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Mixed Feelings

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive January 2005: Mixed Feelings
By Cat on Monday, January 3, 2005 - 12:08 pm:

I'm sure most of you remember *N*, my 2yo daycare boy who's mom is a nurse. Well a couple months back she got a regular M-F job and he went full time M-Th (dad was still on shift work and had Fridays off, which worked well because I was full Fridays anyway). His mom told me last month dad's schedule was changing and they needed Tu-F instead starting the end of January. I told her I couldn't do Fridays (which she already knew). So she said they'd see what they could find for Fridays. This morning she came in and said they'd found someone for Fridays, and they were going to go with her full time, well, semi-full time since he'll only be there Tu or W-F. So she gave me two weeks notice this morning and said he wouldn't be here this Tu or next Tu because they're going to send him there to let him adjust slowly. Part of me is relieved, because this is the family I always end up bending over backwards for by keeping him extra hours or on weekends, they're the ones that usually call at 5:55pm (when I technically close at 5:30, but keep him until 6) and say, "Oh, I just left work so I'll be there in about 40 minutes." Granted, they always pay the late fee, but that still makes for an incredibly long day. He's also becoming a very difficult child because he gets away with EVERYTHING at home! He pushes the limits here, but doesn't get anywhere except time out. And I had actually been thinking about dropping a child from my enrollment next time one left (only enroll 5 full each day instead of 6). So yes, part of me is relieved. The other part of me will miss this kid like crazy. :( I've had him for 2 years (he's 2 1/2). They boys love him like a brother and both of them are SO good with him! He's the first daycare kid Robin really bonded with (he has bonded with a few since, but most he can either take or leave, usually leave! lol). I know it will all work out, and I'm thinking for the best, but it's still hard. Of course, last time they tried someone else (when he was 13 months) because I had told them I could do 14hr days didn't work out and after three days the mom called me in tears saying PLEASE take him long days! I'll pay extra! (the other provider they tried at the time was really nasty) So I guess there was the start of my troubles and bending over backwards. I guess they came to expect it. I think they'll be in for a rude awakening and if they call me back after a couple weeks I probably won't have room (already have a parent that wants an extra day). *Sigh* I guess all I can hope for is for *N* to adjust well and do well at his new daycare. Thanx for listening to me vent.

By Happynerdmom on Monday, January 3, 2005 - 12:16 pm:

((Hugs)) I'm sure you do get attached to them, but it definitely sounds like it will be for the best.

By Karen~moderator on Monday, January 3, 2005 - 12:46 pm:

As hard and even painful as it is, I think it's probably for the best. So *if* she calls you in a few days or weeks wanting you to take him back, *Just Say No*. I can only imagine how difficult it is taking care of other people's kids as well as your own, plus doing it 12-14 hours a day. Your family needs to come first. YOU need to come first at some point. Too much time spent doing those long days will leave you nothing emotionally or physically for your own famly.


By Pixie on Monday, January 3, 2005 - 01:17 pm:

I totally understand your feelings. I babysit full time but for only two children. I used to do more but my youngest DD had to many needs in her younger days. Anyhow for a year it was just one little girl, I am her first and only babysitter. M-F she is my third child. Since I only had her and my two children we were able to do lots of extra curricular activities. Well her family had another baby, and of course I am watching him. I feel so terrible daily because I have no desire to watch an infant - of course it changes everything (I have a few issues with the parents too). Many times I've thought of getting a part time job and stopping the daycare my girls are older and both in school part time now. But Like you part of me feels I would miss her so much...although I myself haven't come to a decision I did decide that, thats is just part of the woes of in home childcare its so personal you just have to learn to let go its going to happen sooner or later anyways when the child goes on to school and so fourth.

By Conni on Monday, January 3, 2005 - 01:18 pm:

Ditto the above posts!! Sounds like things are working out in your favor in the long run.

By Kate on Monday, January 3, 2005 - 02:13 pm:

Sounds like a blessing to me. I would be prepared to stand your ground and say 'no' if they come back to you. I'm sure he's a great kid, but you needed to get rid of one anyway, and he sounds like he and his family were a LOT of work. Your own family comes first. You'll miss him, but that's what all teachers and babysitters and foster parents have to go through for the pleasure/priviledge of nurturing children! Circumstances change, kids grow up, etc.

By Jelygu on Monday, January 3, 2005 - 06:12 pm:

I think it will all work out in the end. I agree that if she calls you, you should be firm and tell her you don't have the room. I know you love the little boy, but you really shouldn't be a doormat! Good luck, hope it all works out and the little boy is happy.

By Ginny~moderator on Monday, January 3, 2005 - 06:58 pm:

By this time he is at least half "your child" and it is no surprise that you have very mixed feelings and don't want to "lose" one of your little boys. I know exactly what you are feeling.

And given the time and energy you've invested in this little boy and the good work you've done on training him to be a little better on social skills, if it works out well at the new place you will know it is because of your hard work.

By Cat on Monday, January 3, 2005 - 08:56 pm:

You all are right. I know it's going to work out. Thanx for all the support. :)

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