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Behaviour Question ~ Throwing Food

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive July-December 2005: Behaviour Question ~ Throwing Food
By Heaventree on Tuesday, September 13, 2005 - 11:51 am:

Matthew started regressing about a month before the baby was born. When he was finished eating he would say "All done". He no longer says this, he just throws his food across the room or at me. The throwing actually started months ago, it is driving me nuts and he knows it.

I'm at a loss as to what to do. I've tried talking, raising my voice, taking his food away and ignoring him. It's obvious that he is doing it for attention, I just don't know what method to take to get him to stop. I know it's just a stage thing and not a huge deal, but we all want our children to be well behaved, especially when we are out in public or have guests over.

Any suggestions?


By Amecmom on Tuesday, September 13, 2005 - 12:26 pm:

I know it's hard, but you may just have to ignore it until it passes. If you can, try giving him lots of attention at other times, especialy when the baby is around - just so he doesn't associate getting your attention with the baby not being there. Keep reinforcing that we don't throw food, and what a big, grown up boy he was when he said, "all done"
If he does anything even remotely grown up, praise him lavishly, so he associates grown up behavior with attention.
You have your hands full - and you'll get through it. Just remember one moment at a time, after all, your "big" boy's world has been turned upside down.

By Reds9298 on Tuesday, September 13, 2005 - 02:55 pm:

Heaventree - Natalie (14mths) has been doing the same thing with her cup. She never did this before...she just always says 'done' and hands it out to me or sets it down. Now she just drops it on the floor when she's done and it makes this really loud popping noise (we have laminate kitchen floors). It drives me crazy! Dh and I were talking about this lastnight...we've tried everything you mentioned so we decided to just accentuate the positive like Ame suggested. Anytime she's holding her cup or I catch her NOT throwing it, I'm going to try to remember to praise her. We'll see what happens!!!

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