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Sinus Pain

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2005: Sinus Pain
By Cat on Tuesday, March 22, 2005 - 03:11 pm:

Randy's been complaining of a headache all morning, complete with rubbing his eyes and face. I'm thinking sinuses, so I gave him some Pseudofed and Advil a few hours ago. He was still complaining so I called the ped clinic to see how much Tylenol I could give him, since all I had was adult Tylenol (you'd think I'd have some for kids here!). So he got that about 15 minutes ago. I know it will take some time to kick in, but are there any other "home remedies" I can try? He doesn't want to go stand in the bathroom with a hot shower running. lol He's playing with the other kids (Robin and two kindergarteners), but is a bit slower today than usual. I keep telling him to go lay down for a while, but that lasts about 2 minutes. Kids! I wish he'd just take it easy and rest for a while. I know he'd feel better. Maybe I'll try to pick a movie they can all sit and watch quietly. The toddlers are napping, so it's quiet time anyway. Any ideas??? tia :)

By Debbie on Tuesday, March 22, 2005 - 05:20 pm:

Cat, I just got back from the doctor with ds. He has a sinus infection. For problems with sinuses, she told me to use a humidifer at night, and to use saline nasal spray 3 times a day. She also gave me an antibiotic since his is infected. He has been having problems for a few weeks now. I would dry the saline drops and humidifer if you have one.

By Cat on Tuesday, March 22, 2005 - 06:09 pm:

Thanx, Debbie. We don't have a portable humidifier, but we do have a whole house one installed with the furnace. The humidity is still only about 25%. It's so dang dry here! I'll have him take a shower tonight before bed and that should help. I think the Tylenol helped, too, because he's outside playing basketball with a friend right now. We're on spring break this week and next. At least if he gets worse he won't have to miss any school, and my daycare load is light during break because one family (two kids) is on vacation and another (two kids, both under 2) are a teacher's kids. So if I have to we can go to the doc without too many problems. I have some saline, but I've used it so I'll have to pick up some more. Thanx again and I hope your ds feels better soon! :)

By Cat on Wednesday, March 23, 2005 - 03:30 pm:

He's still complaining today and I'm having to give him Tylenol and Advil for the pain, so he's got an appointment tomorrow at 11am. I should probably make one for myself, but I don't feel like taking four kids to my doctor. His doc, I don't mind. He's great with the kids. I'll just keep taking otc meds for mine. Shoot, maybe Randy's ped will prescribe something for me! lol

By Debbie on Wednesday, March 23, 2005 - 06:23 pm:

Cat, does he have pain when you press under his eyes?? The ped. did this to my ds. If he does, then it is probably a sinus infection.

LOL, I don't blame you for not wanting to take 4 kids to the doctor. I hate when I have to take both of mine. It is just too stressful to sit in that tiny room with more then 1 child.

By Cat on Wednesday, March 23, 2005 - 06:48 pm:

Yes, Debbie. If I press under his eyes or above them he says it hurts. I know lots about sinus infection from experience. Last time we saw this ped was just a couple weeks ago and I posted about it. It was when I took Robin in and had six other kids with me. The ped was great with all of them. Like I said, I don't mind taking extra kids to one of my kids appointments, but I don't want to take them to my appointments. I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow. The appointment is at 11am (MT).

By Cat on Thursday, March 24, 2005 - 03:59 pm:

Ped prescribed Amoxil for a sinus infection. Wouldn't give me anything, though! lol Oh well. When my teeth start to hurt, I'll make an appointment. :)

By Cat on Tuesday, April 5, 2005 - 04:06 pm:

Randy's on round two of antibiotics now. He had sinus x-rays this morning and the lower part of the sinuses under his eyes are cloudy. He's had headaches for the past two weeks now. The doc checked him out really well to rule out other things, and he really thinks this med should take care of it. We'll see. He's on Ceftin now. I hope it works! lol Other than headaches, he's fine. He's got matching luggage under his eyes. lol I guess we'll know in another 10 days.

By Kernkate on Tuesday, April 5, 2005 - 05:43 pm:

Poor guy! I have major sinus problems so I can say I know how he feels with the headaches. I hope the meds work for him!
Cat does he have allergies?

By Cat on Tuesday, April 5, 2005 - 07:10 pm:

Kathy, I asked the ped about allergies and he didn't think that was the problem. He said from the looks of everything (eyes, nose, mouth, etc) it really looked like an infection. I guess if these meds don't work we may have to investigate that further. I've never really had allergies (only when bombarded with something, like trying to run the 1 1/2 mile while in the military, while they were mowing the field inside the track!), but my oldest brother is allergic to almost everything environmental and dh does have some allergies. Like I said, we'll have to wait and see. I can also relate to the sinus headache pain. I had terrible sinus problems while we lived in Panama. I've always wondered if that was due to something in the air there (allergy maybe? There's SO much moisture/mold there). Thanx for thinking of him. :)

By Kernkate on Thursday, April 7, 2005 - 08:28 am:

Hope he is feeling better. When Brett was younger they said the bags under the eyes were sure signs of allergies. Don't know if its true for everyone. I never was diagnosed with allergies until last year at age 40!
Hope he is getting better with the meds:)

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