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Freecycle, again...

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive February 2005: Freecycle, again...
By Jackie on Thursday, February 3, 2005 - 10:35 am:

Ok, I know many of us do the Freecycle thing. For those who do it, are your surprised on what people ask for? And do you think these people are really in need of these things?That is my hardest thing on Freecycle , that are people really in need, or is it just a want?
On our site, people ask for King size beds in good condition, cribs, bassinets, baby bedding etc..
People will ask for digital camerals, cars that run. I know it doesnt hurt to ask right?
Granted we give away alot of stuff. But honestly, if we had something in good condition like a King size bed we didnt need, we would be selling it not giving it away(Unless it was somebody we really knew well who really needed it)My husband fixes old junky cars and then sells them for a couple of hundred dollars, he wouldnt give them away,
Yet, people ask for sewing machings that work, upright pianos.
I guess because I dont know these people I dont know if they are really in need , or just wanting something they dont have to pay for.

By Mrse on Thursday, February 3, 2005 - 11:20 am:

I am a member, I have only looked at the items so far. I also was suprised when I seen someone asking for a car on our board. The way I figure it, this world is made up of all kinds of people, and thier probably is someone out their that would give a car away. We will most likley never know if someone really needs the item, because of finacial reasons unless we deliver the item to their home, then you can get a general idea if it was just a want. It does not bother me if it is a want, I think the main idea of free cycle is to keep things out of the land fill. I think most of the items that we would put on freecylce would not be garbage material anyway, but items that we would put into a salvation army bag etc. But it does suprise me some of the things that are put on the board.

By Mrsheidi on Thursday, February 3, 2005 - 12:04 pm:

It is kind of strange how people will put on there as a just makes me laugh. I almost want to do one as a joke...
"WANTED: A grand piano without scratches, a Sony 2002 DVD player that is silver to match my Sony receiver and stereo, and if you happen to have one laying elliptical machine that works. Nothing fancy."
I feel like writing back to them..."Yeah, you and me both, honey."
I only give away things I know I won't use and I won't get any $ for. Like some hiking boots that I outgrew (thanks to pregnancy) and I only used 10 times.
What really is frustrating is when people say they're going to pick up things and you give them 3 days...and they STILL don't come by. I even gave a lady another week, and I never heard from her again.
Don't get me wrong though...I just got a cute monkey halloween costume for Connor, as well as some good Old Navy/Baby Gap clothes and toddler toys. You just have to take the good with the bad.

By Kay on Thursday, February 3, 2005 - 12:48 pm:

Our Freecycle list is debating having the moderators keep a no-show list and see if certain members keep leaving people waiting for them.

By Audreyj on Friday, February 4, 2005 - 11:35 am:

I keep a "no show" list of my own. If I post something and someone on my "no show" lists responds I just wait for the next person. I figure, I can give my stuff to whomever I want, why fool with folks who haven't shown up or called in the past?

But I love freecycle. I am definitely hooked and I have a good group.

By My2cuties on Friday, February 4, 2005 - 11:56 am:

I checked out the freecycle in my town, and there are not alot of members, but I just wanted to add, I don't see anything wrong with people posting that they want big items, we have given away several things that are big: our entertainment center, 25" T.V., etc, there are people out there that would give it away if they didn't need it anymore, we did. And we have also recieved a couch for free (a nice one) Just thought I would give another perspective. :)

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