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High fever from shots???

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2004: High fever from shots???
By Emdee on Thursday, June 10, 2004 - 05:18 pm:

My 13 month old dd has spiked a fever again! It is now 103 under the arm. I have been giving her motrin for the past two days because she had her 1 year shots on Tuesday. She has a history of high fevers of unknown origin and has had a low grade fever for a month now, so I can't tell if it is the shots or her "normal" high fevers. I am giving it tonight (unless it gets worse and then we will go to night clinic), but I was just curious if any have experienced this two days after getting 1 year shots. This is her first time for the MMR (and from things I have read it can be a dangerous shot)--but 103 axillary seems high for a reaction to the shot. Any help is appreciated, as I am totally perplexed and lost on what to do. I call the nurse all the time for her fevers (per drs orders), but I hate bugging them if it is just a normal reaction. Thanks!

By Amecmom on Thursday, June 10, 2004 - 05:30 pm:

Does not sound normal to me, especially if she has a history. Call the Doc. That's what they're there for.


By Emily7 on Thursday, June 10, 2004 - 05:43 pm:

I agree with Ame, it doesn't sound normal. Did they give you a sheet expaining what to look for as an adverse reaction to the shots?
You can alternate tylenol & motrin, we were told to do this with my ds after his surgeries. Every 4-6 hours give tylenol & every 6-8 hours give the motrin.

By Monicamomof3 on Thursday, June 10, 2004 - 07:00 pm:

Immunizations are a little risky either way you look at it. If you think about it, her body is fighting 3 diseases at once! Then, with all the other chemicals that are in the shot...that doesn't help. I would call the doc! That sounds like a problem they could help you with. You might want to consider not immunizing anymore! Go to 909shot ending with .com! Tell me what you think. Good luck! It's so hard when our babies are sick.

By Dananivyboo1 on Thursday, June 10, 2004 - 07:02 pm:

I had a similar experience and they told us my ds could experience a fever for up to 7 days. He didnt get it till the 3rd day and had it for about 2 days and then went away. That was for the 1st years shot. He never got fevers for any others though. But you can bug the docs/nurses cause you never know!

By Ginny~moderator on Friday, June 11, 2004 - 08:58 am:

A fever of 103 always justifies a call to the doc, even with a history of high fevers of unknown origin (my youngest had that). I would also be concerned, with a low grade temp for a month, about some low grade infection. What has the doc done to check on all this?

By Emdee on Friday, June 11, 2004 - 12:47 pm:

Ginny, the ped has drawn all kinds of blood work to no avail. The only thing he found was an elevated sed rate (which measures inflammation SOMEWHERE) and low iron count, so she is on vitamins with iron. He rechecked the sed rate and it had gone down, so he isn't worried about that anymore. We are still monitoring the low grade fevers--it has been a little over a month now. But now with this fever it is hard to tell what it is. I did call this morning and he said it is probably the shots, but if she is still running over 101 on Monday to bring her in. It is still 103 today, so I am hoping it goes down by then! I have been alternating tylenol and motrin like said and that has helped--her fever broke in the middle of the night only to come back today (but at least it broke). Thanks everyone! I sometimes feel so clueless as a parent, especially since she is sick all the time!!

By Emily7 on Friday, June 11, 2004 - 03:10 pm:

Have you just been seeing her normal ped? Has he suggested you going to a specialist? I would be concerned that she has been running the fevers for so long. I am glad that they did break though.
Every Mom feels cluesless at one point or another, I don't think it matters how many kids you have. When my ds was younger I felt like I lived at the ER. I think I stopped doubting myself when I had to ask them to perform a test because I felt they we wrong. The doctor argued a little, did the test, then aplogized because she was wrong.

By Coopaveryben on Saturday, June 12, 2004 - 08:01 am:

When I was little I had an allergy to one of my shots and I had a high fever for over two weeks. I can't remember what the doctor did, I just know I am not supposed to get the standard "Tetnis" shot anymore.

By Ginny~moderator on Saturday, June 12, 2004 - 08:36 am:

Emdee, when my son had fevers of unknown origin they also ran all sorts of tests on him, and came up with no better diagnosis. I can only tell you that this went on for about 2-3 years, from about age 2 to age 4 or 5, and then stopped. While it happened it was, of course, very frightening, and we had a couple of ER visits with it. It almost got to be a routine - I'd put him at one end of the couch and me at the other so that I'd be close, set the clock to wake up every 90 minutes, and sponge, tepid baths, gingerale, water, aspirin (no Motrin or Advil then, this was the late 60's), and worry, worry, worry - and lose a lot of sleep for 24-48 hours. But he never went over 104 and usually not over 103, and it did stop. Heaven only knows - I don't.

By 2princesses on Saturday, June 12, 2004 - 11:30 am:

Have you tried Feverall suppositories and Advil. Those usually cut the fever quick especially if taken together. If that does not work, then I would definitely call the doctor.

Good luck.

By Mommierenee on Saturday, June 12, 2004 - 12:55 pm:

Wow! That seems like a pretty high fever to attribute to the sots. When my children had their shots, if any fever at all, it was a low one! You should maybe go to the ER? If you have been seeing the same Dr & still don't know what's wrong, you can usually bypass a lot of the red-tape by going straight to the hosp. If you go late at night, or the weekends, when the Dr office is closed, you can be sure the insurance will cover it!

By Insaneusmcwife on Sunday, June 13, 2004 - 12:11 am:

How is your little one now?

By Emily7 on Sunday, June 13, 2004 - 10:06 am:

I was wondering as well!

By Emdee on Friday, June 18, 2004 - 03:11 pm:

well, we have been out of town for about a week now. She is better. Her high fevers went away only to be replaced by fevers ranging from 100-101 and then back down into the 99's, which has become the norm lately. We took her to the dr today. He said it was probalby just the shots, and since he has run the tests and she doesn't have any other sypmtoms to just wait it out. We take her back if the fevers come back. Poor thing--she has lost weight over the last few weeks b/c she won't eat when she has fever. She went at least 5 days without eating much at all, and she is tiny to begin with so we don't want her losing! But I am just glad the high fevers are gone! Thanks everyone.

By Amecmom on Friday, June 18, 2004 - 03:29 pm:

Emdee, I know you are doing all you can for your daughter. It's so hard when they are so little and they spike fevers.
Have you considered getting a second opinion, or going to a specialist as one of the other moms suggested? It might put your mind at ease.
I don't like that she's losing weight. Did the doc have an opinion about that? Did he suggest getting stuff into her to boost her nutrition?
Keep us updated, and please consider a 2nd opinion or a specialist, just to rule out anything this doc may have missed.

By Texannie on Friday, June 18, 2004 - 03:31 pm:

I am with Ame on this. I might get a 2nd opinion too.

By Emily7 on Friday, June 18, 2004 - 03:47 pm:

I also agree, I would see a specialist or get a second opinion.

By Texannie on Friday, June 18, 2004 - 04:00 pm:

FYI..found this. Looks like she is back in the normal range. Maybe now she is turning the corner.

Normal temperature by age (in degrees Fahrenheit):

Children 0-3 months: 99.4
Children 3-6 months: 99.5
Children 6 months to 1 year: 99.7
Children 1 year to 3 years: 99.0
Children 3 years to 5 years: 98.6
Children 5 years to 9 years: 98.3
Children 9 years to 13 years: 98.0
Children 13 year to adult: 97.8 - 99.1

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