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What am I doing wrong?

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive July-December 2005: What am I doing wrong?
By My2cuties on Wednesday, July 20, 2005 - 09:44 am:

Lauren's 2 month check-up is this friday and I don't think she is gaining weight, I am so nervous.. all the time people tell me how tiny she is. Last night my aunt weighed herself and then weighed again holding Lauren and she was only 8 lbs. heavier. she was 8 lbs. 4 oz. 4 weeks ago! I can tell she is growing tall and she seems to be heavier. I even count her wet diapers and they are plenty, I looked online and did a check test..I think it said to check wet diapers, fingernails growing, if she seems happy and alert during the day, if her skin color looks good, if she is active and I said yes to all of it except she doesn't poop except once every few days maybe like 4 or 5 days will go by. I am just nervous and any help or encouragement would be much appreciated, because right now I feel as if my body is letting her down and not doing what it is supposed to be doing. Is there anything I can do different, I am going to go to this breastfeeding support group starting soon, but for now I need some help from you all. thanks so much!

By Emily7 on Wednesday, July 20, 2005 - 10:08 am:

Take a deep breath...B/F babies don't always poop every single day. If she is growing & feels heavier then I am sure everything is fine.
My ds had issues with gaining weight when he was younger, it seems like he would gain a pound & then lose it. I could tell you how many calories were in an ounce of formula...heck I could tell you how many were in a ml of formula.
He was fine. He is now a happy heaythy 3 year old that is skinny, but he is in the 25% for his age, height & weight. All that my stress got me was a nice case of postpartum depression.
I am sure there is nothing else you can do, because everything is fine.

By Rayanne on Wednesday, July 20, 2005 - 10:22 am:

Hun, everything is fine. {{{{{HUGS}}}}} Emily is right, B/F babies don't poop everyday. If you answered yes to all the questions, then I am sure that she is fine. Don't be so hard on yourself. I hope that everything goes well at your doctor appointment. Let us know what they say.

By Kaye on Wednesday, July 20, 2005 - 10:33 am:

Scales just aren't that accurate, don't worry about the weight. When my dd wasn't getting enough, she didn't sleep well, she slept often but for very short stretches, never more than an hour. She is still that way, if she doesn't get enough calories. Your baby is the best guide to how she is doing. Just relax and wait to hear what the doc says. IF the weight is an issue then ask your doc about what to do, do NOT switch to formula. Typically BF babies are smaller for the first few months. It is going to be okay, I am willing to bet that there is not an issue at all!

By My2cuties on Wednesday, July 20, 2005 - 10:54 am:

thanks everyone. I really needed to hear that. She sleeps good after she nurses usually like a good 2 hour nap, she has even slept for 3-4 hours at a time.

One thing though that I have noticed that worries me is that she will be nursing and she will pull away and cry, when I put her back on she will nurse a couples seconds and do it again, but when I check to see if any milk comes out it does. So I don't know what the problem is. When I switch to the other side she does fine. She just doesn't like my left breast. I can see this causing a problem later on if I don't do something about it now, but what can I do?

By Amecmom on Wednesday, July 20, 2005 - 10:59 am:

That sounds to my like reflux. Does she spit up a lot, or seem uncomfortable after she eats? Helen had silent reflux, no spitting up, but all the other signs were there.
Ask your doc about it.

It may not be the breast, it just may be that the switching back and forth has given her enough time to get the acid down and she's ready to eat again.


By My2cuties on Wednesday, July 20, 2005 - 11:03 am:

No she doesn't spit up alot (hardly ever), she is a real great burper and it also comes out the other end too. And it is just on the left breast that she gets aggrivated.

By Kaye on Wednesday, July 20, 2005 - 12:53 pm:

It is normal for them to have a preference. My son prefered my left one. It really just wasn't a big deal. I wonder if you have more active ducts, faster ducts and she feels like she is

By Lauram on Wednesday, July 20, 2005 - 07:37 pm:

I'd just put her on the right then. It does sound like a preference thing. Try not to stress. That REALLY effects milk production. She sounds like she's doing great. Drink lots of water, rest when you can and let her eat whenever she wants. If you are really worried, ask the ped if you can bring her in just for weight checks. I actually used to have a nurse come to my house to do that. (My kids were both dehydrated).

By Missmudd on Thursday, July 21, 2005 - 10:44 am:

The people who are telling you your baby is tiny may just be saying she's so little. I know that sounds stupid, what I am trying to say is that to us moms whose babies are not as young as yours newbornish babies look itsy bitsy. And she may just be a petite person. Are you a family of big people? I am probably guilty of the too tiny comment, I had monster boy babies, so cute little girl babies are just SOO DARN CUTE! So relax, see what the ped says, I think you are doing just fine.

By My2cuties on Saturday, July 23, 2005 - 11:26 pm:

Okay I really am doing something wrong, we went for her 2 month check-up friday and she is doing really great length wise and her head but she is skinny and hasn't gained a lb. He told me to supplement her with formula after I nurse her and see if she gains weight then. I have no other choice, I asked him if there is anything I could do to boost my milk supply and he said no. The nurse at the checkout counter noticed how upset I was and told me to eat lots, well I haven't been doing that because I thought she would get what she needed if I drank plenty, but obviously not. The doctor checked her blood and it was fine. He said he is really worried about her but I am not stressing over it though, I am just thinking she is happy, she is growing (tall at least) and I'm just concentrating on the positive. I really wanted breastfeeding to work out this time, but it seems like it is going down the same path. I will start eating like I should and I found a lady that is going to help me out, so I hope it all works out, I am trying to stay positive but it is really hard when I would love to see my baby get fat, and she is just tiny. He said she should weigh at least 10 lbs. by now and she only weighs 8. :(

By Andi on Saturday, July 23, 2005 - 11:48 pm:

I know you really want to breast feed exclusivly but it sounds like you really need to supplement. Lauren has had the benefit of nursing for 2 months now and that is more than alot of babies get. In my opinion Formula fed babies are just as happy and healthy as breastfed babies.

Take care of yourself, eat more food and drink lots of water. You have a beautiful, healthy, baby girl! She will be a chunky monkey before you know it!


By Pamt on Saturday, July 23, 2005 - 11:57 pm:

If you really want to continue to breastfeed, please see a lactation consultant before you give it up. They are the specialists in this area...not doctors. However, if it is stressing you both out too much then there is nothing wrong with formula. Best of luck!

By Beth on Sunday, July 24, 2005 - 08:48 am:

I had a horrible time with my first. He stayed an extra day in the hospital he lost so much weight. I did the lactation consult the whole thing but my milk supply was never enough. I tried pumping and it would take me all day to get one bottle. This was with a rented heavy duty pump from the medical store. Anyway I really let it stress me out at first but that was good for neither one of us. I went strictly to formula and I was much happier. I admit I didn't even try with my second. I really think I just don't produce enough milk. I never had that engorged feeling and when I quit I didn't have to go through any problems. I say all this to let you know that you are not alone. Some women don't produce enough and that does not make you a bad mother. Your baby will be just as well of on formula. I agree though that at least seeing a lacation consultant couldn't hurt. I saw one and she hooked me up with some device that while I was feeding the baby formula he was still sucking on my breast trying to produce more milk. Didn't work for me but could work for someone else. Good luck and don't beat yourself up about it.

By Vicki on Sunday, July 24, 2005 - 08:56 am:

I wouldn't look at this like you are doing something wrong! I also wouldn't look at it like it is the end of breast feeding. If you are not eating properly, maybe that is the reason that she isn't gaining. I would start giving her some formula and maybe once she starts gaining or gets to the weight that the dr wants her to get to, you can drop some of the formula and go back to breast feeding only. I wouldn't stress too much over it, but it would be a concern to me. Weight plays a very important part of development. Keep us updated as to how the formula is going. When does he want to see her for a weight check again??

By Heaventree on Sunday, July 24, 2005 - 10:33 am:

Sweetie, try not to be so hard on yourself you are doing a wonderful job! You are such a caring and concerned mother. There is absolutely nothing wrong with supplementing with formula and you can continue to breatfeed as well. How fortunate we are to have formula available when we come up on situations like this. Look at it as a gift.

Your B/F support group will also be very helpful, just do both, you have not failed your daughter in anyway, she has still received plenty of benefits from your breast milk. Seek out the guidance of a lactation specialist she will help you with your breastfeeding concerns and issues, but remember to also follow the advice of your doctor and trust your instincts it seems as though they are right on.

Keep posting, we are all here for you.

By Kim on Sunday, July 24, 2005 - 11:14 am:

Its NOT your fault. I had a similar problem. I tried many different things. If you would like to know about them let me know. All Lac Cons. and Doc. approved. My email is in my profile. I also know about a specialist is Canada that will help for free. I used him and he was awesome. All it cost me was a collect call.

By Karen~moderator on Sunday, July 24, 2005 - 01:54 pm:

Check with a lactation consultant and supplement with formula. I had less milk with Jen and supplemented - breastfeeding was also very important to me too.

But you cannot look at this as a personal failure on your part because it's just NOT. Some things are out of your control. Do NOT blame your self, and do NOT believe you are doing anything wrong.

This is your 3rd child, this just happens to be the way things are working out. Continue nursing her, but consider supplementing her. She will gain weight, you will still be giving her breastmilk and things will work out. I promise!


By Ginny~moderator on Sunday, July 24, 2005 - 02:52 pm:

I agree - don't blame yourself. Yes, supplement, and yes, consult La Leche (they have a website) or a lactation consultant (the doctor's office or your hospital probably has a list). But for heaven's sake, don't blame yourself.

I've posted my ideas about mommy-guilt before - and I sure have a load of it myself. But, it is just pointless to beat yourself over the head about something you can't control. Goodness knows, you've tried your very best. Now, follow the doctor's advice - and try a bubblebath.

For what it's worth, my youngest was 6 weeks early and because he was underweight had to stay in the hospital a week longer than I did. (That was when you stayed 5-7 days after giving birth.) I rented a breast pump to keep my milk going, and started nursing him when I got him home. Turns out, however, that he was allergic to my milk, and had to go on a soy formula. I was frustrated, but this is one thing I didn't gather any guilt about.

By Emily7 on Monday, July 25, 2005 - 01:34 am:

Don't blame yourself at all. I think the ladies above have given you great advice.

By Feona on Monday, July 25, 2005 - 07:19 am:

Just do what the doctor says. You can't go wrong with that.

By Rayanne on Monday, July 25, 2005 - 07:55 am:

I am so sorry hun. I know exactly how you feel. Just do what the doctor said. She is still getting some from you, and that is all that matters. {{{{{HUGS}}}}} What one of my friends told me, is that she got the best stuff from me when she was born, so I am saying the same to you.

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