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Should I pierce my dd ears?

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2005: Should I pierce my dd ears?
By Kayleesmommy on Thursday, January 13, 2005 - 12:04 am:

I was wondering if I should pierce my 6 month old daughter's ears. I got mine pierced when I was 6 months but I feel that if I pierce her ears then people will look at me like I am a bad mom. What do you ladies think?

By Bobbie~moderatr on Thursday, January 13, 2005 - 12:19 am:

This is a heated topic that will get varied responses. People are generally very pro or very con about this topic.

So, I suggest you do as you wish. Ultimately you are the one that will have to deal with it and honestly I don't think it is any ones choice but yours and your husbands.

By My2cuties on Thursday, January 13, 2005 - 12:20 am:

Personally, I do not see anything wrong with it...I waited until my dd asked (she had just turned 3) She has had no infection and she loves them. There is, however, a debate on this subject. If you take care of your dd's ears to make sure she doesn't get an infection, I am 90% sure she will love them when she gets older (as most girls do). Good Luck whatever you decide and there is no sense in rushing into things. Go with what you feel is best, your the mom. :)

Oh and the people looking at you part...some moms (and other people) will look at you like your a bad mom even if she was 8 YEARS old, so you cannot care about what others think, that is not their child.

By Trina~moderator on Thursday, January 13, 2005 - 06:48 am:

This is a personal decision that differs for everyone. Don't worry what other people think!

By Unschoolmom on Thursday, January 13, 2005 - 07:57 am:

I would leave it up to my daughter when she's older. To me, things like that are personal decisions that should be made by the individual, not made for her. So that's my thought out opinion.

Truthfully though I just think earrings looks bizarre on babies. :)

By Cat on Thursday, January 13, 2005 - 08:14 am:

Here's a link to a post on the Kitchen Table/Debate Board on this subject. Fact is, she's your dd, you do what you feel is right for your family. Either way, people will judge you. That's just the way life is. You're going to run into people that will say, "Oh, what cute earrings!" Or, "Oh, I can't believe you pierced that baby's ears!" Then on the flip side you'll have people saying, "Why don't you pierce her ears?" Or, "I'm glad you decided not to pierce her ears!" I think other people's opinions of us and what we do are highly over rated. :) Personally, my 11yo son has one ear pierced and I've got several piercings myself (and I'm not done!). I will ask of you, if you decided to get them pierced, PLEASE don't let them use a piercing gun. They really can't be sterilized properly, just because of they way they're made. Either find a pediatrician to do it or go to a professional piercer and they'll use needles. They look scary, but they really don't hurt any more than the guns, they don't make as much noise, and they're one time use and get thrown away. No risk of cross-infection. Good luck with your decision (and remember, it's YOUR decision--no one elses). :)

By Trisa on Thursday, January 13, 2005 - 08:14 am:

I am waiting till Keirra is older
just for the fact that I want it to be a special
mommy daughter day. She is 3 now. Im a little
scared to because I can only wear $$$ earrings
because my ears get infected if I don't.
Its realy up to you. I don't feel it makes you a bad mother.

By Boxzgrl on Thursday, January 13, 2005 - 09:26 am:

I had DD's done when she was 4 months old. IT's the best decision I ever made. I just *know* that today it would be more of a bad experience for her. Try telling a toddler to sit still so the lady can put holes in her ears, lol! But I thought it was easier in every aspect from her not knowing they were there so she didnt mess with them and it was easier for me to clean and disinfect them instead of expecting her to do it as a little girl.

If you want to do it, go ahead. You are her Mom and a primary decision maker. Good Luck! And who cares if someone thinks your a bad Mom, they probably just have their own insecurities to hide by picking on you. :)

By Kaye on Thursday, January 13, 2005 - 09:49 am:

My input is only this. Don't pierce her ears so she can wear little cutsey earrings as a baby. Really the best thing for pierced ears is to keep those initial earrings in for at least a year. If you don't your child will be very suspecitible for infections. It really does take a long time to get the holes good and formed. My daughters were done at three, it was no biggie, she asked I said sure. We don't have regrets (she is almost 11). I am from Texas, the culture here has babies with pierced ears, it is pretty common place.

on a funny side note, my third grade boy plays basketball. At his last game two boys were asked to remove their earings (after the ref asked how long they had been and one boy had to remove a necklace. Boys didn't really wear jewelry when i grew up, not till high school at least.

By Missmudd on Thursday, January 13, 2005 - 11:32 am:

I really dont think one way or the other, the only thing, I couldnt stand to be in the same room when they did it. EEK!! I have a hard enough time w/ shots. Whew....

By Palmbchprincess on Thursday, January 13, 2005 - 12:39 pm:

Personally, I pierced my DD's ears at 6 months, and it was much easier then having my own pierced as a child. (I often took them out and had to have them re-pierced.) But you will find many of our responses on the link Cat posted, and Bobbie is right... this one is a loaded topic here!

By Boxzgrl on Thursday, January 13, 2005 - 01:28 pm:

And ditto Kaye on keeping the earrings in for a while. DD still has the same ones but I think its more sentimental for me! :)

By Amecmom on Thursday, January 13, 2005 - 01:45 pm:

Ditto the moms who said that it's a personal choice and not to worry what other people think. My aunt is a nun in a convent in Sicily. Can you get more conservative ... She sent me two beautiful pair of baby earrings for Helen and asked when I am having her ears pierced because babies look so precious with earrings.
It really is a cultural thing.


By Pixie on Thursday, January 13, 2005 - 02:55 pm:

It is a personal choice but i definatley think its easier with a baby than a toddler.

IMO its very cute.

By Kay on Thursday, January 13, 2005 - 06:48 pm:

As Kaye said, here in Texas there are lots of infant ear piercings, but mainly because we have a very large Hispanic population - it's part of their culture.

I chose to wait until my dd's were around 6 years old - we made it a special day at the mall, and they did very well.

It truly is something you need to put a bit of thought into - you always run the risk of her not wanting them as she grows older - the beauty of that turn of events is that she can always let the holes close up.

By Imamommyx4 on Thursday, January 13, 2005 - 07:48 pm:

Well, I guess I'll be the devil's advocate. Why do you want to put holes in dd's ears? I'm one of those very con people that Bobbie mentioned above. No, I wouldn't think you were a bad mother. I just don't understand putting holes in your baby's ears. My opinion is that when they are old enough to ask and take care of them, do it then. My dd is almost 4 and thinks they are pretty but has never wanted anything to do with it. One of her best friends had hers done for her 2nd birthday. She asked her mommy to have it done. Mom explained the pain thing but she wanted it done and did wonderfully having them done. It's up to you and dh. I just don't get it.

By Heaventree on Thursday, January 13, 2005 - 07:52 pm:

I really don't know much about this, I have a little boy, however, I do have a question. Are the earings secure? My first thought was "Is this a choking hazard"? If it's not then it really is a personal choice.

By Palmbchprincess on Thursday, January 13, 2005 - 10:12 pm:

My DD will be 3 in June, and her earrings have never come out. She still has the original piercing earrings with locking backs, and I will check from time to time to see if they are loose. So they aren't a choking hazard, IMO, but I'd won't put dangling or hoop earrings in her ears at this age.

By Jackie on Friday, January 14, 2005 - 07:19 am:

I waited for my daughter to ask for them. She finally was willing to get them done about a month before her 5th birthday. We had talked about it for 2 yrs previous, and I did tell her it would hurt a tiny bit when it was done. Finally we took her to Claires at the mall and had it done. She did not cry , she is a tough cookie LOL.. But at almost 5, she was able to turn them everyday like instructed so that was nevera problem. Me and my husband would clean them for her.She never messes with them, and I change them out for her when she asks.

By Rayanne on Friday, January 14, 2005 - 04:12 pm:

I pierced Rylee's ears at 4 months and it was fine. No one has looked at me weired or anything. I say go for it!!!

By Pamt on Friday, January 14, 2005 - 04:19 pm:

I'm with Debbie...I just don't get it.

By Unschoolmom on Friday, January 14, 2005 - 05:24 pm:

Is this a cultural thing? Because some of the comments saying that it's easier with a baby then a toddler imply it's something that HAS to be done, as if it's simply expected that a young girl should have earrings. That's a weird (not bad, just very different) thought to me.

By Palmbchprincess on Friday, January 14, 2005 - 10:13 pm:

Dawn, I really think it is. All of the girls in my family have at least 1 hole in each ear, and it's certainly not a "requirement", but those of us who didn't have it done as babies asked for it later.

By Bobbie~moderatr on Saturday, January 15, 2005 - 12:09 am:

As far as it being cultural, in a sense you are right. I believe that it started out more for the purposes of the aesthetics of it than an actual cultural thing. But people, linked jewelry with wealth and beauty (subconsciously). So, it became common place to put on jewelry to flash your "wealth". Then it just became a "tradition" of sorts to pierce the next generation and display your wealth on them. If you look back at old pictures even the poorer women would wear jewelry for special occasions and in this day and age people wear extreme amounts of jewelry for the simple purpose of flashing their wealth. If this wasn't the case, Wedding sets wouldn't be purchased for thousands of dollars when you can buy a simple band for under 100 dollars, people wouldn't pay hundreds for a simple gold necklace, babies wouldn't be crawling around with 40 dollar earrings in their ears and everyone would be wearing the 9 dollar cheap watches from Walmart. But if you get out a National Geographic and look at the pictures of the other countries (example, Africa) They will be barely dressed but they will be wearing all kinds of flash. Might or might not be gold might just be threads made into a necklace but it is a symbol of their "financial" status, "placement" in their group.

All that said. I have three piercing in one ear, two in the other ear and I have my nose pierced. I also wear rings, a necklace, a bracelet and a watch. So I have fallen for the aesthetics of it all myself. I have three daughters. My oldest waited until she was 12 to have her ears pierced. She was mentally and physically able to care for them herself. My girls will be waiting until they are 12 also.. Those are my rules.. Did it hurt DD to have them done when she was 12?? Yes but no more so than it would hurt her at 6 months and she didn't have to be pinned down to have them done.... I didn't have to clean them or check them or worry about her not being careful. Worked at a Ped's office and saw too many kids coming in for referrals to have their ripped lobes fixed...

Like my original post said. It is a personal choice. I personally choose not to have my children's ears pierced when it would just add one more thing to the list of things I already need to take care of in a day...

By Karen~moderator on Saturday, January 15, 2005 - 11:22 am:

Ditto the *personal choice* opinions. I had Jen's done when she was an infant, the pediatrician did them. At 20, she has more holes in her ears than I can count, her nose, and her belly button done.

I personally think it looks pretty on baby girls, but there are others who would strongly disagree with me, so you should check out the post that was mentioned above on the Kitchen Table.

Just want to mention - Jen didn't cry when hers were done, she never tried to pull them out, I took good care of them and they never got infected. I DID get screw back earrings for her which she wore until she was around 5. I had several pairs and changed them from time to time after the first year. Screw backs prevent the earring from falling out and *if* your child starts playing with them, they can't get them out.

By Kayleesmommy on Sunday, January 16, 2005 - 01:56 am:

Thank you all for your input. I am now thinking about things I didn't think of before. Me and my husband have not made our decision yet.

By Kaye on Sunday, January 16, 2005 - 07:49 am:

My dd had hers done at 3. We did it in the mall, one at a time. She didn't cry with the first one, the second one she teared up and started to cry, I handed her a mirror and the tears stopped instantly and she said "i look pretty". i am not too into bling these days, but I used to be. I did assume that she would get her ears pierce eventually. I don't think I know anyone who doesn't have them done. It just was not a big deal for us. She is in 5th grade and does her thing with them. I don't hardly notice.

By Kate on Sunday, January 16, 2005 - 09:51 am:

Well for what it's worth I am completely opposed to them and I am the one who began the debate on this last year.

I wanted them pierced when I was a kid but I knew I couldn't until I was 16 (house rule). So at 16 I got them done, mostly because I had waited so long that I was bound and determined to finally take my chance, NOT because I really wanted them pierced at that point. I wore earrings for about eight years and for the last ten I've not worn earrings at all. My holes will NOT close. They periodically get infected which is a real pain. If I DO choose to wear earrings, like when I'm in a wedding, I can get them in, but I do have to really wiggle them around to get them through all the layers of skin. So, the holes are open enough to get infected, but closed enough to have some trouble putting earrings in. Now if I CARED about earrings and WORE them on a daily basis I would probably be fine, because when I DID wear earrings on a daily basis I didn't get infections.

My points are that it shouldn't be YOUR decision, it should be your daughter's. And if you pierce them and she decides at some point she doesn't like them, it will be YOUR fault, not HER'S (mine are MY fault). Also, if she doesn't like them she may have the 'hole partially closed/frequent infection' problem I have. I wouldn't want to be the cause of that if I were you.

For the first time ever, my almost nine year old said she was thinking she MIGHT like to get her ears pierced. I told her to keep thinking and in the meantime to show me she can be responsible in other areas so I can decide if she can be responsible for her ears. Even so, I think I'll make her wait until at least age ten, IF she still is thinking about it and IF she decides she wants it done.

By Judyfrench on Thursday, January 20, 2005 - 12:03 pm:

We pierced our first dd early after talking with our ped. When I asked our ped, she encouraged me to go ahead saying earlier the better since they won't play with their ears and mommy can care for the properly. She gave me some suggestions she had put together for mom's having their newborns/infants ears pierced.

My second dd is 4 weeks and we'll be having her ears pierced very soon also. They don't know they're there and never bother them like older kids do.

If you would like our peds suggestions, then write me an e-mail and I'll send them to you.

Following them made it a good experience for both of us and was totally atraumatic for both of us.


By Breann on Thursday, January 20, 2005 - 05:54 pm:

My daughter had hers done at 1 year. They looked so cute. She is in kindergarten now and really loves wearing earrings. She changes them everyday herself. She uses all her money to buy earrings.

Something I learned as a mom, you can't live your life doing or not doing things based on what you think others will think. It's not worth it and it goes by way to fast.

Do what you think is best and what works for you. :)

By Mvmc on Thursday, January 20, 2005 - 06:09 pm:

My daughter is 4 and has not had her ears done. I have talked to her about it very little. I didn't have a choice when she was little because she had too many surgeries to have that done. I think I will wait until she wants to have them. I got mine done when I was 5 and 9 I still remember that it was during a hurricane for both. My sister had her daughters done as a baby and I havent heard anyone say anything bad about it.

By Mvmc on Thursday, January 20, 2005 - 06:10 pm:

My daughter is 4 and has not had her ears done. I have talked to her about it very little. I didn't have a choice when she was little because she had too many surgeries to have that done. I think I will wait until she wants to have them. I got mine done when I was 5 and 9 I still remember that it was during a hurricane for both. My sister had her daughters done as a baby and I havent heard anyone say anything bad about it. mt2b

By Mvmc on Thursday, January 20, 2005 - 06:11 pm:

oops posted twice, sorry.

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