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Headed to the dentist this afternoon

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2005: Headed to the dentist this afternoon
By Cat on Monday, January 10, 2005 - 01:09 pm:

Randy was complaining of a tooth hurting last night after he flossed (which he only does like once in a blue moon!). He complained once or twice last month, too, so I went ahead and scheduled something for 1pm (MT). We already have cleaning scheduled for the 25th, but if they can check the tooth, fix it if needed and still have time to clean his teeth today we can cancel his appointment the 25th. Robin and I will still have to go, but Randy won't have to miss school twice. The kid had six cavities filled a little over a year ago, and none six months ago. Guess he got his father's teeth. We'll see how today goes. We're going to take over the office, since I'll have 5 daycare kiddos with me, besides Randy. :) *sigh* Oh, the joys...

By Karen~moderator on Monday, January 10, 2005 - 03:44 pm:

LOL Cat! Sounds like *quite* the outing!!!!!

By Cat on Monday, January 10, 2005 - 04:34 pm:

Well, four cavities and a loose filling. The dentist fixed the filling and did a mini-root canal on one other tooth, and we have three more that will be fixed on the 25th. Of course, there are two on one side and one on the other, so Randy's going in with me in the morning to get the two fixed and then again in the afternoon (his original appointment) to get the last one filled. They won't do all three at once because his whole mouth would be numb. Today, his whole right side is numb, so I let him stay home for the last hour of school. I could just see him biting himself and bleeding all over at school and not even knowing! lol This kid really needs to learn to brush better. He's had 10 cavities now (all baby teeth, thankfully) and he's only 9yo! Good grief, I'm 33 and only have two! Randy said that's because all mine fell out with my baby teeth. Uh, no, I didn't have any in my baby teeth! Definately got his dad's teeth. :( Maybe getting two shots today, and feeling them this time (dentist usually numbs the spot for the shots first), will pursuade him to brush a little better. At least the rest of the kids were pretty well behaved while there.

By Palmbchprincess on Monday, January 10, 2005 - 09:54 pm:

Cat, I can totally sympathize with Randy. I have horribly soft teeth, and have lost count of how many cavities I have had, plus absessed teeth, a crown, etc. Nothing I do prevents them, the dentist has bonded them, prescribed flouride gel, but to no avail. I'm glad the outing went smoothly, you are WAY braver than I, taking all those kids out to the dentist!! Hugs to Randy, that's just no fun!

By Cat on Tuesday, January 11, 2005 - 08:52 am:

Crystal, not brave--CRAZY!!! lol I'm really hoping Randy will start brushing better. He may have soft teeth, but if he brushes better it will help. My mom has soft teeth and my dad's were like mine. I didn't brush regularly until I was in high school (when I started caring if I had bad breath!). I didn't start flossing regularly until just about a year ago, and like I said, I've only had two cavities ever. Dh has brushed and flossed every since I've known him and he usually has one or two cavities every six months. One of my brothers is the same way and his boys have soft teeth too. My almost 14yo nephew has a mouth full of cavities. I know some people are just going to have more problems than others, but I still want to try and prevent as many as possible.

One good thing about this is last night Robin really brushed well and let me help him floss. This kid HATES to brush his teeth and will do just about anything to get out of it. I guess Randy telling him he got "Two shots, and they HURT" put a little fear in him. :) Hey, works for me! lol

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