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I feel like such a horrible mother

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2005: I feel like such a horrible mother
By Kellyj on Thursday, June 9, 2005 - 05:42 pm:

I am in tears tonight. My dd's daycare has lost their license and the state may be closing the facility. There is a huge list of violations including rumors that the kids went without lunch for 3 WEEKS. DH and I didn't suspect any problems. We drop by at all times during the day because he works nearby and my schedule varies so they never knew when we'd be stopping by. Everything always seemed to be in order. What do you do? We sent her to a brand new facility that is nationally known and paid way too much money for it. I am so infuriated that I can't even see straight.

Thankfully, my school has an opening in one week and we can get her out of this daycare. It's a short walk away from school so I think I'll be dropping by often. Ugh...add closing on a new house and an intense semester and I'm close to a breaking point. Thank you for letting me vent a little.

By Cat on Thursday, June 9, 2005 - 05:56 pm:

{{{{{Kelly}}}}} First of all, take a big breath and tell yourself you are NOT a bad mother! Second, what you're hearing are RUMORS! I'm sure there will be a complete list of the violations, but until there is an official list try not to buy into those "rumors". If you were stopping by frequently and didn't see those things, I'm willing to bet they weren't happening. It's like those listening games we used to play. You know, where one person whispers something into the next person's ear and then they whisper what they think they heard into the next person's and so on. By the time it gets around to the 10th or so person it's totally distorted. You did everything you could have done. You did NOTHING wrong!!! Don't feel guilty. You have no reason to. More hugs. This will all work out. Vent away any time.

By Kaye on Thursday, June 9, 2005 - 06:01 pm:

You also have to take into account the rules they have to follow. Going without lunch in a day care could just mean not having filed the lunch plan, or not being an appropriate lunch. For example when my oldest was in day care per the law she had to feed one jar of meat, one jar of fruit or veggie and 1/4 cup of cereal. She couldn't use the combo, apple and turkey type stuff.

All you can do is do your best and keep a watch out. If your dd seemed fine, then she probably was.

By Crystal915 on Thursday, June 9, 2005 - 06:11 pm:

(((Kelly))) I'm so sorry. It's so difficult when you try your best, and something like this happens. I agree with Cat and Kaye, wait and see what comes of it.

By Emily7 on Thursday, June 9, 2005 - 07:10 pm:

I also agree with Cat & Kaye.
Just wait & see what comes of it.

By Mommmie on Saturday, June 11, 2005 - 04:22 pm:

In our state there is a website that you can look up any daycare and see all the violations they have ever had. Perhaps your state has such a thing and you can check it to see the real story.

Don't beat yourself up over this. My son had a perfect daycare with no issues only to go to public school where his 2nd grade teacher was fired mid year due to her inappropriate behavior in the classroom. Made the front page of the city newspaper. Who knew?? Kids are pretty resiliant, I discovered.

By Kellyj on Sunday, June 12, 2005 - 08:17 pm:

Thanks everyone,
We did visit that website that tells about the daycare violations and there are a lot. :( Most are minor but there are enough uncorrected that their license has been suspended and they will probably be closed within 90 days.

They are listed for inadequate food that was corrected. The center says that they ran out of milk one day and didn't have any for the kids. Since there is a grocery store 1/4 mile down the road there is no excuse why they should go without for an entire day. There were many other ones, understaffing, unqualified staff. If you ask the center about them they try to minimize it as "The Inspector is out to get us." I find that to be a rather desparate and childish excuse.

We went in and told them Friday that she would be leaving in one week and they tried to get us to stay. I know that the teachers were good to the kids. Alexis loves her teachers and all of the kids. She learned so much there. I don't think it was a bad daycare so much as poorly organized.

Thankfully there was an opening in the daycare at my school which is affliated with the hospital. She starts next Monday and is excited about meeting new friends.

Thanks everyone for your support. I'm feeling better now that we have things settled. :) But I feel bad for the people who have young babies because the waiting lists are so long. There are 2 centers closing so it will be nearly impossible for everyone to find new childcare for the very young babies.

By Kernkate on Sunday, June 12, 2005 - 11:40 pm:

Glad to see you found another daycare. Just one question , Are you nervous about leaving your child there for another week?? JMO but I would be.
Hope things work out for the best with everyone involved.

By Kellyj on Monday, June 13, 2005 - 06:29 am:

Yes I wish that I had another option for this week but we do not have family nearby and neither of us can take a full week off. So as much as I do not want to leave her there one more week, I don't really have a choice.

They are being watched very closely right now. They are on their best behavior because they want to get their license back and to win this upcoming court case. Sadly right now will probably be the best that they have ever been. DH will be dropping in randomly throughout the week to check on DD.

By Kernkate on Monday, June 13, 2005 - 08:29 am:

Thats true Kelly. As I bet they are trying there hardest to be A+ with everything.

By Kaye on Monday, June 13, 2005 - 09:49 am:

Althought you feel like their respons was childish (the inspector out to get them), it is possible. Unfortuantly this world is all about politics and someone just may not have been playing it right.

As for the milk, I do not run a day care center and I know they have rules. But things do happen. Chances are what are violations there are not things that would be tragic in your house. Running out of milk, been there done that, we don't drink much, it isn't a big deal. I think your dd will be fine this week. I think leaving is also the right choice, you can't be happy once you start to worry and doubt :) This holds true for docs too, once you worry and doubt it is time to find a new ped!

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