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Noisy Toys

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2005: Noisy Toys
By Heaventree on Wednesday, May 4, 2005 - 08:35 pm:

I was watching the evening news a few weeks ago and they suggested that children's toys are typically too loud and suggested that you tape over the speakers.

It seems that half of the toys that DS has play some sort of music, which of course he loves, but the noise sometimes drives me crazy. Yesterday I got out clear plastic packing tape and taped over the speakers in all of his toys. Oh joyful peace! I have reduced the noise by half.

If you try this make sure the tape is really secure and check regularly, wouldn't want some one to pull it off and eat it :).

By Karefl on Wednesday, May 4, 2005 - 08:50 pm:

My oldest son is hard of hearing. I'm VERY conscience about how loud toys are! I've even tossed toys that they got as gifts b/c they were TOOOO loud! I wouldn't even donate them b/c I don't want to endanger the hearing of other kids! Not to mention the parents' sanity! LOL

By Bclifton on Thursday, May 5, 2005 - 08:57 pm:

What a great idea, Heaventree! Seems like most toys have two volumes: loud and LOUDER. I used to be really sensitive to noisy toys, even clipped the sound wires to my son's mobile because the music was just awful. Now there are a few sounds I can tolerate, but keep the batteries out of most of his toys. DS doesn't notice yet, and I hope to keep the trend going. I strongly believe that today's toys do way too much by themselves and leave imagination out of it.

By Ginny~moderator on Friday, May 6, 2005 - 10:10 am:

That is a super idea. I hated noisy toys when my kids were little, and make sure I never give noisy toys to the children of anyone I like. I was also on my boys constantly about volume control when they began playing music. I have read articles that our society (the U.S.) is one of the noisiest in the world, and I am surprised we don't see a lot more hearing loss because of it.

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