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Pet peeves

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive August 2005: Pet peeves
By Mrsheidi on Monday, August 1, 2005 - 03:45 pm:

Ok, I know this sounds ridiculous, but I'm seriously getting annoyed by this...

Do you ever go to the grocery store and the cashier asks, "Hi! How are you?" and you respond with, "Fine, thanks, and you?"
...and they DON'T respond??? That's so annoying. You KNOW you said it loud enough but they're just being impersonal. Grr...

Along those same lines, I walk almost every morning. I say "hi" to those I cross paths with and about 9 out of 10 people either give me a half smile or just keep looking ahead and don't say anything back. Keep in mind I'm on my 4th mile and I'm out of breath too, but man, maybe I'm just TOO friendly?
People have GOT to lighten up!!! LOL

By My2cuties on Monday, August 1, 2005 - 04:07 pm:

I find that most cashiers that I say "fine and you?" answer almost stunned that I asked them back. Maybe they don't hear it much so they don't realize you actually care about how they are. Does that make sense? Plus I have also noticed that if it is almost time for them to leave the store they are a little bit more on edge and not so friendly.

By Amecmom on Monday, August 1, 2005 - 04:38 pm:

At my grocery store, the new line is, "Did you find everything you were looking for today?" If you actually said no, they couldn't help anyway and would just refer you to the customer service counter - not where you want to go!

By Mommmie on Monday, August 1, 2005 - 05:23 pm:

I think it's just perfunctory small talk/customer service and I'm not bothered by a lack of response. I mean they don't really care how you are in the first place anyway.

Plus, you have to be careful these days. When I take a walk I avoid eye contact with all males I encounter. Remember that grocery store chain that required their cashiers to have eye contact with customers and all these men thought the cashiers were interested in them or coming onto them and it put the cashiers in difficult situations? You just have to be so careful. I have encountered many a man who thinks I "want" him simply because I was nice and said Hello.

By Jelygu on Monday, August 1, 2005 - 05:29 pm:

LOL... I agree with you heidi! I take the time to answer them, why shouldn't they?
I have a crazy pet peeve. When I let people over while driving, or let people cross (not in a crosswalk) and they don't wave or nod to thank me! I know it is stupid, but its the one thing that drives me crazy. (well, I wait tables so I actually have a ton of pet peeves when it comes to eating out, but that's a whole other story!)

By Mrsheidi on Monday, August 1, 2005 - 05:43 pm:

LOL, Jennifer, I understand that one too! I always wave when I'm let in...and it really irks me if I'm being nice and they don't wave "thanks"!

I don't worry about men thinking that I want them. Plus, with an attacker, I'd want to look him square in the eye to let him know that I am not afraid. On my walks, it's in a *very* busy road/public place anyway.

By Bellajoe on Monday, August 1, 2005 - 05:50 pm:

I have so many pet peeves, i dont know where to begin! People are just rude sometimes.

Luckily where I live when I am on a walk and smile and say hello to another person on the path/sidewalk 95% of the time the person smiles and says hello back. Even when they are having a conversation with someone else walking with them.

At my grocery store, the clerk never really asks how I am doing, they just say hello. Which is fine with me.

Jennifer, i totally agree with you on the wave thing! I hate when i let someone in and they don't give me the "thank you" wave. It drives me nuts!

By Vicki on Monday, August 1, 2005 - 06:21 pm:

My biggest driving pet peeve is I try to allow at least 2 car lengths between me and the car in front of me for safety reasons . But most other drivers think I do that so they can cut in front of me!! Like I leave that space just for them!!

By Bea on Monday, August 1, 2005 - 06:48 pm:

At the grocery store I make it a habit of saying something personal to the cashier...."I love your earrings"....Seeing her name tag...."What a beautiful name" This ALWAYS gets a smile and a friendly check out. It brightens both our days. I figure she's working at a tedious and physical job. I can make her smile and it helps us both have a nicer experience.

By Tink on Monday, August 1, 2005 - 11:03 pm:

My dh works in the grocery industry and most cashiers are required to ask how you are or if you've found everything. They aren't doing it to be polite or because they actually care. What they aren't required to do (respond politely or courteously), they just don't do. I have a huge pet peeve with any poor customer service.

I think the reason most of these things bother us is simply because it is such a lack of courtesy and basic manners. If I ask how you are, I'd like a response in kind. If I am gracious while driving, a wave or nod is the only safe way of saying thank you. I also smile and say Hello with eye contact while walking for the same reason as Heidi. I want someone to know that I got a good look at them, I also think that it makes you look like less of a target.

By Eve on Tuesday, August 2, 2005 - 02:20 pm:

My pet peeve is when people don't say excuse me when they have to get by you. For some reason, CT is terrible. Don't get me wrong, there are lots of nice and friendly people. When we are in the grocery store, it's very rare for someone to say excuse me. I always make an effort to say "excuse me" and tell me DD loud enough how important manners are and how nice it is to say "excuse me." Just like chewing gum in public and so on...

By Lorebunde on Tuesday, August 2, 2005 - 03:48 pm:

My pet peeve is if I have to call someone (work related) and for example, a man answers the phone, I say "Is Joe there?" all I hear back is "yes". Well, I have to drag it out of them. "Is this Joe"? or "Can I please speak to him?". I would think the answer would be, "yes, this is Joe." Am I silly?

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