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Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2005: Perplexed
By Heaventree on Wednesday, May 18, 2005 - 03:30 pm:

Many of you have probably read my post on Matt's afternoon nap difficulties. Well Monday went fine.

Usually Matt has a tinny tiny meltdown around 9:30 am so I know o.k. it's time for nap, nap. I put him in his crib and within 1/2 an hour he's asleep until 11:00 - 11:30.

In the afternoon he starts to have another meltdown around 1:30, but I usually it's too early for a nap.

Tuesday I held off until 2:00 p.m for his nap, he maybe slept 1/2 hour, so at 3:00 I went up and got him (he was playing happily in his crib) and we went out for an hour. Well at 4:00 he was yawning big time. I put him to bed at 7:00 and 8:00 he was awake. This means to me, I screwed up his afternoon nap and now I'm paying for it! American Idol starts at 8! Anyway I went and got him and he sat on the couch with me for 1/2 an hour and I put him back to bed, he went to sleep no problem.

Wednesday (today) - 1:30 meltdown, crying wants up, pick him up wants down, put him down cries even more wants up - AAAAWWWW I'm losing my mind. He wants something but I don't know what. As long as I'm standing and holding him he's fine. Sit down and no way. We go into the kitchen and I give him a cookie, I can sit on the kitchen bar stools that apparently is ok as far as he's concerned.

Anyway by 2:00 he's still cranky so I give him his milk and put him in his crib. He plays happily until 3:00 pm and then falls asleep, he's still sleeping and I assume he'll probably sleep until 4:30.

My dilemma, it appears he's tired and cranky at 1:30, if I put him in his crib he will play happily usually until 3:00 and then he falls asleep until 4:30. That means he's in his crib for 3 hours every afternoon! I feel like a bad mommy! Am I missing something here? I can't leave him up there for 3 hours even if he's happy can I? Does he just need some time alone, some down time? Is this weird? I guess you could look at it as great cause I can get some things done, but it just seems wrong. I wish he could tell me what he needs. I just don't know what to do.


By Missmudd on Wednesday, May 18, 2005 - 04:22 pm:

First of all, looked at the photo you have of little guy. WHAT A CUTIE!

No I dont think you are a horrid mommy for putting him in his crib and letting him goof off until he actually gets tired and goes to sleep. He is probably going through a phaze where he wants to have some just him time. I remember that when my guys were learning something new they need a bit of down time to process what was different, get it straight in their little guy heads and then were back to a normal schedule. So listen to what he is telling you instead of what you think he wants.

By Trina~moderator on Wednesday, May 18, 2005 - 06:57 pm:

I see nothing wrong with putting him in his crib at 1:30 and letting him have down time before napping. He appears to prefer it that way. LOL! However, I would check on him periodically because he's at the age where he may start to climb out of the crib.

By Tonya on Thursday, May 19, 2005 - 10:01 am:

If he is happy when in his crib than no you are not a bad mommy. Kids need alone play time and if he gets it in there then so be it. What is teh difference in him playing alone in his crib or in the room with you other than you don't have to constantly watch him and you can now get some things done or realx yourself for a bit.

By Heaventree on Thursday, May 19, 2005 - 10:22 am:

Thanks to all of you for your reassurance. Today I will try a bit harder to follow his lead and yes listen to what he is telling me. What am I going to do with all this free time! :)

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