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Potty Help

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2005: Potty Help
By Boxzgrl on Wednesday, June 15, 2005 - 11:27 am:

I'm not quite enforcing the potty with Kaitlyn but I have been introducing it in our daily activities and waiting for her to show the interest. She loves reading potty books, loves watching her potty video and says "Yay" to someone who uses the potty in the house. The only problem is that she doesn't want to go herself. She always goes to one little corner of the house right behind the couch to do #2. Without fail, it's everytime. She gets mad if you ask her if she's going, almost like shes embarrassed. The corner thing started happening right when we started daycare. She went #2 a few times at daycare but in the last 1 1/2-2 weeks, she waits until she gets home to go. No matter what time I pick her up, when we get in the house she immediately goes over to her corner to go #2.

It's like she's completely excited over the potty and it's a big deal when others go but it's "bad" if she goes. If I put her on the potty when she has to go she cries and wants down and wants a diaper on immediately.

She's been staying dry through the night for about 6 months now. Her diapers are pretty predicatable as far as when shes going to go and when it needs to be changed. If she doesn't have a diaper on and needs to go she will bring me a diaper. She will come up to me after she does #2 to let me know it needs to be changed. She can undress herself and take her diaper off. These all seem like "signs" to me but she is horribly afraid of going in the potty. What do I do?

By Rayanne on Wednesday, June 15, 2005 - 11:42 am:

What about putting her in panties and just telling her that there are no more diapers for her during the day and see if she decides to go?
Is she afraid of the potty or just going in the potty?
Do you have an award system that you use if she does go to the potty?

I hope that some of these ideas help. Good luck sweetie.:)

By My2cuties on Wednesday, June 15, 2005 - 11:44 am:

Pooping in the potty usually takes a little more time. You could always try to put her potty chair in that particular corner. If she even sits on it (with a diaper on) that will probably help her on her way. Not much help but thought I'd share. :)

By Kaye on Wednesday, June 15, 2005 - 12:13 pm:

My child was older and I just had to make I spent many horus one day in the restroom reading books blowing bubbles, holding him ont he potty. We used the big potty with a seat on it, a little less convienent to just hop off.

However as a step, maybe take her dirty diapers and dump them in the potty and make a big production..."whew, glad we got that poop where it belongs".

another option if she is dry all night and pees fine during the day, then have a good bye to diapers party, make cake, have ice cream, balloons whatever is a BIG deal to her and then toss the diapers. Talk it up for about a week though and then just go with it. She will figure it out.

By Amecmom on Wednesday, June 15, 2005 - 02:42 pm:

Ok, I've read a ton of stuff on training because Randy was just so deathly afraid of #2 on the potty.
Put the little potty in the corner where she goes. Let her sit on the potty wth her diaper on. It may just be too much of a jump for her to do it with her diaper off. Get her to sit on the potty with her diaper on. Eventually you'll work your way to getting he to go on the potty with her diaper off.
Good luck. Potty training is no fun.

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