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Private area problems

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2005: Private area problems
By Trisa on Monday, February 21, 2005 - 04:29 pm:

Keirra who is 3 is always crying that
her private hurts. I have had her to the doc twice
with this problem. The first time it was a guy
doctor and he was no help. He told me never to give her a bath only showers. Yea that works well
for a 3 year old buddy! Well today I took her in since I was taking Ryan in anyway since he has been sick and it was a lady this time. She told me
that EVERYTIME she even pees I have to first use toilet paper than a wipey. She ask if I use soap
and I do not. In fact I am still using baby bath
to wash her. I use vasalein ( sp? ) on her to try to help and I even stopped using fabric softener in her stuff. Anyone else ever have a problem like this? She also gets a bad smell. They checked
her urine and its fine. I feel so bad for her.
I hope its just something she will outgrow.
She has been potty trained since she was 2 but just started having this problem within the last few months.

By Cheerio on Monday, February 21, 2005 - 05:28 pm:

My daughter is 5.5 and she has had the same problem for over 2 years. In fact, I can usually smell when the problem is getting bad before it actually hurts her (yes TMI, I know!) When it gets really bad, she has an awful redness down there and a couple of times it has bordered on almost yeast like. I've tried teaching her how to wipe thoroughly and we do use wet wipes when it seems to flare up. I've switched to Dove unscented soap in the bath, but that still doesn't eliminate the shampoo residue getting in the water. We always wash her hair last before getting out. My doctor just says it's a hygiene issue. My gut tells me it's also food sensitivity/drink related. Whenever she drinks a lot of juice it seems to flare up worse. She also used to have mild exczema behind the knees as a child. We've outgrown that problem, but seem to have inherited this one instead. I use Aquaphor or Vaseline as well and that seems to help her. I've had other mothers of daughters tell me they've had similar issues. My 3 year old DD does a worse job wiping, but she never has a problem with this. Oh, and I make her drink a lot more water when it flares up and that seems to help too.

By Palmbchprincess on Monday, February 21, 2005 - 05:41 pm:

Trisa, are you sure it's not a yeast infection? My sister had them as a baby/toddler, it's not uncommon. Other than that I have no advice, but I would definitely ask the doctor about yeast.

By My2cuties on Monday, February 21, 2005 - 05:59 pm:

My dd always hurts when she would have a UTI, (which you said her urine was fine, so this may not be the case) I would try a shower who dd loves the shower, she has taken showers only for a good 3 weeks now, and is getting better all the time, I still stay int here with her and help her out but she is not sitting in it, you know? anyway, good luck and make sure she drinks plenty of water, and washes real good. (((hugs to you both))) I know how bad it is.. I cannot stand to see my dd go through pain either. :(

By Ginny~moderator on Monday, February 21, 2005 - 06:05 pm:

I was told not to use vaseline, because it does not allow air to get to the skin. I was told to use some other kind of diaper rash ointment (whose name I don't remember) that did allow the skin to breathe. I would also watch what she eats and drinks, as Cheerio suggests, and get her to drink a lot more water. Can she shower instead of baths? Maybe if you get one of those hand-held shower sprays so it is not so high up and you can control where it sprays. Sitting in bath water may not be the best thing while this is going on.

By Ginny~moderator on Monday, February 21, 2005 - 06:09 pm:

Aha - A&D ointment. I love google.

By Ginny~moderator on Monday, February 21, 2005 - 06:12 pm:

Oh, and maybe there is some soap residue in her undies. One of my sons had really serious problems with diaper rash (he rashed at the drop of the proverbial hat) and I was using cloth diapers. The doctor told me to do a second rinse with a cup of vinegar in the water to totally neutralize and get out the soap residue, and not to use any softeners or other chemicals. It helped.

And, is she wearing tights? If so, can she wear looser leg pants instead?

By Tink on Monday, February 21, 2005 - 06:19 pm:

My 3yo dd also has this exact problem. She has been tested for yeast infections, UTIs and diabetes. (Apparently, strong urine is a sign?) We make a big deal of wiping carefully and use A&D ointment. I haven't noticed any particular food that would be a trigger, but she does have trouble with eczema also. No help but lots of sympathy!

By Trisa on Monday, February 21, 2005 - 06:20 pm:

Thanks all. Geez I hate how doctors all
give diff advice! She told me TO use vaseline!
The only way Keirra will shower is if she is with me. Not to sound like a mean mommy BUT I am sorry I do not want her in the shower with me everyday.
Plus I did try it for 3 days and nothing changed.
She only wears tights to church. Im not even using dryer sheets when doing her stuff just in case. The doc said nothing about it looking like a yeast infection. I am trying to get her to drink more water. I will try the 2nd rinse idea.
Can you buy A and D in the stores?

By Livvy on Monday, February 21, 2005 - 06:31 pm:

My DD loves to take a shower ever since we bought the shower head that is the long flexible hose kind!! She never liked water running down her head/face and now I control when it does so she can prepare with a wash cloth!! I don't have to share my shower either!!! :)

By My2cuties on Monday, February 21, 2005 - 06:37 pm:

Yes you can buy A & D at any store you can buy desitin products and baby supplies. It is in a white tube and has gold/light brown on it.

By Ginny~moderator on Monday, February 21, 2005 - 08:01 pm:

Trisa, remember, this was my pediatrician, a boy child with bad diaper rash, and several years ago. Your doctor may have specific reasons for recommending vaseline. One I can think of is after she is thoroughly wiped and you use a babywipe, and her skin is dry, the vaseline will protect from urine if her urine is burning her skin. As I am not a doctor, don't take my advice as anything other than personal experience. A&D is available, yes, and I recall that it worked wonders for my sons when they had diaper rashes. But boys don't have the same kinds of problems little (and big) girls have, givn the plumbing differences.

By Missmudd on Monday, February 21, 2005 - 08:26 pm:

I love A&D ointment, it also has the advantage of not being white. It healed all my guys diaper rashes and since they have outgrown that particular need it still works wonders on all kinds of rashes, bites, scrapes what have you.

Is she wearing all cotton underware? I know that nylon doesnt allow things to breathe. I would also suggest that she wears no undies to bed, that gives that area a little more air. I feel for you and dd, I hope it gets better soon.

By Reds9298 on Monday, February 21, 2005 - 09:56 pm:

I was going to the say the same thing about all cotton undies, and what about your detergent? My dh has sensitive skin and if he's exposed to another detergent he always breaks out in the upper leg/thigh area. Maybe this is aggravating the problem? I feel terrible for her! I can't believe the doctor can't do anything to get rid of the problem!

By Tink on Monday, February 21, 2005 - 10:20 pm:

We already use all cotton panties for our girls and dye-free and perfume-free detergent because we have sensitive skin. We try to use a preventative layer of A&D every night before bed. Usually, that will keep the worst of it at bay. We also use A&D for so many things more than diaper rash. My kids know to get it if something hurts.

By Imamommyx4 on Monday, February 21, 2005 - 10:30 pm:

DD is 4 and since she was potty trained has been having a little bit of the same problem. But as soon as her private area starts to turn red, I put Balmex on her bottom right after her bath. Since she didn't have the problem when we cleaned her up , I think it's because our dd doesn't wipe the urine off of her bottom well and it starts to break down or soemthing. But we will talk to her about wiping well and use the Balmex for a couple of days and it's better for a while (few weeks to couple of months or so).
We use the Dove Unscented soap, double rinse the panties when doing laundry, only cotton panties, etc.

By Dana on Tuesday, February 22, 2005 - 09:39 am:

Another advocate for A&D here. I love that stuff. DD doesn't suffer to the same degree as yours, but when she does we use A&D and it works over night almost. Our problem is she doesn't wipe have the time (at all!) unless I hound her. She's not so bad about it any more. But at age 4/5 it was something I had to watch all the time.

I also agree about the food/drink issue. I would start keeping a record of what she takes in and remove anything that could cause this and slowly add it back to her diet. Sugar is a big no no for yeast infections, so keep that in mind too.

By Karen~moderator on Tuesday, February 22, 2005 - 10:44 am:

Ditto the cotton undies and possibilty of yeast. Jules had a huge problem with that when she was a very young child. Carbs/sugar only encourage yeast growth. Some people tend to have systemic yeast overgrowth and they have to adjust their diets accordingly.

The 100% WHITE cotton undies seems to be the best thing to wear.

A & D is great stuff too, but *if* she does have yeast, you would need something like lotriman or monistat cream, and you should definitely check with your ped before using that on a child her age.

By Maryg on Tuesday, February 22, 2005 - 12:50 pm:

You know, I seem to get a problem like this if I take too much vitamin C, or eat lots of vinegary stuff.

Once I cut back on vitamins, and stopped eating pickles everything cleared up.

I know it sounds weird, but a friend of mine said that eating yogurt helps to neutralize your parts. It seems to be working for me.

By Trisa on Tuesday, February 22, 2005 - 02:00 pm:

She already eats alot of yogurt. She wears
cotton panties. I am trying the A & D .
I am even mixing her juice with water so its not
as strong. I will try the no undies at bedtime
that is a good idea. Thanks all so much for the tips!! A

By Bellajoe on Tuesday, February 22, 2005 - 03:03 pm:

Sorry i'm a bit late on this one.

My 5 yr old dd has this problem some times. She had it more when she was your dd's age.

My dr. said "no bubble baths". Sitting in that can irritate her. Also like someone else mentioned, wash her hair last right before she gets out of the tub so she isn't sitting in that soap.
Make sure you or she wipes from front to back, not back to front. You don't want the germs from the back end getting into the front end (if you kwim).

I used Desitin or Balmex. Just like i did when she was a baby and had a diaper rash. That seems to clear it up.

By Karefl on Tuesday, February 22, 2005 - 10:39 pm:

Okay this is going to sound SO strange, but Barbasol Shaving Cream in a TUBE is the best rash treatment that I've ever seen! When my brother was born (22 years ago)he came HOME from the hospital with impentigo(sp?) as a result of his circumcision. My mother tried EVERYTHING! Cloth diapers w/no cover (that was fun!), letting him air dry(again fun LOL) dr wrote several prescriptions for ointments. NOTHING worked! This went on for six weeks. He was soooo miserable! Some older lady at church told her try Barbasol shaving cream in a tube (it has to be in a tube not in a can) on the rash. The rash/infection started to clear in a couple of days & was gone in a couple of weeks! After that we always had some in the house for when he would get a rash. I found some (it's not easy to come by) before my kids were born & used it when they would get any type of rash! I did a little online search & found a site that sells it
Just a little home remedy.

By Hdelfuego on Wednesday, February 23, 2005 - 02:17 pm:

My niece has had this problem since she was 3. She'll be 5 in March. My brother had to take her several times to the children's hospital in New Orleans. The ped. keeps saying it's a yeast infection that won't stay away. Poor baby's been having to do vagisil for a year and a half. I'm sure she's had antibiotics too. They even did a scope procedure just to make sure it was nothing else. The smell would lead me to believe and infection of some sort. I know for Courtney, vagisil is the only thing that relieves the discomfort.

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