiful bracelet that I did NOT expect. Very cool.

By Bea on Tuesday, August 23, 2005 - 10:45 pm:

I'd love to awake with my DH in a balcony cabin onboard a cruise ship in the Southern Caribbean. In the cabin on one side, I'd like to have my DS, DIL and GD. On the other side, my younger DS and his latest. We'd all meet for breakfast, and then take a snorkeling catamaran tour for the morning. We'd return to the ship for lunch, and then shop in the afternoon. We'd change for dinner. At dinner I'd order lobster tails. They'd bring a chocolate cake, and the waiters and my family would sing Happy Birthday. No gifts...the cruise would be my gift. We would go to see a show after dinner. DH and I would then watch GD while the youngsters partied.

By Dawnk777 on Tuesday, August 23, 2005 - 11:17 pm:

Well, it wouldn't have to be breakfast in bed, but it would be fun to wake up to breakfast prepared for me! An omelet with broccoli, green peppers, mushrooms and ham, some fresh fruit on the side and some fresh-squeezed orange juice, along with a chai latte with freshly foamed milk!

Then being left alone, so I could read a book in peace for a few hours, then go out to eat for supper, at my favorite Italian restaurant!

I think that would be my perfect birthday! At least my kids are old enough to bake now, so they can make me a cake!

By Mrsheidi on Tuesday, August 23, 2005 - 11:24 pm:

I would love to go to a Thirty Seconds to Mars or Aerosmith concert with DH! And, my best friend in Colorado would watch Connor for us!! Or, my old babysitter... *sniff* I miss her!!

Then, check into a hotel!!!

By Frasersmama on Wednesday, August 24, 2005 - 02:15 am:

I would sleep as late as I want, have breakfast with dh and dd, then I would spend the day alone in my favourite place in the whole wide world (so far) Mission Beach, Australia where I would lie on the beach and read a great book in between dips in the ocean to cool off, then I would meet back up with dd and dh for a great seafood dinner and the best bottle of Aussie Shiraz that money can buy, followed of course by chocolate - must be at least 70% cocoa, then off to our swanky hotel room sans dd for a little more fun.

By Agreen on Wednesday, August 24, 2005 - 07:25 am:

Well, i would enjoy the day with a great breakfast and coffee made for me, my DH doing ALL the house work and caretaking of DD. Then off to a spa and to have massage, manicure and pedicure. For dinner i would love for DH take me once again to this great place on the shoreline called the Copper Beech Inn. We went last year for my birthday and i want to go again!! I would order their signature lobster dish again and the for dessert, "chocolate for two" Yummy! I think i will send this to DH for hints for January. I'm turning the big 3-0 this year... :(

By Trina~moderator on Wednesday, August 24, 2005 - 07:51 am:

- NO housework or cooking whatsoever
- Sweet, cooperative, non-fighting children
- A day of pampering: facial, manicure, pedicure and leisurely shopping at the mall with no spending limit
- Out to dinner with my family
- Couple time with DH smileywink

Hey, I can dream, can't I?!

Heidi, an Aerosmith concert sounds great!

By Deek on Wednesday, August 24, 2005 - 11:52 am:

I had a perfect birthday this was a big one and my sister in law and cousin planned a party for me at a bed and breakfast at the shore..close family and friends, wonderful food ( they served dinner) and then my dh and I got to spend the night was a total surprise to me ..and everyone got to meet my brand new (first) granddaughter who was 2 weeks old at the time...just a special weekend..made getting older a little easier!!

By Breann on Wednesday, August 24, 2005 - 12:13 pm:

I think Trina pretty much summed up my dream too!

By Karen~moderator on Wednesday, August 24, 2005 - 12:36 pm:

*Ideally* - similar to Bea - balcony on a cruise ship in the southern Caribbean, breakfast delivered to me while I enjoy the sea breezes, an afternoon of snorkeling followed by a nap on the beach, dinner with DH at a table for two, nightcaps on the upper deck of the ship watching the moon over the water......

My kids don't seem to care one way or the other of they are with me for my birthday. At any rate, it's near impossible to get all 4 of them, plus Madison, in the same place at the same time. Christmas is normally the only time that happens.

This year I'm hibernating for my birthday! LOL

By Bellajoe on Wednesday, August 24, 2005 - 01:20 pm:

In perfect world this would be my birthday:
wake up to the smell of french toast and good coffee
eat it and some fresh fruit and drink the coffee
someone takes the kids so i can go to the spa for a full day of pampering:massage, facial, pedicure, manicure and whatever else they do at spa's...finishing it off with a style and make up application
then off to do some shopping where everything i try on fits perfectly and i buy it all! :) And i get a whole bunch of new shoes too
then i head home where the children are quiet and behaving or sleeping.
hubby and i go out for a nice leasurely dinner (somewhere on the water and watching a sunset). come home and have cake and ice cream with the kids and family.
and then a quiet night.

oh what a nice dream!

oh and also, no one is sick like they were last year on my birthday!

By Tink on Wednesday, August 24, 2005 - 02:29 pm:

I'd like to wake up, take a *leisurely* shower, and go out to breakfast with my dh and kids (all behaving beautifully with their food coming out pre-cut!). The kids would go off for the day and I would get to go shopping with my dh for new furniture. While we were out, the maids would come in to clean, do laundry and accept the catered dinner that would be coming for that evening. DH and I would go for a long walk on the beach and then go for a horseback ride at twilight. We'd come home with the kids and tuck them into bed. Then DH and I could eat a wonderful dinner and dessert and watch a great movie. Then...well, there's a reason you've been given an imagination! :)

By Pamt on Wednesday, August 24, 2005 - 03:32 pm:

My birthday is December 18 so I have a winter fantasy (and DH knows it---just waiting to have the money to make it reality). I would love to be in a luxurious bed and breakfast in Vermont. Wake up to waffles with REAL maple syrup, fresh fruit, and hot chocolate and eat breakfast in bed snuggled underneath the down comforter on a featherbed, antique of course. Then the fam and I would go play out in the snow, I'd have the afternoon to myself to read and nap and maybe work in a massage. That night DH and I would have a romantic dinner alone in some cozy inn by the fireplace (don't know where my kids would be--LOL). After dinner we'd go for a ride in a one horse open sleigh and come back to get warm in our antique featherbed. Aaaahhhh.

By Missbookworm on Wednesday, August 24, 2005 - 04:29 pm:


breakfast in bed...fresh coffee, waffles with fruit and whipped topping...

then snuggle into the bed for some couple time and honestly just spend the whole day in talking, laughing, making love.

Then a long leisurely bath or shower together...

dinner out somewhere with soft candlelight and music...

then watch the sunset on the beach light candles all around us and sleep outside under the stars..

of course my b'day is in december sooo we'd have to go to the caribbean or something ;)

By Dawnk777 on Wednesday, August 24, 2005 - 05:11 pm:

Pam, your idea sounds like fun, too! Waffles, real syrup and fresh fruit sounds yummy and I can just imagine that warm fluffy quilt!

By Reds9298 on Wednesday, August 24, 2005 - 05:20 pm:

Pampering...pedi, facial, massage at an Italian spa near the Italian villa I would be staying at in Venice with dh and dd. Afterward we would go to Burano and enjoy the shops, people, and paninis, then spend a little time on the beach. Dh and I would have an ideal babysitter so we wouldn't worry (my dad, but he would just magically appear and disappear when needed) and eat alone at our favorite restaurant on the Grand Canal. We would sit in St. Mark's Square and do nothing, since the music and setting is an overwhelmingly romantic experience. We would take a gondola ride together around midnight (like I can really stay awake that long! LOL). We would come home and kiss our sleeping angel and then sack out.

(The Aerosmith concert sounds like a great idea, too, Heidi! And a little more in my "one-income" budget :))

By Cocoabutter on Wednesday, August 24, 2005 - 08:35 pm:

I would just like to be able to sit and not do ANYTHING for anyone else, but have everyone else do EVERYTHING for me.

Like feed the dog and let her outside whenever she has to go.

Get me whatever I need, like when I forget to bring a towel with me into the bathroom when I take a shower.

Or if I get the munchies, get me something to eat, even if it means running to the store for it.

You know, all the little things that I do for my dh and ds, just to have somebody do that for me for a whole day would mean the world to me.

*sigh* In a perfect world...

By Jackie on Wednesday, August 24, 2005 - 08:46 pm:

As well, I think Id like somebody to do all the stuff for me, I do everyday. Now dont get me wrong. I dont overwork myself at home LOL...:)
But, the little things, like feeding the dogs, letting them out, doing laundry that I do daily, vacuuming and putting dishes away etc.. You know all those daily things.So although I dont really have anything I wanted for my birthday(Well material wise), It would of been nice just to have laid around having things being done for me.
This is how my birthday day went was the same as every other day LOL
Although I did thank my son for an unplanned b-day gift. I woke with a small migraine headache today. But noon time It was hurting and I was feeling sick to my stomach from it. Faith got up from her nap, and I asked my 11 yr to take Faith in his room(Told him to first grab some toys from her room)and take her there for about an hr so I could lay down and rest. He did it, no complaining. I think that was the best gift I got. I got about an hr to lay down in quiet with my door closed and snoozed a bit. I woke up feeling better, although my head still hurt a bit.
From start to finish today. I did 2 loads of laundry, vacuumed 2 times, took care of the baby, ran errands. After my husband got home, we took the dog to the vet, and had a nice birthday dinner at Wendys. To finish off my birthday day, we took my son to boyscouts, and just getting home now. LOL..Although I didnt get a birthday cake(I never do)we went to the local grocery store, and we got a single brownie from the bakery. YUM

By Cat on Wednesday, August 24, 2005 - 08:55 pm:

It'd be a nice, quiet, relaxed day. I don't need someone to wait on me, but I don't want to have to make my own dinner! lol Or clean up! :) It wouldn't involve dh asking "Are you going to make a cake?" and there'd be no arguing. Mine was just a couple weeks ago (8th) and well, we're in the real world, not a perfect world. It was still good. Dh bought a cheese cake from the local grocery (flavors HE liked--I'd have gone for the chocolate!) and he and the kids got me gifts I actually needed and not stuff that would just lay around the house unused. Maybe someday we'll all live in our perfect worlds. :)

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