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Abnormal PAP smear?

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive February 2005: Abnormal PAP smear?
By Mrsheidi on Thursday, January 27, 2005 - 04:01 pm:

Sorry if this is TMI...
I had a pap after I had Connor (about 6-8 weeks after) and they called me to inform me that the results were abnormal. (This was a few months ago) They told me though that, since I had a baby recently, that I should come in a YEAR later. Apparently they didn't seem worried.

I've moved now and I have a different insurance and it just bothers me from time to time, knowing that the results were abnormal. I don't think I can wait a year...anyone have an abnormal result and it ended up being nothing to fret over?

By Colette on Thursday, January 27, 2005 - 04:04 pm:

That happened to me once but I went in and had another one right away. Tell your dr - don't ask - that you want another one asap.

By Vicki on Thursday, January 27, 2005 - 04:26 pm:

I too am very surprised that you had something come back "abnormal" and they didn't want to check it again right away. I have heard of many people having abnormal ones and then the next one is fine, so I wouldn't be too concerned with it, but I would want to get it checked again to be sure. To me, if there is something going on, allot can get worse in a year!! If you have new insurance and will have a new doctor, I don't think they would find it odd at all for you to call and request an appointment and have it checked.

By Katiesmommy on Thursday, January 27, 2005 - 04:27 pm:

I had an abormal one (have had 4 abnormal ones total all before baby). I went from normal to cervical CANCER in 10 months! I had a LEEP and Cone Biopsy after numerous colposcopies (freezes). Usually they recheck in 6 months. If still abnormal, then they may do a biopsy. Usually it is nothing to worry about. I have been clear for 5 years now. I would go ahead and get another one and see how it looks. If abnormal, tell the doctor you had another previous abnormal one. Usually 60% or more resolve on their own to normal...don't panic. Even if it is something, it can be caught and taken care of with no problems.

By Karen~moderator on Thursday, January 27, 2005 - 04:50 pm:

My sister and a close friend have both had abnormal PAPs and had colposcopies and cone biopsies - both of them are fine.

I wouldn't ingore an abnormal one though, whether I'd just had a baby or not. I'd definitely look into it.

By Mrse on Thursday, January 27, 2005 - 04:59 pm:

I had an abnormal pap also, I was scheduled right away at the cancer clinc, the cells that showed up were not cancer, but could develop into cancer, so I went to the clinc, and they removed it, all my pap's since then have been normal. The specialist that removed it said that I should come back in 6 months but the rules changed and they did not alow people to come back untill a year was up, so I had to wait a year, this doctor I had was not impressed, he said it should never have been changed to a year before the next check up. I would in your case make sure you get it checked out by the cancer clinc, talk to your doc again.

By Colette on Thursday, January 27, 2005 - 05:09 pm:

Also - my Dr. told me abnormal paps are common after childbirth. Still get it checked asap, but don't panic.

By Amecmom on Thursday, January 27, 2005 - 05:15 pm:

I had an abnormal pap, a colposcopy and was told I should have surgery. Of course I procrastinated and had nothing done. Within a year, the situation resolved itself (as it can do with HPV) I've never had another abnormal pap.

It really depends on your GYN. Some take an aggressive approach. Some have a more wait and see attitude.

Good luck.

By Mrsheidi on Thursday, January 27, 2005 - 06:08 pm:

Thanks, ladies. I'll call tomorrow and see if I can find a good doctor in town. It's so hard being a "newbie" but I've got a great playgroup in my neighborhood so I can just call around. One of them mentioned one today, but said that her doctor won't take new patients until June. I won't wait that long.
I'm glad I shouldn't panic, but I will still get checked.

By Kim on Thursday, January 27, 2005 - 08:18 pm:

Also, make sure you don't have sex 24 hours before your pap as it cam cause an abnormal smear. Don't know if everyone knows that.

By Mrsheidi on Thursday, January 27, 2005 - 08:27 pm:

Good to know!

By Pamt on Thursday, January 27, 2005 - 08:57 pm:

I've had 2 abnormal paps and I am at very low risk for cervical cancer. My doctor said mine were probably caused by some type of mild infection that I never even knew I had. I think mine were "class one" atypical cells. I had to do a repeat pap in 6 months and I was fine. They may have put me on a broad spectrum antibiotic too, I just can't remember. Anyway, it was no big deal.

By Dawnk777 on Thursday, January 27, 2005 - 09:40 pm:

Sounds like a good idea to have a recheck and make sure if you need to worry or not.

By Rayanne on Thursday, January 27, 2005 - 10:11 pm:

I would get another one done too. Please let us know how it goes sweetie.

Thanks for the heads up on the no sex before a pap Kim. I didn't know that.

By Kristie on Thursday, January 27, 2005 - 11:12 pm:

Before my hyserectomy I had only had one good pap ever!! I also can't believe he didn't do another one right away or at least in three months. It sounds like you have gotten some good advice here. I hope you can find a new dr asap. You could even go to your local health dept. or womens clinic just to get the pap so you will be at ease. Good luck, keep us informed!!

By Lorebunde on Friday, January 28, 2005 - 01:57 pm:

I went through the same thing. Had to be checked in 6 mos. My friend did also. I was fine after a while but she tells me she still gets a colposcopy about once a year, I think. We were both told it was a virus HPT (I think that was it) and it usually goes away on its own. But of course you would be nervous and its always best to get checked out.

By Sparky on Monday, January 31, 2005 - 09:38 pm:

I've had 4 abnormal paps and my dr wants to do another colposcopy and repeat pap in 4 months--do you think that after 4 something else should be done? Should I seek a 2nd opinion or demand they go ahead and freeze, laser, or LEEP it???
A little history--had last child 5 years ago and all paps have been fine until this last batch starting about 6 months ago...

By Bea on Tuesday, February 1, 2005 - 11:47 am:

Sue, you sound like an echo of my story. I had the abnormal paps, several colposcopies, numerous cauterizations and finally a cone section removal. I still ended up with a hysterectomy a few years later. I was relieved to get it and have that constant worry over.

By Lauram on Tuesday, February 1, 2005 - 02:03 pm:

I had an abnormal pap and had to have LEEP surgery. That wasa before kids. I've been fine ever since. I would definitely be proactive about it.

By Kaye on Tuesday, February 1, 2005 - 03:31 pm:

Just a side note, I only recently learned that 85% of cervical cancers is caused by HPV which is an STD.

By Sparky on Tuesday, February 1, 2005 - 10:54 pm:

How young do you all think is "too young" to have a hysto? I'm 38, don't need the girl parts anymore...can't pass a pap test to save my ovary is larger than the other and have problems or should I say pain every month, approx 3 weeks after I start my period. Dr says they're NOT cyst but that it may be "twisting" and that's what's causing the pain...from what I've read, the pain I'm feeling describes cyst that burst?!?! AUGH--not sure what to do!!

By Karen~moderator on Wednesday, February 2, 2005 - 03:05 pm:

I had a hysterectomy at 39. My mom had hers at 29, after my youngest sister was born.

By Kristie on Friday, February 4, 2005 - 11:36 pm:

I'm 29 and had one on December 10th!! Now I am pain free!! it is wonderful!!

By Sparky on Saturday, February 5, 2005 - 03:56 pm:

I'm calling my Dr on Monday--I'm in severe pain--always happens after ovulation--right ovary too!
I want something done--any suggestions on what magical words I can say to get him to do surgery?

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