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Second Child Syndrom

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2005: Second Child Syndrom
By Pixie on Monday, January 10, 2005 - 06:19 pm:

O.K. so my DD's are roughly 2 1/2 yrs. apart. Naturally she wants to copy what her older sis does. I'm fine with this because in many ways she is more advanced because of it, but here is my concern. How do I encourage her to be creative on her own. If I sit them down with stencils glue and construction paper or any craft she does it just like her sister rather than creating any of her own ideas. The point in blank paper is two encourage creativity.

Another thing is she gives up a little more easily gets frustrated quickly. I'm sure part of that is her personality. But I also think its because she see's older DD can do things with ease and loses patience with it.

I'm actually pretty concerned with this because I want them to equally excel. I realize it won't be in the same departments but I am looking for ways to encourage her in the right direction. IMO arts and crafts at this age are very important for development of motor skills and mental stimulation. Any Advice?

By Amecmom on Monday, January 10, 2005 - 06:43 pm:

Can you have the do different crafs or tasks at different times or on different days? Let the younger DD do the task or craft first, so she does not have anything to compare.

I really think she'll start doing things on her own and in her own way. She'll find her own creativity in her own time.


By Colette on Monday, January 10, 2005 - 08:10 pm:

Ditto Ame - have her do them without her sister, at different times. That way she will be doing her own work and not her sisters.

However, my two oldest dks are about 22 months apart and now at almost 12 and almost 14, my ds still tries to excel in the things his older sister does.

By Tink on Tuesday, January 11, 2005 - 12:24 am:

I've noticed that my older dd is the model for my youngest dd, even though ds is between them. My youngest is also very willing to let someone else do things for her that she can't do perfectly. I do think that some of it is just part of being the younger sibling. I try to give her some separate times to work on things but I also tell her that she is doing a great job "for a three year old". When she says that it isn't as good, I try to explain that her sister has had more time to practice and if she keeps trying, she will be as good as her sister someday.

By Hillsmum on Tuesday, January 11, 2005 - 05:57 am:

Hi Pixie, I see where ur coming from, my girls are 4 yrs apart and act the same way. I try to make special time for each of them seperately, while the other is doing her own task. This helps, but i also encourage my 5 yr old to do crafts etc with my 9 yr old to build her skills and thought. I'm pretty sure ur youngest will learn to control the frustration and build the creativity at kindy. Remember, children develop faster and slower at different things at different times. Hope this puts ur mind at rest somewhat.

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