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Those of you with an SUV or Truck...

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive May 2005: Those of you with an SUV or Truck...
By Conni on Wednesday, May 4, 2005 - 11:30 am:

Can you change a flat on it yourself? Would your dh drop everything to come help you? Do you think he should?

Here is what happened to me yesterday: I had a flat yesterday driving thru a grown up pasture. Walked to barn to get 4-wheeler, then saw a flat on 4-wheeler. Ok, so I head back towards truck sitting in grown up pasture to get portable air pump so I can air up ATV tire. Simple right? No, it wasnt. I had sandals on and almost stepped on a snake. I am SURE it was a copperhead. I then lose it. lol Nerves are shot at this point. I have to get my 5 yo past the snake back over to me--he was however, on his little bitty 4-wheeler so that was good. Get him to come back to me. We drive my 4-wheeler with a FLAT out to truck. No way in heck I am putting my feet back on the ground. I am so scared of snakes. :( I call my dh at work and he says 'What do you want me to do?' In my mind I am thinking if I get snake bit I cant even drive to the ER!! Tire completely flat on truck. He says to 'let him know if he needs to come out AFTER work and change the flat.' Okkayyyyyy uhhhhh, I have a kid to pick up at 4:30 and a kid to feed and take to soccer game and I need to go to pharmacy and pick up med's, etc...etc... So I hang up ticked off. I call my sis, she is too far away. I call my Dad no answer. Call my EX HUSBAND thinking he is going to have to go get the kids for me and handle that end of it. Instead he INSISTS on coming out and looking for the snake and changing the flat. I couldnt even get the spare tire down from underneath the truck by myself. :( Ok so he handles it all. Great.

Now I am curious if I am the only one that couldnt change a flat on a big truck??? This was in a grown up pasture too- it may have been diff on the side of the road. But my ex even had to go find some boards to put under the jack because it was sinking down. argh

I got chewed out by my dh for having a flat, he was ticked off my ex changed it, then he was mad the tire has to be replaced- and mad that i drove out in the field in the 4 wheel drive truck--which he JUST did on Saturday?? Told me to never take it *off road*. Whatever!!! He told me he cant drop everything to come change a flat for me. I wasnt on the side of the road I was on our property and couldve stayed there til he got off work... Well, what about MY schedule?? Do all peope that work assume I dont have anything to do other then sit in a pasture until they get off work? I felt like what I do doesnt matter. argh!!!

What is it with men? I cant remember EVER getting mad at my dh for having a flat tire? That is just ridiculous. I am kind of hacked off can you tell? LOL

ahhhh I just needed to vent. Thanks !! I feel better already. He threw his big dirty SUV tire in the back of my mini van and asked if i would please go order him a new tire today. Ok fine whatever.

By Conni on Wednesday, May 4, 2005 - 11:33 am:

BTW- i did learn several lessons yesterday. LOL

I just got my feelings hurt because I didnt intentionally (sp?) ruin the tire...:( I felt bad enough without him saying anything to me about it.

By Vicki on Wednesday, May 4, 2005 - 11:35 am:

Well, I bet he feels like a real dork that he wouldn't come help you, but your ex did. And yes, if it would be at all possible, I would expect dh to drop everything and come help me in that situation. I do understand that it is not always possible, but if he could, I would have expected him to. If he couldn't have come to help me, he would have probably found someone that could.

By Reds9298 on Wednesday, May 4, 2005 - 11:42 am:

Ditto Vicki - unless it was TOTALLY impossible, dh would have dropped everything to help me. I'm sorry that your dh made you feel worse about the whole's not your fault! I'm sure he's also irritated that it was ex-dh that saved the day for you. Probably taking it out on you.
I absolutely could not change a flat tire on ANYTHING! I know I should learn how, but I always tell myself that's what AAA is for :) But that's probably not nearly as convenient as it sounds either!!

By Melanie on Wednesday, May 4, 2005 - 12:36 pm:

I couldn't do it myself and dh, unless he absolutely had to, would not come. He's not that handy with car stuff,either. LOL. Thank goodness for AAA. They have always been there when I needed them! :)

By Tonya on Wednesday, May 4, 2005 - 12:44 pm:

Before I could drive away from home I had to learn to change a tire, change the oil and check all of the fluids in my car. I could do it now with no problem. But not in a grow up field hell no. Rich would ahve dropped whatever to come get me just because he knows I would't ask for help unless I really needed it. And if he couldn't my brother, dad or brother-in-law would have they all know I don't ask unless it is really necessary.

By Conni on Wednesday, May 4, 2005 - 01:15 pm:

I dont think we have AAA?? And I dont think they would have found me if we had it. lol However, it must be a nice service to have! ;)

By Debbie on Wednesday, May 4, 2005 - 01:27 pm:

My dh would have come out if he could. However, it is very hard for him to leave work some days. We have AAA just for this reason. Dh would never expect me to wait for him to change the tire!! And he would never get mad at me for getting a flat tire. I think your dh was just mad because your ex saved the day and showed up to fix it!

By Conni on Wednesday, May 4, 2005 - 01:30 pm:

Unfortunately, for me I came from a family where my Dad would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. He would drop ANYTHING for us girls and come to help us in any situation any time of day-- still is this way. Sometimes I have called him to help me with Blake when I needed help. He actually took off work early and handled Blake for me ... My Dad has always been into farming and ag type work and my grandparents all farmed. So I know that makes him more available I guess.

My husband on the other hand came from a totally diff family where his grandparents (one set of them) farmed. But his parents were very diff. His Dad played in the Major Leagues when he was growing up and most of the yr he wasnt home like a normal Dad. In the off season his Dad was home but i think very into himself... :( Still asks us how many autographed pictures we need everytime we see him??? I dont mean to be RUDE but, i hate that. lol He has been retired for over 20 yrs now. My point is that he watched his Mom fend for herself most of his life because his Dad wasnt around. OR they were traveling all over following his Dad around. Needless to say when his Dad was retired and was home full time (dh was in college by this time) his Mom left his Dad.

Anyway, ugh!!! I cant change all that I know. But my goodness somedays I wish I could have found a clone of my DAD. LOL Ok thats kind of sick isnt it? rofl...

By Reds9298 on Wednesday, May 4, 2005 - 02:47 pm:

No Conni, you're not sick. I found a clone of my daddy (at least all of his good qualities) and I'm the happiest lady around! My dad was the same way...would drop anything for me no matter what. Triple A is a nationwide travel club. Check your phone's about $60-$80/yr? I can't remember exactly. Plus discounts on regular travel.

By Yjja123 on Wednesday, May 4, 2005 - 03:01 pm:

My hubby works in a job that leaving mid day is near impossible. That being said, he has done it twice because I have called.
The first time I called because Addison hooked his finger with a fishhook and was hysterical. I didn't know what to do so called hubby. By the time he got home the hook was out but hubby was not mad. He gave us both hugs and went back to work. The second time was when my car stranded me at a grocery store. He came, figured it was the battery and fixed the car.
He got flack at work but simply stated my wife only calls me in an emergency and if my family needs me they are my first priority.
I don't know what your husbands job is and maybe it is hard for him to leave work.
I can say I drive an SUV and I would not even attemp to change a tire. We do have roadside service now so I would call them first before calling hubby.
Sorry you had such a bad day!

By Colette on Wednesday, May 4, 2005 - 03:15 pm:

I am pretty sure if I needed dh he'd come home from work. However, we have triple A and that's who I'd call first.

By Pamt on Wednesday, May 4, 2005 - 10:01 pm:

My DH would drop everything and come UNLESS he was in the middle of doing a funeral or a wedding and I wouldn't call then anyway. However, I do think he would reschedule a meeting or counseling session. Fortunately he is in a profession where family ocmes first and he has left work to bail me out of car trouble several times before. Sorry your DH left you in the lurch.:(

Conni, you may want to check your car insurance to see about roadside assistance. We don't have AAA, but we do have Geico insurance on our cars and they have the same emergency roadside assistance plan for FREE as AAA. I hit a curb and blew out my tire last semester. It was on a Wed. night, so DH had church so I just called Geico and they had my spare tire on 30 minutes later.

By Wandilu on Thursday, May 5, 2005 - 04:07 am:

My x would have acted that way,but worse!!! It was ALWAYS my fault if I had a flat,or anything else that went wrong ,was my fault.But my DH would have been out there asap and took care of everything.

By Breann on Thursday, May 5, 2005 - 09:43 am:

I can't change a tire. I'm always afraid that I will be stranded somewhere with a flat!
My dh's job wouldn't allow him to leave and come home to help me change a tire. I would either have to find someone to change it for me, or just wait until dh got off work.

By Conni on Thursday, May 5, 2005 - 09:44 am:

Ever have a week where you wonder whats going to happen next??? :)

Tuesday: 2 flats and almost stepped on poisonous snake

Wednesday: shocked by 220 volts trying to get heating element back in oven-- dont ask!!

Thursday: I am scared to do anything today. lol Already had call from Brandon- he broke his glasses and brad is home sick.

I am thinking about going back to bed...

By Missmudd on Thursday, May 5, 2005 - 07:52 pm:

Sorry that your week belongs in the gunise book of world records as a contender for worlds worst week. I "could" change a tire for my big van, BUT I would call the tow to do it. I just have visions of me stranded on the side of the road trying to change a tire and have the whole thing fall off the jack and possibly killing me. I am much more willing to let the tow guy deal w/ it. I have been "blessed" with alot of cars held together w/ barbed wire and good intentions and have spent too much time under the hood or under the car, changing breaks, oil, clutches, fuel and water pumps, alternators, a transmission(dont ever try this one at home kids, just call the car dead and let it rest in peace or pieces). I have done most things besides completely pull an engine. That said I have always made super sure that the car was super stable and had about 2 times as many jacks as needed. I have never felt that comfortable on the side of a road with traffic wizzing by usually on gravel w/ the cheapo jack that comes w/ your car.

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