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Does anyone know a website?

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive February 2005: Does anyone know a website?
By Boxzgrl on Sunday, February 13, 2005 - 07:26 pm:

Where I can look through all the different sales based jobs (Mary Kay, Avon, Tupperware, Partylite, Pampered Chef etc.....) all in one place so I can see what each one is about? I'm interested in starting something in that area but I want to find something that is right for me. TIA

By Andi on Sunday, February 13, 2005 - 09:47 pm:

As far as I know there is nothing like that. I do one of those kinds of sales based jobs from home and I have never heard of anything.
I would just go to the individual companies websites and contact a consultant in your area from each company you would be interested in.
Let me know if you have any questions or need ideas of different companies to contact. I have been doing it for a couple years now and I have made a few good contacts with different sales companies and I can tell you a little bit about each one.

Good Luck. :)

By Boxzgrl on Sunday, February 13, 2005 - 10:07 pm:

Okay, so for now I guess I could just use a bit of help naming off the companies:

I have
*Mary Kay
(not too interested in selling makeup though)
*Pampered Chef
*Tastefully Simple
(I'd probably spend more than I make with those ones)
*Discovery Toys
And theres one my friend is doing selling organic pet products which may be of interest when I read more about it.

...(I'm not interested the the lingerie ones or those that sell adult toys)

Any others you can think of?

By Boxzgrl on Sunday, February 13, 2005 - 10:09 pm:

Oh and any advice you can give Andi would be great! Are there particular ones you think sell better than others here in S.D. and even Orange county?

By Mrsheidi on Sunday, February 13, 2005 - 10:21 pm:

I have a friend who stays at home and does Southern Living. The products really sell themselves! I looked at her promotional book and they have some really cute stuff.

By Phillygirl on Sunday, February 13, 2005 - 11:10 pm:

Well if you decide to sell Avon..I would be ur biggest customer..I love buying

By Kaye on Sunday, February 13, 2005 - 11:18 pm:

Creative memories
Stampin' Up
Close to my heart
Beauty control (make up)

Personally the crafty ones are appealing to me, if you are good at it. The downside is you have to have quite a bit of inventory.
I love the pampered chef products, I think they have a great reputation and sell well. I also loved DT. I sold it for years and did really well. The down side of it was at some point you really do have too many toys. I also spent every penny I made back on toys, I felt obligated to give them as birthday gifts, christmas gifts etc.

I think to be successful you have to be passionate about whatever it is you are selling. you have to use and love the product. It is hard to sell a 10 ball if you don't really believe it exceeds anything you can buy in stores for less (tangiball rocks, btw). People will buy from you for convienence, but they still want a bargin.

Also you will have to look at this as a true part time job, not a spare time job. If you want to make money you will need to consistently put in x number of hours a week (usually 10-20).

With home parties you set your calendar, but there are still some limits to that. You will have to work evenings. I loved getting the break from the kids at night, my hubby would keep the kids and I could go spend a couple of hours with adults and make $$. The downfall was when he was traveling and I had to get a sitter. The craft ones seem to lend themselves a little more to a few daytime things too. You will need to evaluate when your work time will be, based on what it needs to be when you sell. The months of oct/nov really get busy with home business (like all businesses) christmas shopping is fun. With toys, it really jumps. I would sell on average 400-700 a month in toys, the christmas season I would sell over 2k. I also worked a lot harder those months because it sold so easy!

Anyway, hope I have helped. I obviously loved what I did. I only quit because of the time issues and some money issues. Most of them have very reasonable start up prices and you can do it a year and then reevaluate and have cool stuff to show for it. I want to say most cost about 100-200 dollars to start. Good luck!

By Rayanne on Monday, February 14, 2005 - 12:05 am:

I used to work for Partylite Melissa, and it's hard to make a lot of money. You only make, I think, 15% to 25% of your sales per party. You have to have a lot of parties to make a lot of money. I know that Pampered Chef is that way too. Let me know what you do decide though, because I am like you, and always keeping my options open.

By Colette on Monday, February 14, 2005 - 08:55 am:

I've just been invited to a Silpada designs party. I really don't know anything about it other than it's sterling silver jewelry.

By Boxzgrl on Monday, February 14, 2005 - 09:38 am:

Rayanne, thats why I dont think i'd be good at Partylite. I'd have a hard time convincing people why scented wax should cost a bundle, lol! I refuse to even buy it for myself. I'm really interested in the organic pet products and i'm waiting for my friend to email me back with the website address because I forgot it. With DHs second job, he promotes the product a lot during street fair season so maybe i'll get a booth next to him and sell my product as well. I see a lot of people from these types of companies do that. And dogs are a hit at street fairs so if I do pet products, it may have a great turn out.

By Heaventree on Monday, February 14, 2005 - 08:20 pm:

You could look into Melaleuca. It's a wellness company all products are natural and enviro friendly. It's not really about selling products or having parties, it is more about signing people up who sign people up. I just buy the products I don't sell or promote the company. I do really like the products though and it's the only place to buy Nicole Miller cosmetics.

By Vicki on Monday, February 14, 2005 - 08:30 pm:

I also suggest what ever it is that you choose to do, make sure it is something that you LOVE. I don't think unless you do a ton of parties or recruit people to be under you, that you make tons of money at any of them. I sell for 2 different home based things and the reason that I do it is that I love the products and would be buying them anyway, so why not sell it and get my stuff at a discount and maybe even make a little money. With hostess gifts and catalogs and all the stuff you have to buy, you don't make much at it, but you also get lots of write offs at tax time and get your stuff cheaper!!

By Reds9298 on Monday, February 14, 2005 - 09:35 pm:

I know that Pampered Chef is a very good way to make extra money. Lots of those home sales deals mentioned above you can earn a lot of product but not cash. I know 3 consultants who feel it is well worth their time, make good money for the time put in, and feel their business can grow. I've considered it many times and if I really need to at some point, that would be the first place I'd go. Hope that helps. I agree with the above...just contact a consultant. PS:I also know friends who sell Longaberger...not a cash maker at all.

By Andi on Wednesday, February 16, 2005 - 11:08 pm:

As with any of these companies there is one thing to remember, you have to work to earn money! That means doing home parties, catalog parties along with fairs and conventions. I sell Discovery Toys and found that doing it *full time* was taking so much time away from the family. I would do parties in the evening when DH got home or on Saturday and Sunday when DH was home and it really started to bother me.

Doing the home Sales business is nice because you can make your own schedule. You can make sure you only work a couple weekends a month and a couple week nights but that won't bring in alot of money. If your goal is more of a night out to get a break away from everyone and have some time to your self then this would be perfect. I love it because I do it very part time and enjoy the product that I sell. DS and DD love them too. I also continue to sell not for the money but for the discount I get.

Out of the ones you listed I think the following would be your best options:
Pampered Chef ---- You love to cook
Tastefully Simple ---- You love the food
Discovery Toys ----- You have a child

I have a friend that did Avon and she got tired of all the catalogs she had to buy and she really never made any money. Beauty Control is very expensive and I never found it to be to appealing. In fact I have a girl e-mailing me monthly right now trying to get me to have a party. :)

Pet Products would be tricky. You would have to target the right people since most people with pets prefer the convenience of running into the pet store rather than sitting through a party. I don't know that I would be to excited about a "pet Party" But that could just be me. :) JMO.

Now for some of the other companies:
At Home America...I love there stuff and it is so easy to sell. I buy tons of it and I have alot of friends that buy it as well. You almost always have a full house for these parties.

Southern Living At Home...another company that has great stuff for the house and it seems to get a great turnout for parties.

Homemade Gourmet: Less expensive than Tastefully Simple and I love the food. Tastefully Simple is very good to but not as easy to make for moms without alot of time. Homemade Gourmet is very easy to make and sell. The only problem is you usually have to have inventory because these parties are cash and carry. That is one reason people love it so much.

The Body Shop At Home: I went to one of these parties and had so much fun! There arent alot of consultants so it seems like you would be able to book parties pretty easily. And we all love to pamper ourselves and this is a great party to do that.

I know a consultant from just about all these companies so if you need me to hook you up with one let me know. If I didn't answer a question or if you have any let me know. I typed this really fast before I have to put DD down and I'm not sure if I covered everything.

Let me know what you decide.

By Breann on Wednesday, February 16, 2005 - 11:15 pm:

I have a good friend that sells stampin' up. She makes a bundle. Not to mention she gets a discount. Comes in handy for scrapbooking!

By Boxzgrl on Wednesday, February 16, 2005 - 11:25 pm:


Do you know a consultant from The Body Shop At Home? I've been looking into Country Bunny Bath and Body and want to compare the two. I'm crazy about bath and body products so I think i'd do great at selling them. The money isn't really the main concern as far as bills. I just want to bring in about $500/mo to either start saving for a down payment on a Tahoe or spend on an occasional date for DH and I. The Body Shops' parties sound a bit more organized with the themes so that is one thing that caught my interest. Thanks for any help. I'm off to bed. It's only 8:30 but after today, i'm pooped. Remind me why were TTC again, lol!

By Andi on Wednesday, February 16, 2005 - 11:34 pm:

I have it upstairs on the lotion I bought at the last party I went to. I will e-mail it to you in the morning and you can call her. I think it would be a wonderful thing to get into.

I do have to say...if you want to make $500 a month you are really going to have to do a handful of parties each month and not spend your money on the product. Maybe getting a partime job at Victoria Secrets or another store you really like would be a better idea...just a thought.

I will e-mail you her info in the morning.

By Boxzgrl on Thursday, February 17, 2005 - 10:12 am:

I'm planning on doing one party a week and a lot of advertising of the product through the base and general area. I guess 500 was a ballpark figure since I dont know what to expect of these things. I dont want to go back to work quite yet because i'm not ready to put DD in daycare so this is the next best option. Thank You for emailing that girl. I like both companies i'm reading about so I guess what it will come down to is which one has a better commission. :)

By Jann on Thursday, February 17, 2005 - 11:03 am:

I love Homemade Gourmet food!

By Andi on Thursday, February 17, 2005 - 11:04 am:

You can make $500 a month you just have to do parties and you also have to recruit people to sell as well. You make money off of other people on your team.

I think these at home businesses are great if you are comfortable speaking infront of people, have no problem picking up the phone and calling people and telling them about the business.

I think the fact you live on base is a huge help to you with these businesses. Good luck and let me know if you need any more info.

By Kym on Thursday, February 17, 2005 - 11:10 am:

There are several websites that you can get links and good information on many different companies

By Boxzgrl on Thursday, February 17, 2005 - 11:25 am:

Thanks Everyone!!! :)

I currently have 3 different companies i'm looking into so I guess the one that fits me best is what i'll go for.

By Emily7 on Thursday, February 17, 2005 - 11:44 am:

This is a company that I am looking at getting into. It looks like a nice company, from what I have seen so far. I am sure the owner of this site could get you in touch with someone in your area.
The books seem to be of really good quality & I have actually checked some out of my local library.

By Conni on Thursday, February 17, 2005 - 02:21 pm:

Emily, I was going to mention the books too! :) I actually thought about that as well at one time. We love books at our house!

Another thing to think about is a business that is affordable to get into. The cheaper the better! (imo)

I have a friend doing the Close To My Heart, and ds teacher does Creative Memories. I love their products. I am fixing to do a Close To My Heart party.

I have done a couple of Kelly's Kids Clothing parties as well. The clothes are expensive-- but my goodness they are good quality! Cute stuff!
I love the Mother / Daughter clothes that match. :) So cute.

I also like the Southern Living products. (i was handed a catalog a few weeks ago--but am trying not to spend any money so i gave it back! LOL Otherwise I would have spent alot.)

Have fun and let us know what you decide to do!

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