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Exercise and eating question

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive August 2005: Exercise and eating question
By Vicki on Tuesday, August 23, 2005 - 07:32 am:

Ok, tomorrow is the first day of school and I am on a new way of life eating plan!! My dd and a little girl in the neighborhood will be entering middle school tomorrow and her mom and I are going to start walking as soon as the girls get on the bus. They are scheduled to be picked up at 6:43, so I would say by 6:50 we should be going strong! My question is, I am planning on getting up about 5:40. Should I eat my breakfast before we walk or after we get back? I know that breakfast is important to get your metabolism going in the morning, but I really don't want to eat and then walk! Will the walking (we have nothing but hills where I live) get it going even if I don't eat until we get home?? What is the best thing to do? Thanks so much!

By Karen~moderator on Tuesday, August 23, 2005 - 07:45 am:

I found this:

Early morning
Many people get up very early in the morning to fit in a gym session or a run before they go to work. The question is if they should eat anything before they exercise or not?

The basic principle is that anyone who has eaten an evening meal at about 7 p.m., spent the evening doing various things and then slept for seven or more hours, will probably have fasted for 11 to 12 hours by the time he or she gets up in the morning.

After such a prolonged fast your blood glucose levels are very low, which will in turn influence how much exercise you can do, how well your brain works and how tired you will feel for the rest of the day. It is, therefore, essential that everyone should eat something on awakening to boost blood sugar levels.

It is not necessary to eat a large and complex breakfast, but you do need to eat a light balanced meal or snack before you start the day.

Examples of meals that will boost your blood sugar and activate your brain include:

breakfast cereal or muesli with milk or yoghurt, honey or brown sugar, a fruit and tea or coffee
fruit with yoghurt, tea or coffee
wholewheat or rye toast or seedbread with cheese, peanut butter, a boiled egg or jam, tea or coffee
smoothies (made with milk or yoghurt, fresh fruit, honey)
Bokomo Up&Go Liquid Breakfast Cereal
an energy bar with a hot beverage
(Use fat-free milk or yoghurt, and fat-free cottage cheese if you are trying to lose weight.)

Any one of these breakfast examples will give you more energy when you exercise early in the morning.

Once you have had your small breakfast to activate your brain and blood sugar, and done your exercise, you will probably need another snack during the morning to sustain you till lunchtime. If you go to work, pack a second breakfast snack for 10 a.m.

This snack could consist of any of the above-mentioned foods, or additional sandwiches (use protein fillings such a lean meat, tuna, cottage cheese or egg), fresh or dried fruit, nuts, fat-free yoghurt, or cheese wedges, energy bars or instant oats with a handful of raisins.

By My2girlygirls on Tuesday, August 23, 2005 - 08:08 am:

Surprisingly when I have exercised in the morning, just eating a boiled egg was enough to kick start me and then eat a little more after I am done exercising (like a bowl of cereal)

By Vicki on Tuesday, August 23, 2005 - 08:25 am:

Well, I guess that answers that! LOL Thanks so much! I knew someone here could help!!

By Amecmom on Tuesday, August 23, 2005 - 08:33 am:

Hard boiled egg is good, but a low carb (high protein) energy bar shake a is great! It will give your body some fuel, but not too much ...

By Mrsheidi on Tuesday, August 23, 2005 - 10:32 am:

I **HIGHLY** recommend the book "Fit for Life". You don't have to want to look like the people whose pictures are in it, but the author explains that it's best (if you are trying to lose weight) to NOT EAT before you exercise.
It makes will burn your fat...not the food you just ate.
Connor and I walk 4-5 miles every morning. I feed him, of course, at 7:30 and then we are out the door at 8:00am. I'm back by 9:30 and then I eat.
I found that I lose weight the best by doing this. And, my metabolism is really high the rest of the day!!! (I chew gum the whole time and I think it helps curb the hunger.)

And....GOOD FOR YOU on your decision!! And, again, I REALLY REALLY REALLY recommend that book. I lost a lot of weight by following his exercise routine and I tailored it to my needs.

By Heaventree on Tuesday, August 23, 2005 - 11:00 am:

Oh Heidi, please don't chew gum when you have an empty stomach! Chewing starts the digestive system going and you have acid rolling around in your empty tummy. Take a banana or apple and 10 or 12 almonds with you. Much better for your digestive system and blood sugar. Or have a low carb high protien shake like Ame sugested or even a glass of milk before you start out.

By Vicki on Tuesday, August 23, 2005 - 11:15 am:

Well, you guys are confusing me as much as my research does! LOL I looked online and I can find as many things telling me to eat something before exercise as I can telling me not to eat before. And I HAVE to chew gum while walking. We have some heafty hills around here and really get a work out while walking. My mouth and throat get very dry if I don't have gum. I would much rather eat after I come home and take a shower, but want to make sure that it won't hurt my bodies metabolism to exercise without eating first....

By Mrsheidi on Tuesday, August 23, 2005 - 11:39 am: won't hurt your metabolism by not eating before you exercise. Just try it for 2 weeks and let me know how you feel! I found I had more energy, my metabolism increased, I lost the most weight, and it does help to do it in the morning so it's already out of the way. That book really explains it. Your fat will give you the energy to burn.

And, BTW, I chew gum all of the time...whether or not I'm exercising. I think I have some sort of oral fixation. But, it does help to keep the mouth from drying out while doing so.

Vicki..."Fit for Life", read, read...

By Jann on Tuesday, August 23, 2005 - 02:32 pm:

I have tried both, and for me, eating after I do cardio works best. If I am doing weights/strength training, then I will eat a light protein breakfast first. If you are finding that not eating something before you exercise effects your stamina, endurance or ability to lose, then I would probably have a few almonds or maybe a teaspoon of peanut butter before starting out. I find a banana with natural peanut butter or yogurt and blueberries a great prework out breakfast.

By Debbie on Tuesday, August 23, 2005 - 02:34 pm:

I get up early to exercise and I don't eat first. I just can't eat that early. However, I do drink lots of water while I walk. I have heard different things too and just decided to do what works for me.

By Vicki on Wednesday, August 24, 2005 - 08:01 am:

Well, I didn't eat before I went and I felt just fine. I think I will leave it that way for now! Gonna go hit the shower and then sit down and enjoy my breakfast. So glad exercise is done for the day!! Great feeling!!

By Feona on Wednesday, August 24, 2005 - 08:17 am:

I would bring some toast in a ziploc with me and a bottle of water. I hate to be hungry. It stops the exercise if you are hungry. Sometimes I can walk for 1 1/2 with a friend but not if I am hungry.

By Mrsheidi on Wednesday, August 24, 2005 - 09:06 am:

GREAT!!! Try to get a protein shake right afterwards...when you exercise, you stress your muscles and that helps to rebuild/strengthen them.
In the book it also teaches how lifting some weights can also increase a little muscle and that muscle cells have the highest metabolism. So, don't forget some weights too! (Maybe on the days you don't walk.) Lifting weights helps lose fat too.
And, on the 7th! Do what you want and eat what you want! That's why I love that program. :-)

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