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Digging (Dog Related)

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive February 2005: Digging (Dog Related)
By Boxzgrl on Tuesday, February 8, 2005 - 04:41 pm:

Give me your best ideas to stop digging. We've ruled out that the dog is not bored when doing it because she will dig immediately after a 3 mile run with DH and even while were out playing with her. We have shade so shes not digging for a cooler place to lay. Shes basically digging to escape... and only because of that darn Husky in her. Shes dug her way to both our neighbors yard and through our back gate. Were in the process of re-seeding the backyard and getting healthier grass to grow in so we've filled in all the holes. We just need to figure out how to keep the holes away.

By Kaye on Tuesday, February 8, 2005 - 04:50 pm:

Getting rid of the dog is the only way I know! My dog is a golden, she digs some, but not like some breeds. She was digging mostly out of boredom, sometimes just to get out. Her choice spots were around the fence line. We found if we don't edge the fence line then she isn't as likely to dig (i guess she can't see out). However I have had some luck (with a different dog) using a product called "no" it was an aerosol can type thing that you sprayed, it did help, but I had to use it regularly.

By Boxzgrl on Tuesday, February 8, 2005 - 05:02 pm:

Kaye, i'd love to get rid of the dog. Not because i'm mean but because I really can't handle her. But DH is determined to keep her, even if it drives me crazy. :(

By Tink on Tuesday, February 8, 2005 - 05:05 pm:

It's not ideal but you can lay down chicken wire and cover with topsoil then replant the grass. I really don't know of any behavior modification methods because you can't catch her everytime she digs. I wish you the best of luck. My mom's last dog was awful about this. She got out while they were at work and was hit by a car. :(

By Heaventree on Tuesday, February 8, 2005 - 07:25 pm:

When we took our dog to obedience training the trainer mentioned the following, I think it's a bit bizarre but here goes:

When you notice the dog digging, get outside and dig with the dog, then take the dirt from the whole and put it into a plastic grocery bag, tie the bag to the dog's collar and leave it on for a period of time (not sure how long). Do this each time the dog digs. Eventually the dog will associate digging with having a heavy bag around it's neck and stop.

I don't think I could do this, I could not sit by and help my dog tear up my yard and it just seems weird. Anyway that's what the trainer suggested.

My friend has a husky who is an escape artist and very difficult to handle. She can hardly talk on the phone as he talks beside her the whole time. In my opinion they are a very intelligent and sometimes difficult breed to handle. My only useful suggestion is get her into obedience training, yes it is expensive but think of the money you will save on new seed and fencing. We also built a kennel for our dog. It was 18 feet long by 6 feet wide with concrete pavers, it really saves on the floors during the mucky season and there is no escaping. I'm not sure if this is a good idea for huskys though as she might protest quite loudly then you'll just have another problem.

By Mrsheidi on Wednesday, February 9, 2005 - 09:42 am:

We had to make our dog an indoor dog. Her digging was more than we could handle, so we only let her out for a short amount of time (supervised) to go to the bathroom. I heard that companion dogs help.
The bag around the collar is interesting? Never heard of that. It would be hard for me to settle her down enough to do that.

By Boxzgrl on Wednesday, February 9, 2005 - 01:50 pm:

Any other ideas?

By Truestori on Wednesday, February 9, 2005 - 02:02 pm:

My dogs both dig for gophers, so I can't get to upset. In your case I would have hubby make her a seperate run out of chain link fence lined completly with cement. She will have no choice but to stay in there until someone willing lets her loose.

By Yjja123 on Wednesday, February 9, 2005 - 02:40 pm:

Are you leaving her outside all day? Dogs can be destructive if they are left alone too much.

By Boxzgrl on Wednesday, February 9, 2005 - 02:47 pm:

They are inside/outside dogs. In and out throughout the day and strictly inside at night. She will just dig at any chance she gets. Like I mentioned above, she will dig while we're playing outside with her. It's almost like a habit. Can dogs have habits? She is ran inside an open area off leash for a hour twice a day so I know shes getting enough exercise. I'm just at a loss. And I have about 3 weeks to come up with a solution for the digging. They are both indoors all day right now (except, of course the running we let them do) until the grass grows in and once they can go back outside I dont want to worry about the grass getting destroyed.

By Yjja123 on Wednesday, February 9, 2005 - 03:04 pm:

I do think it can be a habit. My chow has dug under our house and she has a doggy door so she can come in whenever she wants. She just seems to like digging. We call her inside when she hangs out there too long and we have given her lots of toys. This has helped her stop digging. It could be a boredom thing but we have two dogs so she has companionship besides us. Don't give up. I am sure you will find a method that works!
PS...When we first got Chow we lived in an apartment. We used to let her run in the tennis court twice a day (morning and at night). She would run and run.
Too funny you do the same thing :)

By Vicki on Wednesday, February 9, 2005 - 03:21 pm:

I am not sure how you feel about the shocking collars, but that is an option. You can set the shock from a very small amount to a pretty good shock. You would have to be watching the dogs at all times though. They have a small remote control and when they start digging, you can give them a warning beep and if they continue, a shock. I am not talking about the fence collars, but they sell a seperate one for a training type of thing. Like I said, I am not sure how you feel about them, but it might be an option. I have a friend that used one for a different reason and has had wonderful success with it.

By Heaventree on Wednesday, February 9, 2005 - 03:56 pm:

You mentioned at one time getting rid of your dog. Here is a rescue website for specificly Huskys:

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