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Sinus Infection Question.

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive February 2005: Sinus Infection Question.
By Eve on Wednesday, February 16, 2005 - 09:28 am:

I've been suffering with an awful sinus infection. I went to the clinic on Saturday and started antibiotics and a good decongestant. I feel like it is getting better, but my head is still killing me. My eyes, jaw, and face are still really sore. I'm just uncomfortable! Is there anything else I can do to ease the pain?

By Sue3 on Wednesday, February 16, 2005 - 09:41 am:

Eve , I have had a sinus infection on and off now since October !
It seems that most people around here have been suffering from one too.
And they are so hard to get rid of.
It`s weird because I have never had one before.
I wonder if it is weather related ?
Anyway ,with this round of antibiotics my Dr. prescribed a nose spray that I use 2x a day
this has seemed to help mine a lot.
Hope you are feeling better soon!
They make you feel so tired .

By Jann on Wednesday, February 16, 2005 - 09:46 am:

A nose spray is good. Also (and this sounds really gross) but take a really hot, steamy shower and then while in the shower keep blowing your nose. Also, taking a hot moist towel and putting it on your face will help.

By Colette on Wednesday, February 16, 2005 - 09:50 am:

My mother, ds and younger dd have all been diagnosed this week w/sinus infections. My mother's took the longest to get her feeling better. Just take it easy, drink tons of water, take your meds (are you taking advil or something for the pain?) and hopefully you'll feel better soon. If you've been on the antibiotics since Saturday you should be feeling better soon.

By Happynerdmom on Wednesday, February 16, 2005 - 10:10 am:

Take a washcloth and wet it with the hottest water you can stand, wring it out and hold it (press it) on your face. You have to keep rewetting it because it gets cold fast, but it helps to loosen it up. (((Hugs))) Sinus infections are no fun! :(

By Bea on Wednesday, February 16, 2005 - 10:46 am:

Sinus infections are tough to whip. Take over-the-counter sinus relief to help with the symptoms until the antibiotics do their job. Drink, drink, drink!!!! The water helps to flush the infection. Breathe in some steam to help also. I sure hope you'll be feeling better soon.

By Trina~moderator on Wednesday, February 16, 2005 - 10:50 am:

{{{Eve}}} I wonder if the antibiotics are strong enough for you.

By Karen~moderator on Wednesday, February 16, 2005 - 11:01 am:

Eve, if you've been on the antibiotics since Saturday, you should have noticed considerable improvement by now. Call the doctor, or go back. It's possible the antibiotics aren't strong enough.

Also, inflammation caused by infection causes pain. Prescription strength ibuprofen (800 mg) is the best thing for that. Instead of paying for an Rx for it, take 4 ibuprofen caplets. That should help with that pain.

But please, call them back! You want to be well for your cruise!!!!!

By Karen~moderator on Wednesday, February 16, 2005 - 11:01 am:

Eve, if you've been on the antibiotics since Saturday, you should have noticed considerable improvement by now. Call the doctor, or go back. It's possible the antibiotics aren't strong enough.

Also, inflammation caused by infection causes pain. Prescription strength ibuprofen (800 mg) is the best thing for that. Instead of paying for an Rx for it, take 4 ibuprofen caplets. That should help with that pain.

But please, call them back! You want to be well for your cruise!!!!!

By Ginny~moderator on Wednesday, February 16, 2005 - 11:15 am:

I agree with all above (1) you should be seeing improvement from the antibiotic by now (2) inflammation, especially something like sinus infections, can cause a lot of pain (inflammation in the sinuses which are really pockets in the bones of your skull - over the eyes, under the eyes, and over the mouth - plus ears, and the pain can extend down to feeling like it is in your jaw depending the nerves being pressured by the inflammation. Your doc should have recommended something for the pain. (3) moist heat will help - both the hot shower and steam, and hot moist towel/washcloth

Ask your doctor if an antihistamine type medication will help open things up and improve drainage, which will reduce the inflammation.

And be wary. I had a long term low level sinus infection and didn't know that I also had an ear infection, until I wound up with vertigo a few months later. The vertigo lasted almost 6 weeks and was terribly disorienting. If I had been doing more driving that the mile to and from the train station every day, I would not have been able to drive safely.

By Eve on Wednesday, February 16, 2005 - 11:54 am:

Thank you, everyone! I found some saline nose drops that I had for my DD, and had never been used. That helped a lot. I'm also taking ibuprofen, which seems to help with the pain.

I think the meds are working. It really has gotten a lot better. At first, I couldn't sleep I was in so much pain. I had to have my DH get me an ice pack for my face one night. It felt swollen. I feel like the cold is going away and my chest is feeling better. I'm just sort of left with a headache. Also, when I blow my nose, I feel like I could pass out! It stings!

I just didn't know this could hurt so bad! So, I am drinking a big glass of water, and I'm off to lay down. I'll be sure to call my Dr. tomorrow if I am still feeling badly!

Thanks so much!! You are all are wonderful!!

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