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Just want to vent about babies and activities

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2005: Just want to vent about babies and activities
By Reds9298 on Tuesday, May 3, 2005 - 10:55 pm:

Do you know moms who have their 6-18mth. kids in EVEYRTHING and think if you don't you're weird??? I have a friend whose son is 16 mths and he's in like 3 classes (kindermusic, gymnastics, and something else) each week and 2 playgroups. It's not that I mind, it's just that when I talk with her she elaborates so much on everything he's in and constantly bugs me about what activities Natalie is in (10mths). It drives me crazy because she acts like if your kid isn't "in" everything you're not doing enough. Our day is filled with activities, and I don't *need* an instructor to create rich experiences for my dd. If she feels strongly about being that active fine with me but it's not for everyone! I personally feel that it's overkill, but that's JMO. I don't push my way of doing things on her. She does what she thinks is best and I do the same. This is the same person who 6mths. after my dd was born asked me if I enjoyed motherhood. I said yes, of course, and she said "Oh but your'e still going to go back to work huh? Don't like it enough to stay home?" I was offended by that, like all women have the choice to even stay at home! I've since decided to resign but she doesn't know that. Just drives me crazy....had to vent. Do you know people like this?

By Dawnk777 on Wednesday, May 4, 2005 - 12:02 am:

That sounds like way too many activities for a kid that young! What about just being on the floor exploring his world, on his own? I remember Sarah being on the living room floor at 7 months and having a wonderful time. In fact, when I tried to join her, she gave me a funny look and I went back on the couch. I did work full-time, then, and she was in daycare, so she really didn't need any other scheduled activities.

What about just sitting and reading books with mom, or exploring coloring with a crayon.

By Reds9298 on Wednesday, May 4, 2005 - 08:47 am:

Dawn I totally agree!

By Tonya on Wednesday, May 4, 2005 - 09:27 am:

Man then I really am a bad mom cause Jade has never been into anything like that. When I was off work and home with her we couldn't afford those things. ANd now that I am back to work FT we don't have time for those things. I think if the parents are involved in helping their child grow that is more than enough for that age. I like watching TV with DD and hearing her try to sing with Elmo and with THe Wiggles.

By Jann on Wednesday, May 4, 2005 - 09:39 am:

That sounds like too many activities for my teenagers!

By Kaye on Wednesday, May 4, 2005 - 10:38 am:

I think you need to do what is best for you and your child. Now is the time to learn, there will always be someone who disagrees with what you are doing or not doing and how you are doing it, you really have to find that place in you that knows you have your child's best interest in mind and you are interested for that and nothing else!

As for activities, some people do nothing with their little ones all day, yes baby may be on the floor, but they don't interact. These programs are great for those moms. Really these activites are to give moms ideas just what to do with baby, to give mom some social out of the house time. It is an hour a day, not that big of deal. I spend an hour of my day (at least) playing with my babies, we woudl sing, we would read (i read to all of my children prebirth several books a day, i am fanatic), we would listen to songs, we would dance. It would have been nice to see other adults, but we didn't have classes like that offered.

Parenting styles are all so different and moms need to find stuff that works for them. I was/am an attachment parent, this means my little ones were held probably 18 hours of every day and shared our bed. A lot of people thought I was nuts, but it worked for us. And actually it worked for 2 of my 3 kids, my middle one didn't like that much contact. Anyway my point is, people will point fingers and make you insecure, but you need to realize at least half the reason she is asking is because she finally found something that worked for her and can't understand how your life works, it probably isn't judging as much as it is she is struggling too to know what the right thing is.

By Missmudd on Wednesday, May 4, 2005 - 11:22 am:

Sounds like the other mom isnt very comfortable providing entertainment and education on her own. I get the feeling that she isnt too terribly happy being a sahm but feels presure to be one because that is what "good moms" do. I know that if my kids had that many activities at that age they would have mutinied and totally freaked out.

By Amecmom on Thursday, May 5, 2005 - 09:31 am:

I don't think the mom is looking for activities for her child as much as for herself. The adjustment from social, working outside the home person, to deprived of adult interaction sahm is very tough.

Also, I think they are looking for social interaction for their children. I know here, you have to get into some groups or classes to meet people and set up playdates.

She was way out of line in her comment to you about going back to work. Maybe she's a little envious?


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