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Flu Bug in our house...:(

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2003: Flu Bug in our house...:(
By Mechelle on Saturday, December 21, 2002 - 01:00 pm:

My DD has got the puke.....this am when I got up, she was laying on the couch, I could tell by looking she didn't feel good.
She can't hold anything down but water.
She tried eating a ritz cracker, wasn't happening.
Poor kid!
I gave her some childrens Motrin, hopefully that will help her.

Step throat, flu, and some other virus has been going around for a while now.
She's got what I had last week. She's running fever off and on.
Poor thing!!
I am just glad that she got this now, and didn't have to miss her Chirstmas party at school yesterday.
I think this is just a 24-48 hour flu bug that she has got.

By Jewlz on Saturday, December 21, 2002 - 01:03 pm:

i hope thats all it is ... hope she feels better in time for christmas ... sending get well huggs to ya

By Jodes on Saturday, December 21, 2002 - 03:11 pm:

UGH!! Do I ever know how you feel! My 7 yr old son came down with a terrible flu bug at around midnight Thursday night/Friday morning, I think this was the worst flu bug ever, he didn't stop throwing up until around 11 the next morning! Poor little though he is feeling good, I am just afraid the rest of our family will catch this!! Hope your daughter feels better soon!

By Barbie on Saturday, December 21, 2002 - 07:17 pm:

I hope all get well soon, so you can all have a happy holiday. Praying for a speedy recovery

By Dana on Sunday, December 22, 2002 - 07:01 pm:

Oh, no! So sorry to hear. Hope everyone is doing much better now.

Where on earth did you find that "smiley?"

By Truestori on Sunday, December 22, 2002 - 08:33 pm:


Man that smiley is kill'in

I hope your daughter gets better before Santa comes.... :)

By Mechelle on Sunday, December 22, 2002 - 11:25 pm:

She's better!! Sent ya an to get her to be quite!! LOL (kinda nice, when she was sick, she was so qutie, and sleepin,) now she won't be quite, and dosen't care if anyone is listening or not!! Shes still talks! She's a jabber box!!
Ds said she even talks in her sleep....I believe it!

By Mommyof4 on Monday, December 23, 2002 - 04:54 pm:

I know how you feel. All six of us had this 2 weeks ago and then last night my 3 year old started throwing up about 8:30 and about 3:00 a.m. my 5 year old started. The 3 year old is feeling better today but my 5 year old is still throwing up. She always seems to get sick easier than anyone else and it seems to last longer for her. She is sleeping now so I am hoping that she will feel better tomorrow. We were planning on having dinner at our house on Wednesday but knowing my daughter as I do we are postponing until Saturday. I just hope that it stops with my youngest two and everyone else doesn't get it on Christmas eve or Christmas Day. I've been wipping everything down with Lysol..this flu is just so nasty. Glad your daughter is feeling better!

By Feona on Monday, December 23, 2002 - 06:53 pm:

Ds is sick, but it seem to be just a fever and he is very tired. Hopefully we won't catch it from him.

Hope everyone else gets well!

By Mechelle on Monday, December 23, 2002 - 07:07 pm:

Sending: ****GET WELL VIBES**** to Mommyof4
****GET WELL VIBES*******TO Feona

Oh man!! Feel so sorry for the both of you!
I sure hope the flu is over and gone, for the Holidays!!
Mommyof4.....poor thing!!
I'm glad my DD is over it. I was scared hers would last until Christmas, she's like that too.
When she gets sick, she gets the worst of it.

By Feona on Tuesday, December 24, 2002 - 07:59 pm:

Hubby got the flu today. So I have two sick people in the house. Do you think I can fight the bug?

My mother in law doesn't want to come because of the germs. Can't blame her. 12 people for dinner tomm. I better wash my hands alot while I prepare the food.

By Mechelle on Tuesday, December 24, 2002 - 11:32 pm:

Oh Man Feona!! BUMMER!!
Poor thing.
Alls I know to tell ya, is keep Lysol around, wipe everything down, as much as possible (might help), and just wash your hands a lot. Keep my fngrs crosed for you not to get it.

By Karen55 on Wednesday, December 25, 2002 - 05:15 am:

I hope everyone is feeling better today!!!!!!

By Mechelle on Wednesday, December 25, 2002 - 05:36 pm:

How is your Dh Feona? Hope better!

Mommyof4?? Hows your kiddos doing?
I sure hope better!!

By Mommyof4 on Wednesday, December 25, 2002 - 05:47 pm:

My kids are better but dh has it today. We had to postpone Christmas dinner with my side of the family until Saturday. Hopefully, he will be over it by then and it hasn't moved on to the rest of us. I hate the flu season!!!!

By Karen55 on Wednesday, December 25, 2002 - 09:55 pm:

My DH got sick yesterday. He made it through today, but looked horrible by the time dinner was over and went to bed at 6:30. Everyone else is OK (so far!). Jen and I both had flu shots, but now I have a really sore throat..........

By Feona on Thursday, December 26, 2002 - 02:14 pm:

Husband still sick. Both hubby and son got sicker over yesterday. DS was running around having fun with his cousin when he should have been resting. But we couldn't cancel Christmas! Ahhhhh!!!!!!

By Alanal on Thursday, December 26, 2002 - 03:00 pm:

A week ago Sunday my 8 yo DD wasn't feeling well and ended up with a fever and vomiting most of the afternoon. All week I watched my nephew who was vomiting and had the poops. Saturday at 2:30am my DS woke up vomiting and with the poops and was sick the entire day Sunday as well. He still has the poops, but is overall getting better. I haven't gotten the bug yet and I'm REALLY hoping to avoid it since I think I've paid my dues with taking care of everyone else who has had it! LOL

By Dana on Friday, December 27, 2002 - 09:05 am:

Hugs to all the sick famlies. WELL WISHES for you all.

So far so good here, but grand ma was sick during Christmas dinner and left early. Praying we didn't catch the bug.

By Conni on Friday, December 27, 2002 - 10:23 am:

Oh my!! I hope all of you and your little ones are feeling better VERY soon!! SO sorry anyone was sick over Christmas! It is already a stressful enough time without dealing with sick little ones! yuk!

Take care and feel better soon!

By Melissa on Friday, December 27, 2002 - 03:26 pm:

We were all blessed with it last night, Dh at 9pm,
Lexi at 2am me at 4am one of my fears has always been us all being sick like that at once. Thank God we have two bathrooms. I still feel horrid today and Dh is even worse Lexi is doing pretty good though. No the kind of family time I was hoping for.

By Colette on Monday, December 30, 2002 - 08:15 am:

Hit ds about 3am. Just waiting for it to be everyone elses turn....

By Feona on Monday, December 30, 2002 - 08:18 am:

I was hoping for a nice family week too. Just grumpy sick people here.

By Missymelissy on Monday, December 30, 2002 - 08:38 am:

DS started not feeling well Saturday night, Sunday morning he was sick at my FIL's, then on the way home, DH started to feel sick - stomach cramps and headache last night, I had the upset stomach (I think mine was due to nerves and high blood pressure - I was angry at my husbands step-mother, but that's another vent). I ended up with a headache last night - I feel ok this morning. DS seems to be ok. DH is still sleeping.

By Mechelle on Monday, December 30, 2002 - 02:51 pm:

Mr. Flu Bug has definatley made his rounds from house to house.....screen to screen....keyboard to keyboard....
I sure hope everyone is feeling better soon!!!

By Colette on Monday, December 30, 2002 - 03:07 pm:

I dont know if this is all the same flu bug, but I don't remember EVER seeing my son as sick as he has been in the last 12 hours. I hope he is better soon and no one else gets it. Everyone is afraid to eat anything!

By Dana on Monday, December 30, 2002 - 07:56 pm:

Wow, I think this is the worst I've seen a tummy bug going around. So far so good here.

Hmmm, went to the park today, sure hope we didn't find that germ somewhere on the playground.


By Missymelissy on Tuesday, December 31, 2002 - 09:48 am:

Well, DH didn't feel well off and on yesterday, last night (early this morning) he woke up with stomach pains. He's not back to normal. DS had the poops with stomach pains yesterday afternoon, plus he's got a cold on top of it all. As for myself, well, I'm not feeling 100% but I'm probably the "healthiest" of the household for now.

By Mechelle on Friday, January 3, 2003 - 01:33 pm:

I've got it now.......Got the delayed reaction of the flu.:(......I've got the entire package, pukies, stomach ache, body ache, skin sore to the touch, back is killin me, fever.
Working too. I shouldn't be. But I can't call my Parents off. One will get fired, etc.
Dh let me lay down for 2 hours this am,before he went to work.
Now it's nap time, got 4.5 hours to go, then I can go back to bed. I can't wait!!

By Sickpuppy on Tuesday, February 11, 2003 - 05:39 pm:

WOW! Hi everyone. I've got two sick kids. One started a fever on Sunday, and this morning (Tuesday), it was 104 (this is with Motrin). It is the weirdest flu. Sometimes she's normal, and then she spikes within an hour to 104. She's older, and I thought that middle school kids didn't get high temps like this.

Now my other middle schooler came home from school with 102 (why she stayed in school..I don't know).

I took the first one to the walk-in this morning for a strep (yep, that's been going around too), and the doctor says that the rapid test is negative.

Has anyone had experience with this flu? The only other symptom is a REAL sore throat. Does anyone know how long this type of flu is supposed to last?

I'm in North Carolina. We were blessed by avoiding the flu for the past few years. This year we're being slammed. The whole house had the stomach flu just a few weeks ago. That had no fever, but everyone was throwing up and queasy for a good solid 7 days.

Once again, how long does the high temperature, sore throat flu last? Any guesses? Thanks much for any clues.

By Claire on Tuesday, February 11, 2003 - 06:17 pm:

Sickpuppy - lol what is you name? :)

Yes my daughter also a middle schooler just got over the flu and it was very similar to what your children have.

It lasted a full week - and she is still tired.

By Babysitbarb on Tuesday, February 11, 2003 - 07:34 pm:

My whole family had this and the kids I babysit for plus some of the parents. The ones who fevered seemed to last 1-3 days. Most of us had the sour throat, nausea, cramping, some throwing up ,direahha, and it lasted a few days for some and up to a week for others. It has mine and my daughters allergies flared up also. The Allergist gave me a CT scan because I'v been so miserable. I got my results tonight and it said just lots of inflamation in my sinuses. It's been a long winter with all these sicknesses going around.

By Mechelle on Tuesday, February 11, 2003 - 08:16 pm:

My DD has got this again........Even though they say it's not the flu.
What she had this time around lasted for 5 days.
Thankfully she is over it......Now Dh has got it:(

The flu usually lasts for a week, sometimes ( IF you are lucky) it will last 24 hours.

By Sickpuppy on Tuesday, February 11, 2003 - 10:12 pm:

Thanks everyone. I am so sorry to hear that there are more people suffering with this. I wish I could wave a magic wand and make you all better.

There seems to be two types of flu going around. The stomach flu and the flu flu. Also there is strep (the doctor said that strep is always around). Some of the flu symptoms are mild, but most of the cases here have been doozies. You're right about fevers for 5,7,10 days.

Anyways, what tears my goat, is that there are quite a few "antiviral" meds out there. Some of them recommended for kids 6 months and up. They will seem to end the duration of the flu by a day or two. This doesn't sound like much (to me it is) but also, I THINK, that when on this medication, it also limits the amount of time the kids are contagious.

I asked both my GP and my pediatrician about this, and they both are hardlined about they prefer to "let it run it's course" Well, in my family it's not just running it's course, it around the bend and in the river.

Why don't they allow the parents the option of letting their kids take the antiviral, or is it because I'm stuck in a one-pony town?

Thanks for all of your answers. You've been more helpful than the "cattle-call-pediatrician-wait-forever-no-nothings" I've been dealing with. Yes, I know that they're busy, but it still grabs my goat.

Oh, has anyone ever tried "piggybacking motrin and tylenol" You know, high fever, alternate both every three hours. I never tried this, but the pediatrician said to do this the next time the fever is stubborn. Yeah right, overdose my kids on this stuff, but won't give me any antivirals. Sorry, but it goes beyond goat grabbing. More like, goat slinging!

By the way, my name is Mary. I'm 41, and WAY too old for this. Sorry, no sleep for a few days makes me cranky.

PS. I bet the doctors kids are all taking the antivirals..hehehehe

By Mommyathome on Tuesday, February 11, 2003 - 10:38 pm:

Lol sickpuppy :)
Sorry the kids are sick. My DK's are sick too! All three of them. The baby is the worst :( He's so congested and has that icky wheezy cough. I feel so sad for him.

Anyway, about the tylenol and motrin thing. We've done that many times. My kids all got RSV and phneumonia (sp?) all at the same time last year. My DD even spent several nights at the hospital with this. Piggybacking the tylenol and motrin was the only way we could keep the fevers down. Just thought I'd let you know that we've done it. The motrin seems to work a little better than the tylenol, but the tylenol surely helps to get you by until the next dose of motrin!

By Mechelle on Tuesday, February 11, 2003 - 11:10 pm:

LoL Mary........Heck you know the Drs. are!! They don't wanna get sick.

Yeap, this last time I had to pigg back ride the Motrin and the tylenol with DD.
Only way I could fight the fevers. It was awful.

BTW Welcome to Moms View!!

Hope you can get some sleep, and your kiddo's' feel better really soon!:)

By Sickpuppy on Wednesday, February 12, 2003 - 08:31 am:

Day four in the Dungeon of Doom:

First morning since Sunday that the 11 year old has not had a fever. I did have to give Advil at 3:45 am (she had 102). The fever must have gone away with the Advil (for once..usually fever just goes up..advil or no advil), but now she has this yucky wet cough.

The 13 year old has no fever (yet) this morning.

My four year old is eating cereal out of the box and screaming for me, so I guess he's still okay.

Life is good, but I'm still looking for a remote island where I can live with my family where it is WARM and there are only coconuts and no viruses.

Thanks for your support on this. I apologize for being a raving lunatic. I do have two more kids to go with this flu, so I can't promise that I won't be back.

I hope everyone else's kids get better soon.

By Sickpuppy on Friday, February 14, 2003 - 07:34 am:

Day Six:

I can't believe it! The eleven-year-old STILL had a fever all day yesterday. It was 100.4 all day (mercury thermometer). This is with no Advil (she refused to take any). Her nose is really running now, and her cough is still yucky. Called the Nurse, and she said "yes, some of the kids have had the fever for eight days".

The 13 year old seems to either have a milder case, or she has a different flu. She has not gotten a real high fever except for the first day (Tues.), and it came right down with Advil. She does has the cough (dry) and a runny nose.

The four-year-old has been so sweet, and show no sign of the flu.

My hands are raw from washing and cleaning everything. I am trying so hard to keep him from getting their flu bug.

By Dana on Friday, February 14, 2003 - 08:27 am:

HUGS! Sounds like some really long days have been going on at your house. Hope they end SOON.

By Bubbels on Friday, February 14, 2003 - 12:10 pm:

Add my family to the list! DD had the stomach flu. Then DH got it. Now I have it. Ugh! I was in bed all day yesterday. My house is falling apart, though, so I'm trying to get up and do some things today. This is a nasty little critter. According to our local newspaper, something like 40% of our town has it. The secretary at our school said about one-third of the students are out because of it.

By Mechelle on Friday, February 14, 2003 - 02:22 pm:

Oh Pam!
I hope you get over this soon!!

Dh has had this since Monday, still has it today, this is the first day he's been able to work all week.......Now DS is getting it....GAWD...Can't win for losing here.....I feel like I am coming down with it....GEEZ!!

Goodluck to everyone that has this nasty stuff!!

By Kernkate on Friday, February 14, 2003 - 03:30 pm:

I just had my DS who is 8 and DD 29 months at the doctor yesterday..they both had the fever, runny nose and dry cough.The doctor said its URI (upper respiratory infection) and it really going around in our area. All she advised for DD was advil,tylenol...etc and dimetapp. For my DS who also has asthma, she gave him a prescription for Tussi, which is for congestion.
This winter has been the worse in my house for think by cleaning you are getting rid of the germs but they right thru the house again...
Best of luck to everyone out there going thru it...I know how it feels:(

By Sickpuppy on Saturday, February 15, 2003 - 08:48 am:

Day Six Continuation:

The girls woke up fever free! They are still coughing and runny nose. They revolted, and I let them loose on the house.

I had them contained in my room and their bedrooms. My husband slept on the coach the entire week. I slept with one in my bed. and the other in her room.

I METICULOUSLY cleaned antibacterial wipes on doorknobs and lightswitches, sinks, washed my hands till they were raw, cleaned the humidifiers everyother day. Washed and sprayed the toilet area everytime they went (except my room's bathroom...). Washed dirty dishes always in the dishwasher.

I read that this flu virus can live for 2 hours on hard surfaces. I am sending them back to school with antibacterial handwipes...they told me it is a mad rush in the bathrooms, and they "sometimes" don't wash their hands long enough.

My four year old has yet to get the flu. Hopefully all of this cleaning has worked, but since they are contagious even while fever free, I don't know.

This was a tough one.

By Babysitbarb on Monday, February 24, 2003 - 08:56 pm:

This sticken flu bug just won't go away. One of the little ones I babysit for started with it again last week, by the next day the baby brother got it and had to be admitted to the hospital last night for dehydration. Poor baby. more of them started with it on thursday and through the weekend. Our friends called tonight and said their 5 mth old granddaughter was admitted to the hospital tonight with same thing. They just can't keep anything down and they are getting dehydrated. My youngest started saturday Pm and stayed home with it today. I think the hubby and I are working on it and to top it off we are on kid no#2 with the Chicken Pox. I'm so ready for spring.

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