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Does anyone have information/experience with this??

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2005: Does anyone have information/experience with this??
By Robyn on Thursday, June 9, 2005 - 08:05 am:

My Dd (23 months old) seems to break out in hives when she is in cold water, or gets out from being in cold water. I have seen the break-out of hives before, and couldn't figure out what had caused them...but just made the connection of it being related to cold water after a swimming time this week. She was just covered in welts afterwards. Then I remembered the previous times & yes, it seems to be related to cold water. Or perhaps even the cold weather... This winter I noticed that her wrists had welts where her skin was exposed between her jacket cuff & her mittens. The welts do not seem to bother her...she doesn't seem itchy. But, it's concerning...we live in a climate with many months of cold winter & for the summer months we have a swimming pool in the backyard & parents with a cottage on the lake. Cold weather & cold water!!!
I am appreciative for any information/experiences.

By Karen~moderator on Thursday, June 9, 2005 - 08:47 am:

I did a quick google, and apparently some people are hypersensitive to cold!

Heat/Cold Allergy

Cold Urticaria & Angioedema

By Trina~moderator on Thursday, June 9, 2005 - 09:35 am:

YES!! Both my kids break out in hives from the cold. The first time it happened was when we went to the beach and they went swimming in the ocean. We live in New England. Needless to say, ocean water is COLD here. LOL! It also happens when swimming, or on exposed skin when playing outdoors during winter months. I've talked with our pediatrician and he said it's most likely the cold temperature, because it doesn't happen in the bath/shower. Both kids have sensitive skin with a hystery of eczema. The hives don't seem to bother them and go away as soon as the kids dry off or warm up. I'm used to it now but it does scare other moms when they notice. LOL!

By Robyn on Friday, June 10, 2005 - 02:57 pm:

Thank-you Karen for this information. interesting and thank-you for sharing....that sounds just like my Dd's situation! This Board is such a support!

By Dana on Saturday, June 11, 2005 - 12:13 pm:

Hmmmm, I have never heard of such a thing! I'm sure in the future I will run into a mom asking the same question, and I can share your story. I can't even tell you how many times something like that has happened and it helps the other person.

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