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Speaking of weaning from the bottle....

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2005: Speaking of weaning from the bottle....
By Reds9298 on Tuesday, May 17, 2005 - 04:37 pm:

What kinds of things can I expect? DD is 10 1/2mths,today was our first time with a non-bottle formula feeding. She uses a straw cup just fine for drinking diluted juice, usually once a day, so we substituted the straw cup for the bottle at lunch today. She sat on my lap like she always does with the bottle. She drank about half, then just played with the straw. After about 5 min. of that I put the formula back in a bottle and she drank the rest right away.
She's only a big juice or water drinker when she's really thirsty. When she's doing juice and she starts playing with the straw I assume she doesn't want to drink it anymore and take it away. (She never carries a drink around with her) Never did well with the Avent or Gerber sippy..couldn't get the tilting the head back thing to drink from it. That's why we went to a straw cup a few months ago.
I was planning to do the same thing again tomorrow, same meal, etc. Questions:
1.Formula people - do you mix the formula in the sippy or straw cup? I found that in her straw cup it didn't mix very well, got clotted in the straw a bit, etc.
2.Should I NOT transfer back to the bottle like I did today? She's a big formula drinker still and it's unusual for her to not drink 7-8oz. at a meal.
3.I'm thinking: If I don't switch in the middle like I did today then she will realize that formula now comes out of this cup and if you want it you have to take it that way. Is that the right way of thinking?

Any experiences would be helpful! I just kind of want to know what to expect. I know all kids are different. She doesn't use the bottle as a comfort measure and never falls asleep to it.
Thanks!!! :)

By Frasersmama on Tuesday, May 17, 2005 - 07:34 pm:

I transitioned my dd from the breast straight to the sippy cup, so I can't totally relate, but it seems to me that what you said at the end (#3) makes sense.
I would suggest not switching back and forth. Your dd knows how to drink out of the cup, she drank half of the formula that way. I would just let her drink what she wants out of the cup and leave it at that. She will quickly get the hang of it once she realizes that's how she gets formula now. Since she is 10 1/2 months, I assume she is on a full solid diet and therefore at this point the formula is supplementing the solids instead of the other way around, so it is not a big deal if she doesn't take a whole 8oz.

By Trina~moderator on Tuesday, May 17, 2005 - 09:53 pm:

Ditto Frasersmama. :)

By Mrsheidi on Thursday, May 19, 2005 - 09:51 am:

I just went cold turkey and he never sees the bottle anymore. I still hold him while he drinks so he isn't so distracted by the dog, etc. And, yes, he drinks less, but he knows when he's hungry/thirsty.
We also mix the formula in his sippy. It helps when the water is warm/hot so that the formula is more soluble...then we refrigerate it and shake it up before we give it to him.

By My3kids on Thursday, May 19, 2005 - 03:24 pm:

I don't understand why so many are so quick to take the bottle away! 10 1/2 months IMHO is waaayyy too early.

By Frasersmama on Thursday, May 19, 2005 - 04:04 pm:

I don't necessarily think it is too early, but there is certainly no rush at this point. It is not going to do the children any harm not to have a bottle at this point, they don't need it.

By Reds9298 on Thursday, May 19, 2005 - 04:47 pm:

Let me just say that we're starting this early, only one meal a day right now, because I want it to be a slow transition so that BY 12 mths. she's totally off the bottle. I agree that it's no rush, so that's why we're taking it slow. The hardest for me will be the bedtime bottle because that's my 'baby' time! :)

By Kaye on Thursday, May 19, 2005 - 05:42 pm:

My first two gave up bottles pretty easily. Often once they realize they can get more faster via a cup they tend to let go.

By Mrsheidi on Thursday, May 19, 2005 - 06:18 pm:

All I can say is that I saw a 3 year old drinking out of a bottle one time!
Our pediatrician recommended working on it when he was 6 months old. He said it's harder to wean them later...I dunno...all I DO know is that it's a LOT cleaner at feeding time. He used to see how the milk would come out of the for him, not so fun for mum!! LOL!

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