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Need Crash Course In Bunco

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive August 2005: Need Crash Course In Bunco
By Kate on Thursday, August 18, 2005 - 08:42 pm:

Not sure how to spell it, but I have to play it tomorrow and I haven't a clue how. It's the game where I think you keep getting up and switching tables?? Anyone?

By Pamt on Thursday, August 18, 2005 - 09:01 pm:

You'll learn johnny-on-the-spot tomorrow. It's tons of fun!!! It's a dice game and requires no skill or intelligence. It's strictly a fast paced game of luck. The bunco parties that I have been to are really just an excuse to meet lots of other women and talk. You rotate tables and don't stick with the same people each time so you get to spend time with each person there. It really is a blast!

Bunco rules

By Annie2 on Thursday, August 18, 2005 - 09:13 pm:

Don't stress about it. You'll learn immediately. It's almost a rotating "Yahtzee" game if you are familiar with that. You'll have a ball!

By Kaye on Thursday, August 18, 2005 - 09:21 pm:

Alright, I will give specifics..LOL. Rules are different everyone, but in general...

You are rolling for 6's, each time you roll a 6, you roll again, count your sixes and that is your score. Pass the dice, keep going, you have a partner that you score with, who ever scores the most wins that round. (variations are rolling for different numbers each round, etc)

If you roll 3 6's (or whatever the number is) that is called a bunco, you get extra points, a special bunco mark. It is good.

We play if you roll all 1's, then you lose your score (and your partners).

So at hte end of each round either the winners move tables or the losers (depending on your group).

It is VERY easy, roll, count, drink, move when told. Have FUN!

By Mrsheidi on Thursday, August 18, 2005 - 10:02 pm:

If you can add and talk at the same time, you can play's a perfect excuse to get together with girls, drink, and get to know new people!!

By Kate on Friday, August 19, 2005 - 12:02 am:

I can't add in the BEST of circumstances....certainly not whilst talking, LOL!

Thanks everyone! It's a Pioneer Girls church club mother/daughter party kick off type thingy. :)

By Andi on Friday, August 19, 2005 - 12:05 am:

You don't even have to add and talk at the same time...someone else will keep score. :) In our group the rule is...if you can drink, talk and roll the die you are a pro!!

Don't have time to post much right now but just wanted to tell you to GO, HAVE FUN and you will be hooked. :)

By Kernkate on Friday, August 19, 2005 - 12:05 am:

Kate ,best of luck:) Never heard of it!!

By Bea on Friday, August 19, 2005 - 11:51 pm:

Game Overview

There are six rounds in each set of Bunco. The High Table controls the pace of play by starting each round and ending each round with a ring of the bell. The scorekeeper at each table is the first to roll.

Players earn points by rolling the three dice. In each round, players are trying to roll the same number as the round, or the target number (for example, rolling in Round 3) - sometimes called a mark.

One point is awarded for each target number rolled successfully. For example rolling a one a one and a two in round 1 earns 2 points, in round 2, the same roll earns one point. In rounds 3-6 this roll earns no points.

Five points are awarded for rolling three of a kind of any number except the current target number. For example rolling a three in round 3 earns 5 points.

BUNCO! is called when rolling 3 of a kind of the target number. For example, rolling 3 fives in Round 3. Rolling BUNCO is worth 21 points, but the player has to yell it out to get credit for it.

The player rolls as long as they score one or more points. When they fail to roll the target number on any of the dice, the dice are passed to the player on the left and the scorekeeper records the cumulative score on the Table Tally as the temporary team score.

The round is over when the HIGH table reaches 21 points, they ring the bell and the round is over for everyone. The other tables keep rolling until the high table rings the bell. They may score more than 21 points, sometimes over 100 points.

When the round ends, and players at the lower tables get to finish their roll.

Every player gets at least one roll per round.

At the end of each round the winning team from the Middle and Low tables move up to a higher table. The losing team from the High table moves to the low table. During the switch partners are changed.

By Kaye on Saturday, August 20, 2005 - 10:04 am:

So kate how did your game go?

I have played with 3 different groups they all do it a bit differently, but I always have fun.

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