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Late bloomer and I am concerned

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2005: Late bloomer and I am concerned
By Katiesmommy on Saturday, March 12, 2005 - 11:01 am:

My dd is 8 months old today. She still does not get into the sitting position by herself. She rolls like a pro and scoots on her tummy and rotates..but alot of other kids can sit up by themselves. She also has jello legs and has no desire to bear weight on them. They are strong and even in her walker, they just sort of dangle there and she doesn't try to "walk". She seems normal in every other aspect and her fine motor skills are great. She is a big baby (25 pounds and 30 inches long)...anyone have late bloomers???? I worry constantly over this.

By My2cuties on Saturday, March 12, 2005 - 12:18 pm:

There is a part in the post Trina posted about "On Being Mom" by Anna Quindlen It may do you some good to read it. Her 18 month old didn't walk but walks just fine now. I wouldn't worry too much about it. Eventually every baby will reach their milestone, but it will be at their time. :)

I didn't have late bloomers in that area, my girls (imo) talked a little late. I know how mothers worry, just try not to.

By Meltonmom on Saturday, March 12, 2005 - 12:33 pm:

HI. I don't know if this applies to your situation but both my kids were premies after difficult pregnancies and they were both late bloomers. It is hard not to worry, My older child did not really walk well until 2 years old and wasn't potty trained through the night until she was 5. My younger child didn't speak until after 15 months and wears glasses for vision that is 20/200!!! I know we mommies worry, but now that my darlings are older, they are fine. In fact my older child is intellectually gifted and my younger child was just invited into an advanced gymnastics class to train for a team. If you really are concerned, I am fairly certain you can talk to your pediatrician and have some tests run. Persistence from a parent can go a long way as well. If the pediatrician blows you off, and you really think there is a problem, be insistent. Sometimes we have to advocate for our kids. Good luck. M&M

By Trina~moderator on Saturday, March 12, 2005 - 12:46 pm:

What does your pediatrician say? My DS was a big baby (95th%) and I remember having the same concerns. My ped. said that as long as he was mobile (rolling, scooting, etc.) and healthy otherwise not to worry. He said big babies tend to be late bloomers in this department. FWIW, my DS started walking at 13.5 mos..

By Emdee on Saturday, March 12, 2005 - 04:01 pm:

My dd was late doing everything: she didn't roll until 10 months, wasn't crawling then and wasn't even sitting up from a laying down position. The only thing that concerned the ped (again she was 10 months) was her not going from laying to sitting on her own. We started physical therapy on her and within 1-2 weeks of just being prompted, she was sitting and even crawled not too long after that. In the case of my dd, either she was about to do it anyway or she just needed a boost. But now she isn't behind and doing great! I would just talk to your ped--do you have a 9 month check up?

By Katiesmommy on Saturday, March 12, 2005 - 04:06 pm:

Yes, I have her 9 month check scheduled for 4/13. I will bring up the concerns. I am sure she is just a bit late in doing these things. She is advanced when it comes to gross motor skills, so I am trying not to get to anxious over it. Thanks for the advice.

By Clarabel on Sunday, March 13, 2005 - 12:19 am:

I agree that every child develops at their own pace.However..
If you are concerned about leg strength and coordination, you could try a jolly jumper, if you haven't already, it really gets 'em going.

By Unschoolmom on Sunday, March 13, 2005 - 08:52 am:

My son is a late bloomer in terms of talking.My take is that babies are individuals. They have individuals wants, needs and priorities. What your daughter is doing now is working for her now and she's perfectly happy with what she can accomplish. When she wants to do more, she will.

Milestones are useful in a very vague general way but truly are almost useless when applied to an individual baby.

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