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Breastfeeding to Bottlefeedind?

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2005: Breastfeeding to Bottlefeedind?
By Kayleesmommy on Friday, February 25, 2005 - 12:54 am:

My daughter is about 8 months now and I would like to give her the bottle and stop breastfeeding because we are going to be in Oregon for 4 months and doing a lot of running around. It would be much easier to give her the bottle and I am done with the whole breastfeeding thing anyways. My problem is she wants nothing to do with the bottle. I have tried pumping and putting it in the bottle. To show her it is in there I hold her in the nursing position and squirt some in her mouth. She gets very frustrated with me and starts pushing the bottle away. Does anyone know how I can transfer her to a bottle and stop breastfeeding? Thanks

By Unschoolmom on Friday, February 25, 2005 - 06:10 am:

I would think breastfeeding would be MUCH easier if you'll be running around. And a year is the minimum reccomended time for breastfeeding. But obligatory public service message aside...

Why not just go straight to a sippy cup or glass? When my daughter was an infant and I left her with my MIL she wouldn't touch a bottle but drank breastmilk happily from a shot glass. A glass or cup doesn't have the associations that a bottle might.

By Hlgmom on Friday, February 25, 2005 - 08:04 am:

I agree that brestfeeding would be easier...however- my daughter is still nursing (15 mos) and has never had a bottle- She has had a sippy cup since 5 months! It will probably be easier for her to accept at this stage than a bottle. If you really want it to be a bottle- I suggest having someone other than yourself try and give it to her, dh or grandma or a close friend. They often do not want it from you because they know that you have the "good stuff"! If you are intent on weaning- try and do it slowly so it is not as overwhelming for her. Replace one feeding at a time- taking as much time as possible. Be sure and give extra loves during this process. The am and bedtime feedings should be the last to go. Good Luck and have fun in Oregon!

By Trina~moderator on Friday, February 25, 2005 - 08:23 am:

I agree it would be much easier to BF while running around. No bottles or nipples to wash and sterilize and no need to refrigerate or warm. Instantly ready whenever needed. :)

My DD never took a bottle. We tried everything but she wanted nothing but the real thing! However, she did well with a sippy cup at 6 mos.. Try formula in a sippy cup during meals in her highchair and see how she does. At this point I don't think I'd bother with the bottle. Good Luck!

By Colette on Friday, February 25, 2005 - 08:29 am:

Have you tried having someone other than you give her the bottle?

By Cat on Friday, February 25, 2005 - 09:06 am:

Ditto everyone else. My oldest was like Trina's dd. WOULD NOT take a bottle!!! He refused a pacifier, too. He wanted the real thing or nothing at all! lol Anyway, we started weaning feedings at around 9 months, replacing them with regular milk (with the ped's okay) in a sippy cup. He was proficient at sippy cups because he'd been using them for water and diluted juice since 6 months. He was weaned down to one or two nursings a day at 11 months and completely weaned at 13 months. I'd really avoid giving her a bottle if you can. That's just one more thing you have to wean her from. JMHO, of course. :) Good luck.

By Kaye on Friday, February 25, 2005 - 09:37 am:

I ditto the skip the bottle senitment. (and the easier when running around). As far as a sippy cup goes, don't buy those no spill kind, get a good old fashion tupperware, safety first lid and go with that. I would even try with juice or something besides milk. She will get good at it (with you holding it) very quick. When that happens you can give her the no spill type. Also my kids did cups with straws. By 6 months my aunt had all my kids very good with a straw. All she did was put a little bit in the straw and to their mouth, at first she would release it, then she would wait till they started to suck, etc. At this point a bottle is way more hassle than you need.

By Andi on Friday, February 25, 2005 - 10:45 am:

My DD, also 8 months old, was the same way she wanted nothing to do with the bottle. We really started pushing the bottle at 5 months. I wanted her to have at least one bottle a day so I could start weaning her. When we would give her a bottle she would cry/scream and wave her arms. Until about 2 months ago I tried the Playtex nurser and she took it and loved it. I think it helps that she takes a pacifier because they make a nipple shaped like the pacifier for the bottle.

Anyway, It took about a week to wean her and she has been 100% bottle/formula since she was 6 1/2 months old.

My suggestion to you is try a few different bottles and different nipples, babies are very picky. :)

I also agree that nursing would be easier than bottles but, I don't like nursing older babies/toddlers. That is why I weaned both of my children at 61/2 months. JMO

By Emily7 on Friday, February 25, 2005 - 12:20 pm:

I agree with what everyone else has said, bf would be easier while running around, but if you really want to stop I would try having you dh bottle feed her. My dd refused the bottle & at 9 months started using a sippy cup, there are some out there just for breastfed babies. My dd is 15 months old & still gets bf 2 times a day.

By Dawnk777 on Friday, February 25, 2005 - 02:32 pm:

Well, my milk supply dwindled to nothing when Sarah was about 6 months old. I was working days and nights and I don't think my body knew if it was coming or going. Maybe if I had only been working one shift, it would have lasted longer, but pretty much the same thing happened with Emily, too. I pretty much just went from one to the other and got a few strange looks, but then they just went with it.

By Kayleesmommy on Saturday, February 26, 2005 - 01:01 am:

Well, I think you guys are right about it being easier to brestfeed but today I tried buying one of the Playtex NaturaLatch bottles and she will only suck on it if there is water in it. If there is formula in there or breast milk she gets mad at me.

By Hlgmom on Saturday, February 26, 2005 - 08:09 am:

Amazing how smart they can be! LOL! My dd was the same way! If you think of nursing in terms of ease- it may become just that! Easy!! Good Luck!

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