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Tics (the ticks post reminded me i should post this)

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2005: Tics (the ticks post reminded me i should post this)
By Alberobello on Wednesday, April 20, 2005 - 07:26 pm:

My son has been having a tic: he moves his head as though he is streching the muscle almost all around but not quite. I've asked him if it hurts but he says no. He does it a few times a day and i really don't want him to have this tic just because i wasn't able to do anything. Other than that he is very healthy, very athletic and has never had an type of physical problems whatsoever. Once he had a little tic with his eye and i took him to the doctor who gave him some drops and the tic went away like magic (the doctor told me it was nothing but that the drops would make him stop the tic just because he had been to the doctor and given some medicine -like a placebo i suppose).

Anyway, he's been doing this for about 3 weeks and although we try not to tell him anything about it (that is we don't really make a fuss) i would like him to stop doing it.

Have any of you ladies had any experience with tics and how to get rid of them?



PS: Maybe it has nothing to do with it, but we live in avery stressful city (London), we haven't got a lot of outdoor space and i don't know, i sometimes think that even children in London are stressed! We live a very happy life, our house, although quite small is a happy place to be. But sometimes i wonder if my poor child is not stressed too...

By Ginny~moderator on Wednesday, April 20, 2005 - 09:29 pm:

If it is "a few times a day", I personally wouldn't consider it a tic. He may just feel a need to stretch those muscles. Think about it - does it happen when he has been sitting or holding his head in one position for a while, watching TV, reading, doing homework? I have a friend whose son has Tourtette's Disease, and she described his tics. They came frequently, not just a few times a day.

My experience of you, Maria, is that you are, like me, an overanxious mother. We overanxious mothers can find more things to worry about than most parents - and just like most parents, most of what we worry about is not really a problem. We're just worrying.

I agree, living in cities can be stressful. But still, I am sure your son gets exercise at school, and I'll bet you find time to take him to a park or playground pretty frequently. I know you went to great trouble to get him into a better school (and worried a lot about that too, after you had done it).

If the doctor says there is nothing to worry about, if it only happens a couple of times a day, and particularly if you can link it with some activity (or lack of activity, more likely), I'd say you are borrowing trouble - and you should stop. Although, knowing you (because I know myself), you'll find something else to worry about.

Overanxious mothers make pretty good parents, imo. We do tend to catch some stuff earlier than less worrying parents might. But we do also cause ourselves a lot of unnecessary anxiety, and sometimes we can drive our children crazy by asking them - much more often than they think appropriate - if everything is alright or if something is wrong.

Try knitting (though I decided crocheting was better, because it is faster and easier).

By Lauram on Thursday, April 21, 2005 - 11:11 am:

Stress can definitely make tics worse. Is this the only thing he's doing? Is he making any sounds too? Even like breath sounds or clearing his throat? I have ALOT of experience with this (my son has had tics since age 3 1/2- he received a dx of Tourette's at age 5).

As far as the current tic goes- just ignore it. Especially if it is not bothering him. Also, try to figure out ways to reduce his stress and get him some exercise.

BTW- tics are not CAUSED by stress, but stress and fatigue can make them worse.

By Clarabel on Thursday, April 21, 2005 - 02:49 pm:

I get eye flutters all the time.Especially in the right eye. If it is not caused by stress than what is it?

By Alberobello on Thursday, April 21, 2005 - 04:44 pm:

Thanks to all of you for your responses. I think you might be right Ginny and also Laura for telling me to ignore it. I was trying to ignore it but then my mum pointed it out again to me and she got me worrying for a few minutes.

Ginny, you are probably right about me being over anxious. I'll try to relax :)

Thanks again!

By Melanie on Thursday, April 21, 2005 - 04:54 pm:

It sounds similar to something my oldest used to do. He would push his lower jaw out as though he were giving it a big stretch. He would do it without even knowing he was doing it. He would do it if he felt stressed mostly, but would also do it occasionally when he was just sitting and watching tv or something. We were concerned as it began to escalate in frequency. He eventually stopped on his own. I remember posting here about it and heard similar stories about other kids his age doing that kind of thing.

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