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Blood in urine and it is not a UTI

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2005: Blood in urine and it is not a UTI
By Fraggle on Wednesday, February 16, 2005 - 11:12 am:

I took my DD to the ER last week after she showed signs of a UTI (that came on really fast) and she had blood in her urine. Well we got the lab results back and it is not a UTI. So, I am freaking out now-I talked to her pediatrician and they are not concerned yet but want to do another urine sample next week. Has this happened to anyone else? She is doing better-but I thought it was the antibiotic working-but obviously that had nothing to do with it and they have taken her off it.

By Imamommyx4 on Wednesday, February 16, 2005 - 11:23 am:

When youngest ds was about 6, he started passing blood in his urine. Scared the begeebers out of me. Boys don't get UTI's like girls will. They sent us to the hospital for an IVP which is a test where they put a dye in and then track it through the kidneys and urinary tract to look for obstructions, polyps, etc. They found nothing and the bleeding stopped after that. The doctors had no good explanation. They had a couple of theories, but it never happened again so they didn't know for sure.

I'll pray for your dd that it clears up for her w/o any further intervention. How old is she?

By Trina~moderator on Wednesday, February 16, 2005 - 11:26 am:

Scary! I've had no personal experience with blood in urine, but I do know that I tested negatively for a UTI once yet actually did have one. I *knew* I had one and insisted on another test. Yup, I was correct. Sounds like your ped. will be keeping an eye on things.

By Missmudd on Wednesday, February 16, 2005 - 11:50 am:

They should have done a strip that they dip in urine in the ER. What did that say? I know as a frequent flyer for UTI a while back that they do this before doing labs. Did that one come up negative or did they do it?

I know that I had UTI symptoms that my doc blamed on too much diet coke, I didnt think so but suffered along even on antibiotics. She said that the antibiotic would have knocked out anything but I insisted that additional labs be run and it turned out positive. So keep an eye on dd and be sure to have that follow up lab done.

By Emdee on Wednesday, February 16, 2005 - 12:32 pm:

My dd had blood in her urine at 10 months old. It never developed into anything and went away on its own; I was worried and frustrated that I never knew why!

By My2cuties on Wednesday, February 16, 2005 - 12:40 pm:

dd had blood in her urine but it was a UTI, whatever it is I hope she gets better soon and I hope you find out what is causing it. They put my dd on Sulfatrim and she is doing 100% better now.

By Ginny~moderator on Wednesday, February 16, 2005 - 07:42 pm:

Did they do a culture? I had repeated UTIs a couple of years ago, and when I'd go to the urologist he'd say your urine looks fine, but we have to do a culture to be sure - which takes 3-4 days. And sure enough, the culture would come up positive. If it stops and doesn't recur, I'd stop worrying. But if it doesn't stop or recurs, I'd look for a urologist who has some experience with pediatric patients. I know ER people do wonderful things and I have relied on them more than once, but usually ER staff are (a) not pediatricians and (b) not urologists, so I would be concerned that while they can deal with an immediate problem, they may not be trained or qualified for this kind of diagnostic examination and testing. Glad your pediatrician wants to check another sample. Keep a diary of her day by day problems/not problems to share with the ped, and especially note any problems or discomfort with urinating.

By Fraggle on Thursday, February 17, 2005 - 12:01 pm:

They did the quick test while we were at the E.R. and that is what indicated that she may have an "early UTI". But when they did the culture it had no growth, so no UTI. I just hate the waiting until next week to do another culture. She seems fine, but my youngest DD had urinary reflux up until this past year and so we have already had our share of visits to the pediatric urologist. I do trust my pediatrician, so we will just wait and see what happens next week. Thanks everyone for your input.:)

By Kym on Tuesday, February 22, 2005 - 07:40 pm:

Fraggle, I just responded to another post, my DS had blood in his urine, a lot, the color of red wine when he was 5 1/2, at that time we did not want to do anything invasive, his urinalysis was clear so we chalked it up to an injury, a fall or blunt hit he didn't mention. AFter he turned 7 he came to me and said his pee was brown again, so we went the entire gammot of tests, urine, blood, ultrasound, VCUG and the nuclear test (can't remember the name) and he ended up with nothing conclusive, we are taking him back in March after 18 months to have the last, the nuclear, test done again. It's very disheartening to not know anything, he never had a fever, a pain, and accident, just this large amount of blood! We thought maybe reflux, but it came back negative for that.
You are right the waiting is the hardes part, we were 9 weeks total from blood to end of final test!

Good luck to you and your dd

By Fraggle on Wednesday, February 23, 2005 - 07:42 am:

They checked her urine yesterday and there was no blood so now we have to wait some more and see if it happens again. Uggh. I am concerned because my youngest DD did have reflux and we never tested my oldest for it. Of course a million worries are going through my mind-were those silent fevers she has had a sign of a UTI. :(
Kym, I think a remember a post from you about your son a while ago. Poor thing-I can't believe they still have no answers.

By Nicki on Wednesday, February 23, 2005 - 10:57 am:

How frustrating for you. I hope it will all work out okay.

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