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Travel at 22months - too big for portable crib... to little for bed

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2005: Travel at 22months - too big for portable crib... to little for bed
By Amyk on Tuesday, June 28, 2005 - 02:13 pm:

What have you done for sleeping arrangements when traveling when your toddler is at an age where he/she is too big for a portable crib - but not ready for a bed yet? My ds is not comfortable in the portable crib anymore - tall for his age - and I wouldn't feel safe leaving him in a bed - even w/ rails - in an unbaby-proofed environment. Do I just deal until he gets older??


Mom to GArrett

By Mrsheidi on Tuesday, June 28, 2005 - 02:25 pm:

How about an inflatable bed you can put on the floor? Would that work?

By Vicki on Tuesday, June 28, 2005 - 02:25 pm:

We never used a portable crib. When traveling, she would either sleep between us, or if it were just her and I, we would sleep in the same bed and I would stack pillows behind her.

By Trina~moderator on Tuesday, June 28, 2005 - 02:43 pm:

We had one of these. Basically just a cushioned mat with a cover that goes on the floor. It rolls up into a bag.

Travel 'n Trundle Bed

In hind sight, a sleeping bag with a camping pad or something similar would have worked just as well.

By Bellajoe on Tuesday, June 28, 2005 - 04:18 pm:

My sister has this for her son. He loves it.
I'm sorry i don't know how to make a link. If copying and pasting this doesn't work. Go to and put "travel bed" into the search space. It is the little blue blow up bed..$59.95
It blows up very easily, and is pretty soft too.

By Kernkate on Tuesday, June 28, 2005 - 04:26 pm:

Here you go Patti:)
travel bed

By Mommmie on Tuesday, June 28, 2005 - 05:00 pm:

My slept in bed with me when we traveled. Still does actually.

By Annie2 on Tuesday, June 28, 2005 - 06:24 pm:

You could take the cushions off of the room chair, cover with a sheet and voila! a toddler bed. Or just a sleeping bag on the floor would be fine.
If your worried about him being out in the room, you could buy him one of those small tents that fold in on itself;, like the ones mentioned for the beach. Place a sleeping bag in there. When he is asleep place a bell on a long ribbon and hang it from the top at the opening. If you are a light sleeper, like me, you'll here him crawl out. :)

By Dawnk777 on Tuesday, June 28, 2005 - 06:42 pm:

I can't remember what we did anymore! LOL! Sarah was 2-1/2, when Emily was born, so Emily would have been in the travel crib. Maybe we just put Sarah on the floor, on a sleeping bag, when we were at my in-laws. My parents had a futon, that was pretty low to the ground, so Sarah slept on that.

By Bellajoe on Tuesday, June 28, 2005 - 10:24 pm:

Thanks Kathy :)

Some mention a sleeping bag. If Amy's ds sleeps anything like my ds slept when he was 22 months, a sleeping bag would be a bit dangerous. My ds didn't sleep in one position. He would sleep perpendicular to the bed or he head would end up at the foot of the bed. He probably would not be in the sleeping bag for long. Plus if she is staying in a hotel...ewww! to sleeping on the hotel room floor!

OH, i just got the point of your post. Are you nervous about him getting out of the bed while you are sleeping, and wandering around and doing goodness knows what else in a strange enviroment? Or are you worried about him falling out of a bed?

By Amyk on Wednesday, June 29, 2005 - 06:24 am:

Hi all -

Thanks for the ideas! I think I'll look for that trundle bed on ebay. If it doesn't work for him now - it will be a nice alternative once he is an older toddler.

Bellajoe - yes to all! He will be asleep a couple hours before we are - and we'll be in a rental house with my family and possible a small condo later. I'm worried that even if I have a monitor - he'll wake up and start to ...explore... yikes!

If he hadn't had the sleep probs that he's had in the past - I'd be inclined to have him sleep with me - but even then - I would feel safe with him in a big bed alone for those 2 hours.

Thanks to all!!!!!!!

By Kaye on Wednesday, June 29, 2005 - 10:53 am:

They also make camping cots, they fold up like those chairs in the bags, these kind of cradle them better and are a bit harder to get out of. A good friend of mine swears by these.

By Kaye on Wednesday, June 29, 2005 - 10:54 am:

Also bring a roll of pack tape to baby proof! tape drawers closed, cover outlets, tape up curtain ties, etc.

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