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What do you think...Honestly?

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive August 2005: What do you think...Honestly?
By Rayanne on Tuesday, August 16, 2005 - 05:04 pm:

Chris and I were discussing names the other night. We really like Chandler, if it's a boy. We hadn't really decided on a middle name, but I was throwing around Ray for my dad. Chris came up with Maverick for the middle name. He saw it in the baby name book, and said that is it! I am not too thrilled with it. What do you all think? I know it's up to us, and how often do you really use the middle name, but I wish i could maybe chnage his mind. He said Pierce at first, and I really like that, but Maverick? Someone's been watching too much Top Gun.:)

By Emily7 on Tuesday, August 16, 2005 - 05:19 pm:

I agree with you Rayanne, it doesn't really flow. What are you thinking of if the baby is a girl?

By Kaye on Tuesday, August 16, 2005 - 05:25 pm:

LOL i thought top gun too! I don't think it is a horrible name, I am in texas though and boy do we get some names here. My grandmother babysits for a boy named "outlaw", really that is his first name! I think for me what is hard about the name is it is so many syllables, I love pierce. But it depends on your last name.

By Rayanne on Tuesday, August 16, 2005 - 05:31 pm:

Emily, if it's a girl, we are going with Chloee. We decided on spelling it with two E's because of Rylee's two E's in her name. We haven't come up with a middel name for it yet. Hopefully I can talk him into Pierce. We shall see. We still have 9 months to go, so anything can happen.

By Paulas on Tuesday, August 16, 2005 - 06:43 pm:

I'm not really found of Maverick either. I do like Chandler Pierce though. Good luck.

By Tink on Tuesday, August 16, 2005 - 07:03 pm:

Count me as another "no" for Maverick but I'm not a huge fan of unusual names. I like Chloee and Chandler Pierce. Good luck!

By Ginny~moderator on Tuesday, August 16, 2005 - 07:12 pm:

I'll say it again. When you pick names, think of nicknames and initial combinations. Chandler Peirce is a very nice name, but his friends will call him CC or CP, or Chan. I agree - no on Maverick - heaven help your husband if names are destiny. Does he really want a Maverick son?

By Mrsheidi on Tuesday, August 16, 2005 - 07:20 pm:

I would stick with family names. For Connor's middle name, we got lucky with both of our father's names...they both are named Paul.
If we have a boy or girl next, we are going to combine our mom's names for the middle name.
His Mom-Johnna
My Mom- Sharon

So...for a girl, Shohnna and for a boy, Shohnn.
But, if you can't combine names, I really like Ray. Plus, your dad would be so touched.
I have my great grandma's first name as my middle name and I LOVE it. Gives me a sense of family belonging.

By Dawnk777 on Tuesday, August 16, 2005 - 07:40 pm:

I like Chandler Pierce, although Chandler Ray sounds nice, too.

Sarah has my mom's middle name, Joy and Emily has my middle name, Marie.

Rayanne, are you named after Dad? That's cool if you were!

I was named Dawn, because I was the first kid in the family, so there's kind of a "first thing/first kid/morning" connotation to my name! Marie came because it's "required" to have Marie if your first name is Dawn! LOL! Just kidding! Actually, I love being Dawn Marie. I feel like I belong to a special club! Amd all Dawn Maries that I meet, think it's cool, too!

By Vicki on Tuesday, August 16, 2005 - 09:12 pm:

I agree that I would veto Maverick. Just doesn't have that ring to it to me. I like either Ray or Pierce though!

I was named after my mom and dad. Dads name is Victor and my moms name was Sue, so I got Vicki Sue. Always thought that was neat!

By Reds9298 on Tuesday, August 16, 2005 - 09:44 pm:

Don't like Maverick...hope you win that one! :)

By Rayanne on Tuesday, August 16, 2005 - 10:04 pm:

Dawn, I was named after my dad and my mom. My dad's name, is Ray, and my my mom's name is Mary Ann. I hope that I win this one. I will have to show him this thread, and maybe that will change his mind. He thinks of some really weird names. You'd be surprised with he has come up with.

By Luvn29 on Wednesday, August 17, 2005 - 07:42 am:

Well, I'll be honest. I was more particular about first names, but a little more giving when it came to middle names. I wanted to name my ds Ashton Michael. Really liked that. I had always been adament about NOT using family names on my children.

But, my husband really wanted to use James as the middle name after his late grandfather. He lived with him for a long time, and was very close to him. I have NEVER cared for the name James. I remember being a little girl when my cousin named her son Brandon James, and thought, ugh, why James??? Hehe!

So, I could tell he really wanted that, so I compromised. We knew it was our last child, and I am too close to my dad to leave him out IF we were going to do the family thing, so we used James-Lee (with the hyphen) as his middle name. I still wasn't crazy about it, but it grew on me, and both of our parents were very happy, so that helped. I still love my first choice, but now I can't see him as anything other than a "James-Lee". But I stressed that he is to go by his first name.

So, Maverick isn't so bad as a middle name. I kind of like different names. Be firm about both of you loving the first name, because that will be the name always used, and you might come to some sort of agreement about the middle name, like I did with my dh.

Good luck! And remember, you have plenty of time to change your minds!

By Missmudd on Wednesday, August 17, 2005 - 10:26 am:

Ick on the maverick :) I think of the Ford Maverick and I have never had much luck w/ fords.

By Wandilu on Wednesday, August 17, 2005 - 11:06 am:

A friend of mine from school days is married to a man named Maverick,and people still look funny when you say his name! I'm very impressed by you ladies that have been conciderate to include both sides of the family when you named your babies.When my ds and ddil had their first child,they named her after ddil's father and grandmother.The second child they named after my ds.So when the third came along,I secretely got excited ,thinking they might give me or my dh the honor this time.But they named it after ddil's mother.We both were hurt.

By Eve on Wednesday, August 17, 2005 - 01:19 pm:

DH picked out a really great baby name book called The Baby Name Wizard. There is the Website as well. Here's what is says about Maverick:

"Word names can be vessels for parents' own dreams. From "Princess" to "Rocky," we see glimmers of reflected fantasies. Maverick is the cowboy, the rebel, the daring jet pilot--or, nowadays, the upstart entrepreneur. Just be prepared that when you give a boy the name Maverick, your're tactily approving his decision twenty years later to drop out of college and take his band on the road."

For Chandler:

"Chandler has an offhand elegance that fits the spirit of the times. It probably would have been a popular choice even it is weren't featured on Friends, the most popular sitcom of the last decade. Probably. If you like the style but balk at the television association, look at Palmer and Archer."

For Pierce:

"Zippy and preppy, but strong as steel. (Like Pierce Brosnan's James Bond--or Remington Steele.) Pierce makes newer zippy names like Bryce and Chance look like lightweights."

I always enjoy reading these--I thought you might too.:)

By Bellajoe on Wednesday, August 17, 2005 - 03:17 pm:

I"m sorry Rayanne but I'm going to have to say no to the Maverick thing. You may not use the name Maverick in everyday life. But when that little boy is talking to his friends, girls and boys, and they discuss what their middle names are....the kid will be SO embarrassed to say "maverick" under his breath. I know some friends of mine that for years would not tell anyone their middle names because they hated them so much. My dh included. He was named after his grandfather UMBERTO. That is his middle name. He never wanted to tell anyone what his middle name was.

Chandler Pierce and Chandler Ray both sound good.

By Tayjar on Wednesday, August 17, 2005 - 03:22 pm:

I can't say I'm wild about the name Maverick.
I know of a male-stripper named Maverick. And, that's his middle name, too. And, just for the record, I've never seen him perform. Ick.

I would get a book and just start looking. I'm amazed at the names I see in those books that I never even thought of but wished I would.

By Melanie on Wednesday, August 17, 2005 - 03:48 pm:

I agree with the others. Not a fan of Maverick. I do, however, love love love the name Pierce. :)

By Dawnk777 on Wednesday, August 17, 2005 - 06:27 pm:

I really didn't think of "Friends", when I saw Chandler! LOL! I'm thinking about it now, but only because I've been reminded about it now! LOL!

By Breann on Thursday, August 18, 2005 - 12:58 pm:

I don't like Maverick for a name either. We have gas stations all over our state named "Maverick", lol. They are the dumpy ones, that "cruddy" people like to hang out at.

I did think of FRIENDS when I saw Chandler :) Cute name though! I've heard it for both boys and girls.

By Heaventree on Thursday, August 18, 2005 - 03:21 pm:

I think that middle names should mean something, but that's just me. Why have a middle name just for the sake of it or because everyone else has one? I don't have a middle name and never suffered as a child.

We chose Walter for a middle name, granted I was not thinking this was such a great idea, however, we chose this name in honour of DH's father whose first name is Walter. It was the right choice, DH's parents were very happy and I know that we will never really use this name for Matthew so who cares.

The next child will be Cameron Tanner, my sister's name is Tana.

Maverick is a bit wierd but it is just a middle name so what does it matter. I really don't see why it is a requirement though especially if it is just because. Does that make any sense?

Good luck - let us know what you decide in the end.

By Rayanne on Thursday, August 18, 2005 - 05:18 pm:

I know exactly what you mean Heaventree. I don't have a middle name either.:)

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