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Easter Gifts

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive February 2005: Easter Gifts
By Missymelissy on Thursday, February 24, 2005 - 12:57 pm:

Do you give or receive Easter gifts to family members, if so, what types of things do you give or receive?

By Christylee on Thursday, February 24, 2005 - 01:03 pm:

Other than what the "easter bunny" leaves for my son we really don't exchange gifts. I sometimes get my niece and nephew a card and a stuffed bunny but that's about it.

By My2cuties on Thursday, February 24, 2005 - 01:08 pm:

I get my girls an Easter basket and some candy and a little toy and of course a dress. As for other family members I do not get them anything, we usually have a family get-together on Easter and hunt eggs so all the parents make about a dozen or 2 eggs (or get the fake ones) to hide for the kids. And then we all eat together that's about it. :)

By Emily7 on Thursday, February 24, 2005 - 01:10 pm:

We do the same thing as Christy, except I give cards to parents & siblings too.

By Kernkate on Thursday, February 24, 2005 - 01:12 pm:

The kids and DH give me flowers for easter every year. I love purple Hyacinth's so that what I get.
Other than the easter bunny coming we don't buy gifts.
We use to buy flowers for my mom and MIL but they both passed away so there is no one to really buy for.
I will send a Easter Card to my dad.
I remember years ago when going to Easter mass everyone would buy easter corsages to wear, or they would get them as a gift.

By Jann on Thursday, February 24, 2005 - 01:29 pm:

My kids and their cousins (all over the age of 11) still do an Easter egg hunt every year! LOL

By Tink on Thursday, February 24, 2005 - 01:53 pm:

My kids get Easter baskets full of goodies and have an egg hunt with real and plastic eggs with some other little dollar store type toys. I buy my mom Easter lilies each year and bring one, if we go to brunch at someone's home. That's about it, though.

By Fraggle on Thursday, February 24, 2005 - 01:59 pm:

My girls get a basket of small gifts and candy from the Easter Bunny and they usually also receive gifts from their grandparents-anything from small candy baskets, to books, to clothes. One year my Mom gave them an Easter Bucket filled with My Little Pony stuff. I usually give my Mom some kind of flowers if we go to her house for dinner and my Mom brings me flowers if she comes to my house.

By Yjja123 on Thursday, February 24, 2005 - 02:15 pm:

I generally send my parents a package (as they do us). This year I purchased them a steak sampler from Omaha steaks to be delivered right before Easter.
The kids get an Easter basket and a new outfit. This year they have both requested a gift card to bookstore instead of candy.

By Imamommyx4 on Thursday, February 24, 2005 - 08:14 pm:

We do an Easter basket. Never have made a big deal about the Easter Bunny since she is so afraid of Santa. But last year dh said something about the Easter bunny and our 3 yo dd looked up at her daddy and said "Now daddy, Easter bunnies don't put out eggs and they are too little to carry that big basket. That's just DUMB!" I felt so small at being put in my place by a 3 yo. But the expression on her face was so funny. I wish I'd been videotaping.

By Bea on Thursday, February 24, 2005 - 11:12 pm:

Nichole often spends Easter here, along with her Mom and Dad. We always have a basket for each person, including the adults. They are filled with appropriate and favorite candies. Nichole hunts for hidden plastic eggs. We fill them with small candies and coupons for small gifts, like coloring pens or paints or stickers.

By Kaye on Friday, February 25, 2005 - 09:23 am:

We really do Easter at my house! We dye lots of hardboiled eggs, at least 1 dozen per person. This is a couple hour event. We use several dye kits. We only eat these, we do not hide them. Then we set the empty baskets out (like stockings) and the Easter bunny fills them, (we liken it to the empty tomb filling us with hope and promise). what goes in the basket, really depends on the year. It also depends on when Easter is. One kid has an oct bday, but the other two just celebrated this week. So Easter is too early to feel like buying too much. There is always a chocolate bunny, there is usually an outfit, sometimes I have done summer stuff like goggles, etc. One year I did baseball stuff, they were all signed up, so it seemed to make sense, they got gloves and balls, a water bottle etc. I try NOT to do candy other than the bunny. We then hide eggs, they know I do this. We have done it indoors before. I hide different colors for each kid, so pastels for the little guy, primarys for the big guy and then polka dots for my daughter. That way I can really HIDE them. They know starting out which is their color and how many they have. These usually have candy in them. I have done coins before, if I have big eggs they make small bags of goldfish that I have used. We used to make this a big extended family holiday, but since most of my family has passed on and my hubbys family is jewish, mostly we stay home and hang out here. This year I will probably have a couple of families join us.

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