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Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2005: Tonsils
By Children03 on Tuesday, June 7, 2005 - 03:01 pm:

Two of my children are scheduled to have their tonsils and adenoids out. One is for this Friday and the other the next Friday. My husband is having second thoughts just because his mom and dad don't think they really need them out and are making comments to him.

I'm quite irritated over this for the fact that I've been the one that takes of them when they are sick and I've been the one hauling them back and forth to the doctor since Jan. and to the specialist and so I'm the one that has the information that is needed. My husband refused to take off work and go to the doctor with me to hear his opinion and then agreed to let the girls have the surgery and all of a sudden last night had second thoughts because of what his father told him about getting a second opinion. The specialist is my second opinion because the pediatrician already recommended it first.

If your child had their T&A removed, did you see a big difference in them? Any advice is welcome, please.

By Cybermommyx4 on Tuesday, June 7, 2005 - 05:39 pm:

I don't have any experience with this, except that my youngest DS is going to have his out within the next week or so (we find out the date/time on Friday)....for him, it will make ALL the difference. He was sent home from school AGAIN today because of the throat obstruction/feeling affecting his breathing. YOU know what's best for your children, and, as Dr. Phil says, "Don't substitute someone else's judgment for your own".....

By Tink on Tuesday, June 7, 2005 - 06:07 pm:

I had mine taken out when I was four and it made such a difference in my overall health. If this has been recommended by both the pediatrician and a specialist, I think you've covered the second opinion base. If this has been a problem, this should make a big difference. If I am debating with myself about a decision I ask myself which will make a difference in 5 years. Will you be more likely to regret having them taken out or not taking them out? I hope you are able to come to a decision that rests easy on your heart and mind.

By Dana on Tuesday, June 7, 2005 - 11:40 pm:

DD had hers out a few years ago...gosh was she 3 or 4? Whatever, the end results were nothing short of miracalous. She was able to breath, she got her hearing back, she started to eat like a normal child, she started to gain weight and she started to enjoy playing outside (it was difficult since she couldn't breath).

I don't know about where you live, but I had to jump thru hoops to get the drs to approve the surgery. Those things were huge, and a layperson could tell they needed to come out. But we had to wait two years after I first asked about it. We went to a sleep specialist to see if she had apnea (which she did, but not at the time of the test cause her breathing was so bad I HAD to put her on meds just prior to test). Failed the apena test, so we waited that last year until I noticed she could not say words she used to be able to say. She failed her hearing test at her annual exam. Was sent to an ear specialist, confirmed she could not hear and was finally okayed for tonsil/adnoidectomy. They don't take that type of surergy lightly these days and you REALLY have to need it to get it.

The 2 wks after the surgery were killer on DD, but even in all her pain, she told me how much happier she was and how easy it was to breath.

I had no question about having them out. It was more than just several sore throats for us. It was everything that made it necessary.

By Missmudd on Wednesday, June 8, 2005 - 12:00 am:

My #3 had his out in kindergarden, I have never regreted it, he was actually starting to get blue lips if he exerted himself too much. Give dh a brake tho, he is probably worried, I was too, you just get a little frightened when your kids have this sort of thing done AND you have 2 pretty much doing it at the same time. So give him a hug, tell him it is for the best, tell him you love him for worrying about the kids and tell him all the ladies here say, GO FOR IT. I dont remember ever seeing a post here that a person regreted having this done. GL

By Children03 on Wednesday, June 8, 2005 - 06:59 am:

Thanks for the advice. My girls need the surgery. they have both had strep throat 3 times this past year, 3 times in a month 1/2. They are still so swollen and they do have difficulty breathing and swallowing.

My girls have both been so irritable from day one of their throat problems and I think it is truly related to them not getting enough oxygen while they sleep because they both snore like trains. My youngest daughter is 2 (just turned 2) and she hasn't gained any weight.

She is 24 pounds and that is what she weighed back aroun 18 months. She is very small and I think that is related to her tonsils because she barely eats anything.

The doctor called my husband on the phone last night and talked to him and we have two pre-op appointments this evening, so I will let you know what my husband's decision is afterwards.

Thanks! :)

By Children03 on Wednesday, June 8, 2005 - 06:59 am:

Thanks for the advice. My girls need the surgery. they have both had strep throat 3 times this past year, 3 times in a month 1/2. They are still so swollen and they do have difficulty breathing and swallowing.

My girls have both been so irritable from day one of their throat problems and I think it is truly related to them not getting enough oxygen while they sleep because they both snore like trains. My youngest daughter is 2 (just turned 2) and she hasn't gained any weight.

She is 24 pounds and that is what she weighed back around 18 months. She is very small and I think that is related to her tonsils because she barely eats anything.

The doctor called my husband on the phone last night and talked to him and we have two pre-op appointments this evening, so I will let you know what my husband's decision is afterwards.

Thanks! :)

By Debbie on Wednesday, June 8, 2005 - 08:52 am:

My younest ds may have to get his tonsils taken out. He has had strep 4 times since Jan. and his tonsils have remained fairly large. He also seems to be having sinus problems which his doctor seems to think may be related. He is going in next month for a checkup and if his tonsils are still swollen he will be referred to an ENT. My mom said that I was very sick in Kindergarten. Always had colds, sore throats, strep, etc. I had my tonsils out and was hardly sick after that. She said I was like a new child. They do not take tonsils out like they used to, so if both your ped. and a specialist say you should, then I would do it!

By Karen~moderator on Wednesday, June 8, 2005 - 10:04 am:

My oldest DD and youngest DS had T & A's and were MUCH healthier afterwards. I had mine out when I was 5. Debbie is right too, they don't just routinely perform T & A's like they did years ago, and if the doctors feel it's necessary, it is. After their recovery from the surgery, I can assure you, they will be MUCH healthier kids.

By Children03 on Wednesday, June 8, 2005 - 09:12 pm:

We went to the pre-op appointments today and my husband has agreed that it's the best thing to do so that is a big relief. My daughter will go in on Friday at 8:00am for surgery, so please pray that everything goes smoothly and that she won't have any major problems afterwards.

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