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Hey NASCAR fans - here's a great book for you

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive February 2005: Hey NASCAR fans - here's a great book for you
By Ginny~moderator on Sunday, February 13, 2005 - 03:22 pm:

I'm putting this in general instead of reviews so everyone sees it. Sharyn McCrumb has a new book called "St.Dale" and yes, she means Dale Earnheardt. The book revolves around a group of people taking a bus tour sort of like the Elvis tours, but a Dale tour, from Bristol to Daytona. She tells about their lives - a newly wed couple who get married at Bristol, an elderly couple reliving their younger days, a woman who is with her NASCAR loving friends only because it was their turn to choose the vacation this year, a pastor escorting a sick boy who wants this trip as his "wish", a man whose father had bought the ticket but died before taking the trip, and some others. McCrumb writes about what Earnheardt and NASCAR means to each of them, and the self-discoveries they make along the way. She wrote the book to explore the phenomenon of secular "saints" (like Elvis), and the ways in which Earnheardt's death affected possibly millions of people. It's a great read and I think pretty much true to NASCAR.

McCrumb has written several very good books set, primarily, in Appalachia. She writes with sensitivity and appreciation for the characters populating her book, making them true human beings, and never condescends.

I am not by any means a NASCAR fan, but she gives such a vivid image of NASCAR and how NASCAR fans felt/feel about Dale Earnheardt, I almost wish I were. (almost)

By Luvn29 on Sunday, February 13, 2005 - 06:52 pm:

Thanks! I never cared for Dale Sr. But my husband was a fan of his.

We're both race fans, though, so I'm sure I would find the book very interesting, too.

By Palmbchprincess on Sunday, February 13, 2005 - 06:59 pm:

Thanks Ginny! I am a fairly new NASCAR fan, but Nate is from Indianapolis, so he grew up on racing. We watched "3" a few weeks back, and it was an interesting peek into Dale Sr.'s life. The following he has even posthumously (sp?) is incredible. Looking forward to Daytona on the 20th!

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