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A bit concerned

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2005: A bit concerned
By Katiesmommy on Thursday, March 10, 2005 - 09:45 am:

My dd will be 8 months on the 12th. She does not crawl but she sort of scoots on her tummy (not low crawling) I find her across the room at times, so she gets around by rolling and on her tummy.
She bears no weight on her legs at all. She is an extremely heavy baby (almost 24-25 pounds and 30 inches long)not really fat, just heavy. She is long waisted and has short legs.
Alot of babies are standing and cruising by now and my little girl just is no where near this milestone. She is way to heavy to lift by the arms and pull up to standing like you do with most babies. She is very bright and smart. Her fine motor skills are terrific.
She has only 1 tooth.
I have given her biter biscuits and she did well, but 2 days ago she nearly choked on one and I had to do the baby Heimlich to get her airway unclogged, so I am afraid of these now.
I am a 1st time mom and am really worried over her not bearing weight on her legs.
She isn't much of a babbler either. Pretty quiet baby. She does babble, but no real anything except noises and an occasional "ga".
Anyone have a slow baby or ever have a heavy baby that can help ease my fears???? Thanks!

By Heaventree on Thursday, March 10, 2005 - 10:07 am:

DS didn't crawl until about 9 months, he just kind of pulled himself along the floor like a little seal. One day he just crawled, shortly there after he was cruising. Please try not to compare your child to others. There is a baby next door 3 wks younger than DS and she sat-up, crawled and cruised way before DS. I really tired not to let it bother me, it did a bit, but the little one next door doesn't have any teeth yet and can't say any words. DS has 7 teeth and can put two words together like "all gone". Each child is different and develops in their own way.

Sorry to hear that she choked, that must have been very scary for you, I know that it is a big fear for me as well, try not to let it stop you though, keep trying new things each week.

As for the talking, I'm no expert, but I've been told that once they start they don't stop, so injoy the peace and quiet!

Enjoy your baby, try not to worry so much, she is now 8 months old and won't be a baby much longer. All stages are wonderful but the first year is precious, don't worry it away.

By Maddysmommy on Thursday, March 10, 2005 - 10:14 am:

amy, my dd is gonna be 8 months on the 23 and she is not crawling yet, she also rolls to get where she is going. at her 6 months appointment she weighed 19 lbs and 29 inches long, we do put her in the walker which i think that is what made her legs stronger, but she still has jello, they say all babies develop different. i give her biter biscuits too and the first time my husband freaked out because she did get a peice off and he said i can only give them to her while he is at, but she is doing so good with them, my dd doesnt have any teeth yet, does your dd have any??? :)

By Rayanne on Thursday, March 10, 2005 - 10:50 am:

I wouldn't worry about it. My friends DD never crawled and oneday just got up andstarted walking.

By Trina~moderator on Thursday, March 10, 2005 - 10:57 am:

My DS was a big baby (95th%). At 8 mos. he was just sitting up on his own. He wasn't crawling or pulling up to standing yet but rolled all over the place. I think it's too early to be concerned as of yet, but listen to your mommy instincts and call your ped. if you're concerned. I agree that it's not good to compare kids, but I think we all fall into that trap from time to time. LOL! I never liked biter biscuits. Have you tried rice puffs?

By Jtsmom on Thursday, March 10, 2005 - 11:14 am:

My baby is 9 months old and just yesterday I spoke with his doctor about him not crawling (he rolls). He isn't even sitting up by himself. Most of the kids I know at 9 months is standing! He also can only handle the little rice puff that dissolve in his mouth. The doctor asked me how often I hold him. I told him pretty much all day and he told me that I was not allowing him to get strength enough to learn to do these things. So he told me to let him have more floor time and we will see what happens. Do you hold your daughter alot? Maybe the same thing is happening.

By Katiesmommy on Thursday, March 10, 2005 - 11:27 am:

Thanks for the posts. In answers to the questions:
Katie has 1 tooth.
I do not hold her much at all, she loves floor time.
I have tried the rice puffs, she goes to swallow them whole and chokes..too small..maybe she isn't quite ready yet.

I will just go with the flow..eventually she will do these things, she just may be a very late bloomer, or one day surprise me:)

By Nicki on Thursday, March 10, 2005 - 11:39 am:

My DD is now two, but during her first year she seemed to be a little behind what the books said was normal for her age. I finally decided to stop going to the book each month, and instead felt reassured each time we took her for her well checks. (The hard part was getting my MIL to relax about everything, lol!) Now I'm so glad I didn't spend more any more time worrying because everything is turning out great.

I peeked at your daughter's photo on your profile. She is so adorable! She sounds like she doing wonderful.

By Frasersmama on Thursday, March 10, 2005 - 12:39 pm:

It's hard not to compare to other babies, but remember your dd is an individual. My dd is turning one year (yikes)and sounds a lot like yours. She is pretty chubby and she also developed really strong fine motor skills while taking a little longer with the gross motor skills. She did not crawl until she was 9 1/2 months. She quickly went from that to pulling herself up and cruising. She was also a late bloomer with her teeth, now has just gotten #5, and doesn't really talk, just chatter and lots of mamas. Don't worry about it, my grandma put it all into perspective for me. She used to be a kindergarten teacher and once told me, "I never had a child make to my class with no teeth, not talking, not walking, and still in diapers" They all catch up, and remember that babies, just like adults, all have their own individual strengths. Just have fun with her and if your caregiver (DR) isn't concerned, don't you be, sounds like she is hitting all those developmental milestones just fine.

As for the choking, don't rush her into these foods, if she is choking to the point of losing her airway, I would hold off a little longer. Just keep giving her soft chunky food like cut-up soft cooked veggies and fruit (not pureed).

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