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What time do you wake up?

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive February 2005: What time do you wake up?
By Marg on Wednesday, February 2, 2005 - 11:31 am:

Curious here...

What time do you wake up?

What time do you wake up when you can 'sleep in?'

What time do you prefer to go to bed?

I wake up between 5-6 am (Not by choice dh gets up at 6:15). If I can sleep in I would say I would sleep in between 7-8.

My bedtime schedule depends on how much sleep I got the night before. I can go to bed anywhere from 9-11 pm.

By Kay on Wednesday, February 2, 2005 - 11:36 am:

On my dd's school days, I get up at 6:15. When getting a chance to sleep in, I'll usually set my alarm to allow me to get 7 or 7.5 hours of sleep - any more than that, and I'll wake with a bad headache.

I try to get to bed by 11.

By Alberobello on Wednesday, February 2, 2005 - 11:50 am:

I wake up between 7.30 and 8 because my son starts school at 9.15. I can never go to bed before 12 although i would like to. My dh works nights so i have a very disrupted night. He leaves home at 10.30pm so i can't get in to bed before that. Then he comes home between 4am and 6am, i wake up then (because i have a very light sleep), then i go back to sleep again, then he comes to bed and starts talking me as if it where 3 o'clock in the afternoon! so i wake up again and go back to sleep again. After a few minutes he starts snoring!!! so...i wake up again!

Of course during the day i feel very tired and if i can i'd have a nap, which again prevents me from going to bed at a decent time. Or i am over tired and cannot go to bed until 1 or 2 am. I am getting used to it thouhg LOL.

By Breann on Wednesday, February 2, 2005 - 12:07 pm:

I get up at 7 on school days. My husband gets up at 5:30 to go play basketball.
On sleep in days, we get up around 8 or so.

By Janet on Wednesday, February 2, 2005 - 12:20 pm:

I get up at 5:45 a.m. during the week, but if I can sleep in, I can sometimes make it until 8! (I usually wake up anyway around 7). I dream of going to bed around 9 p.m., but usually it's more like 11, depending upon the homework load of my highschooler :( .

By Debbie on Wednesday, February 2, 2005 - 12:22 pm:

I get up at 5:45 on school days, so I can exercise before my dks get up. On the weekends I sleep until 7 or 7:30 unless one of the dks wakes me up ealier. I usually go to bed between 10 and 11pm.

By Bea on Wednesday, February 2, 2005 - 12:23 pm:

Since neither of us works for a living, I get up when I need to get up. Some days, it's 7:00 a.m. and others it's 10:00 a.m. I'm a late night person who rarely gets to bed before 1:00 a.m.

By Kittycat_26 on Wednesday, February 2, 2005 - 12:33 pm:

We're up at 6am during the week. Weekends are a little bit more relaxed. My DH would sleep the day away. Timmy is usually moving around by 7:30 or so but would stay in his pajamas all day if I let him. (which I do some days) But I'm normally still up by 6 or shortly after. I enjoy the quiet time before everyone gets up and moving.

By Vicki on Wednesday, February 2, 2005 - 12:39 pm:

I am up between 5:30 and 7 on school days...depends on if I have anything to go out for that day. Dd gets up about 7ish, so if I have something to do right after she gets on the bus, I am up early to shower and all of that before I get her up. But if I have nothing..I get up about 6ish or 7 if I am REALLY tired!! LOL I do like to have at least one cup of coffee before I get her up!

Weekends, we are up between 7 and 8. Rarely am I in bed past 8am.

I go to bed about 11-11:30 most nights.

By Tink on Wednesday, February 2, 2005 - 01:12 pm:

I get up at 6:45 on school days. When I can sleep in, it's closer to 9 or even 9:30. I go to bed anytime between 10:30 and 12:30. Since I'm on the west coast, I know there are some real night owls on the board! :)

By Jelygu on Wednesday, February 2, 2005 - 01:15 pm:

I wake up usually between 7-8. I LOVE to sleep and can't bring myself to wake up before my son wakes me up, lol.
I go to bed at about 11, unless my dh and I watch a movie or something.
If I could sleep in, without waking up (which means a quiet house, no babies, no husband, no dogs) I would sleep till noon! Just to remember what it feels like!

By Trina~moderator on Wednesday, February 2, 2005 - 01:22 pm:

On week days DH gets up at 5:30 and wakes me up at 6 so I can jump in the shower before the kids get up. I wake them at 7 to get ready for school. On weekends I sleep in until 7. Occasionally later than that.

I try to be in bed by 10 or 11 on week nights. On the weekends DH and I stay up late enjoying couple time. :)

By Jackie on Wednesday, February 2, 2005 - 02:07 pm:

Usually IM up around 4am to pump. Since Faith is mainly sleeping through the night,I try to pump before she gets up and that differs. I usually "try" to go back tosleep, but if My husband is snoring, then I just lay there and toss and turn unil 6am when I get up for the day. Some mornings I do manage to go back to sleep for an hr or so.
Im in bed early, usually no later then 9pm. Ive been known to be totally out by 8pm. I usually goto sleep right after Faith does. We never know when she will sleep through, or if she will be up at 3am, so I try to get as much sleep as I can.

By Rayanne on Wednesday, February 2, 2005 - 02:11 pm:

I get up around 7:30 or 8:00 in the morning because that is what time Rylee gets up.

I go to bed anywhere between 10:00 and 11:00pm.

By Babysitbarb on Wednesday, February 2, 2005 - 02:14 pm:

I get up at 5:45 during the week because my first babysitting kid comes at 6:30. On weekends not usually until 7:30-8:00. It actually depends if we have been out late the night before.If so it's usually later. I usually got to bed between 10-11:00pm. I usually can't fall asleep until than.

By Happynerdmom on Wednesday, February 2, 2005 - 02:41 pm:

I get up during the week at 6:45. (I get up at 6:00 to make sure dd is up for school- her bus comes at 6:30, then go back to bed for 45 more minutes before I get up with ds, whose bus comes at 7:15) On Saturdays, I usually get up around 9:00. I usually go to bed at 11:00.

By Colette on Wednesday, February 2, 2005 - 02:42 pm:

I get up at 5am during the week and on weekends I sleep til about 7a. I like the quiet morning time.

By Melanie on Wednesday, February 2, 2005 - 02:45 pm:

I get up at 6:30. Anything past 7:00 is sleeping in, but on a really good morning I go until 8:00. I go to bed at 10:00, though I usually watch the news for about 15 minutes before going to sleep.

By Mrsheidi on Wednesday, February 2, 2005 - 03:06 pm:

Ditto Rayanne...I haven't used an alarm clock in a LONG time!

By My2cuties on Wednesday, February 2, 2005 - 03:45 pm:

I get up when the girls wake up which is usually around 7:30 then I take a nap with them in the afternoon (lately I take the nap instead of cleaning during that time:()

I go to bed depending if DH is home or not, usually it is 10, but if DH isn't here I have a hard time going to sleep and it may be 1 a.m.

By Pamt on Wednesday, February 2, 2005 - 09:53 pm:

I usually go to bed around 11-11:30. I'm up at 6:30 on school mornings and usually 8:00ish on weekends. I used to be able to sleep until 11 in highschool and college, but ever since having kids I am unable to. No matter what time I go to sleep my eyes pop open around 7. I just laze about and doze until 8 or so on weekends.

I would really love to stay up until about 1 and sleep until 8-9 if I could, but having kids and having to live in the real world that is an impossibility.

By Dawnk777 on Wednesday, February 2, 2005 - 10:52 pm:

My alarm is set for 6am on school mornings. When I can sleep in, sometimes I sleep all the way until 7am! LOL! I can't always sleep late anymore! My eyelids just pop open.

I go to bed around midnight most nights. Last night, I went to bed at 11:30pm, because I was so tired. I have been working long hours this week.

On a weekend, when I don't have to get up for anything, I will stay up until about 1.

By Bellajoe on Thursday, February 3, 2005 - 08:17 am:

I wake up when the kids wake me up, which is usually between 7 - 7:30.

If i can 'sleep in', i usually wake up around 8:00. Not much of a 'sleep in', huh?

I go to bed around 10:00 usually.

By Audreyj on Thursday, February 3, 2005 - 08:28 am:

I wake up at 5AM and go to bed at 10PM but I usually wind up falling asleep on the couch watching tv with hubby so actually I probably fall asleep in the evening around 9:30PM. AJ

By Conni on Thursday, February 3, 2005 - 09:23 am:

This morning I got up at 3:45am to let out the choc lab to potty. She very quietly woke me up! So sweet.

Then I got up at 4:45am to let the yellow lab out--she was barking loudly. grrrr

Then I got back up at 5:40 for my day... I am trying to get up at 5am but for some reason this morning it didnt happen! LOL

By Kateg on Thursday, February 3, 2005 - 10:55 am:

The alarm goes off at 6:00 a.m. and I'm out of bed every school morning by 6:15 a.m. Kids go off to school, I exercise, then go for the day. At night, it all depends...anywhere from 10 p.m. to midnight. Although if I sit still long enough with nothing to eat or read, I'm sound asleep. Sleeping in??? doesn't happen anymore. Sleeping in is now maybe 7 a.m. if I'm lucky on the weekends. Tend to be a light sleeper & the first noise has me wide awake for the day.

By Mrse on Thursday, February 3, 2005 - 11:24 am:

I usually get up at 6, sometimes 7 if I am lucky. When my dd, was working on the dairy farm, I would get up at 4 in the morning to wake her up, but I would go back to bed. Weekends, I have a hard time really sleeping in 8 would be the latest.

By Christylee on Thursday, February 3, 2005 - 07:43 pm:

Hmm, lets see on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday I get up at 4:30 to leave the house by 5:15 to get to the surgery center by 6:30. All other days I sleep until about 7am. I try and be in bed by 9 the nights I have to get up early, all others it's usually 10 or so.

By Cat on Thursday, February 3, 2005 - 08:22 pm:

I'm usually up by 5am during the week. I "sleep in" until about 7 on the weekends. I'm a morning person. :) I'm in bed by 10 or 10:30 most nights, sometimes earlier. If we're watching a movie or something it might end up being 11, but that's rare.

By Heaventree on Thursday, February 3, 2005 - 09:15 pm:

Way too early, ds usually wakes me anywhere between 3:30 and 4:30 am. I bring him into bed with me but lately I can't fall back asleep. I've been going to bed earlier and earlier trying to keep functioning. Sometimes I'm in bed as soon as ds is asleep around 8 or 8:30 p.m.

I so don't like napping during the day and rarely have time anyway.

By Eve on Friday, February 4, 2005 - 08:19 am:

Between 6 & 7am. Usually 7 though. I'm in bed early, by 9:30.

Last weekend we slept until 9am! We all woke up and looked at each other! I couldn't believe we slept so late. We never sleep in!:)

By Hol on Monday, February 7, 2005 - 01:15 pm:

I have terrible sleep habits. I am, and always have been, a "night person". I am most alert between 7:00 PM and 7:00 AM. Any job or decision that requires a lot of concentration, I save for the night time hours. I get really tired at 5:00 PM (just when I have to cook dinner), but then I get a "second wind" at 7:00PM.

When I worked outside the home, I always had to be at work no later than 8:30AM. I wouldn't be fully awake until after lunch.

I go to bed at 1:00 - 2:00AM. I get up at 6:30AM, to get youngest DS off to school. DH leaves at 6:30AM. Since my other DS is a night person, too, I let him sleep until around 10:00AM. After two of my 'men' leave, I lie on the couch and 'half' watch the "Today Show" to get the news, and I doze. DH comes home for a break in the middle of the day (urghh), from 10:30AM to 1:30PM. Since I homeschool my older DS, I get him up when DH comes home, feed them both, and then we do school from 11:00AM to 3:00PM. Other DS comes home at 3:30PM.

I know, to some, it sounds screwy, but it works for us. I have tried going to bed at 11:00PM, and can't fall asleep. I end up getting up, and going on the computer, or knitting and watching TV. If I ever have to work outside the home again, I will get a second or third shift job.

It must be hereditary. My Dad was a night owl, and I am. My late DS was, as is my DD. She is a nurse, second shift. Right now, she's on maternity leave. And guess what? My new little grandaughter sleeps all day (except for feedings), and "parties" all night. LOL! She is wide awake from 12:30 AM to about 4:30AM! Her Daddy just went back to work, first shift, (he's a police officer), and he's been dragging! LOL!

I guess there are just some people that are "wired" differently.

By Kayleesmommy on Monday, February 7, 2005 - 01:52 pm:

I get up around 10:00 just about every morning. Kaylee likes to stay up until midnight. I would rather go to bed around 10-11 but I just cant' get her on that schedule. I have once before for a few weeks but then she went right back to staying up until midnight.

By Hol on Wednesday, February 9, 2005 - 02:02 pm:

Shyan- My kids were the same way when they were little (and still are).It was fine with me, because I keep the same schedule.

By Boxzgrl on Wednesday, February 9, 2005 - 02:34 pm:

I'm up at 5:30 and usually in bed by 9. If DH and I watch a movie, i'm in bed by 10:30. And sleeping in for me would be 8.

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